Showing posts with label podcast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label podcast. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Christianity and the Rise of Hitler: A Spiritual Warning from History

Unholy Alliance: The Shocking Truth Behind Hitler's Rise in Christian Germany 


Have you ever considered how two powerful symbols—a cross and a swastika—could have ever coexisted? As I reflected on this disturbing historical reality, I felt compelled to share one of history's darkest deceptions with you: how Hitler manipulated an entire nation of believers into supporting his rise to power.

For over a decade, I've dreamed of addressing this topic. Yet every time I've tried to share even the smallest glimpse of this truth—whether a historical photo or factual account—I found myself silenced on social media, with posts banned and marked as offensive. I've literally been thrown into "Facebook jail" for daring to speak these uncomfortable truths.

But now, with a new dawn of free speech upon us, it's time to shed light on the shadows of the past. This isn't just a historical footnote; it's a piercing alarm bell warning us about the ever-present dangers of political opportunism and the paramount importance of developing a discerning faith firmly anchored in God's Word.

Please note: Below you will find the audio podcast version of this blog post in video format.

The Historical Context: A Christian Nation Falls

To understand the magnitude of this spiritual deception, we must first set the scene. Germany during the Weimar era was overwhelmingly Christian—nearly two-thirds of the population identified as Protestant and almost a third as Roman Catholic. The Jewish community, which would become the primary target of Nazi hatred, comprised less than 1% of the population. This demographic reality meant the attitudes and actions of Christian churches held immense power and influence.

The Weimar Republic faced a perfect storm of crises. The economy was in tatters, with hyperinflation wiping out people's savings and unemployment causing widespread suffering. The Treaty of Versailles, which forced Germany to accept blame for World War I, pay massive reparations, and surrender significant territories, festered in the national consciousness as a humiliation. This deep sense of crisis created fertile ground for extreme ideologies promising restoration and glory.

Crucially, significant segments of the Christian population harbored deep reservations about the Weimar Republic itself. Conservative Protestants, traditionally loyal to the Kaiser, viewed the new democratic order with suspicion. The separation of church and state felt like a loss of privilege and influence. Similarly, many Catholics were uneasy with the Republic's more liberal social policies on issues like education and marriage, which clashed with core Catholic beliefs.

This widespread unhappiness and longing for a return to old values and national pride created an opening for the seductive promises of National Socialism.

Hitler's Manipulation of Christians

How did Hitler, a man whose private views were intensely anti-Christian, manage to gain the trust and support of so many believers? The answer lies in a carefully crafted strategy of manipulation and the exploitation of people's deepest fears and frustrations.

Making Germany Great Again

Hitler's primary tactic was appealing to wounded national pride. After Germany's defeat in World War I and the harsh penalties imposed by the Treaty of Versailles, many Christians who were also patriots yearned for restoration. Hitler positioned himself as the strong leader who could resurrect Germany's greatness. Many Christians began to see him almost as a messianic figure who could rescue their nation from humiliation and decline.

The Anti-Communist Shield

The Nazi Party also gained substantial Christian support by presenting itself as the bulwark against communism. During the 1920s and '30s, the specter of communist revolution terrified many Europeans, particularly Christians who feared communism's atheistic and anti-religious stance. Hitler's strong anti-communist rhetoric resonated deeply with believers who saw communism as an existential threat to their faith and way of life. Tragically, their fear of communism led them to embrace something far more evil.

The Deception of "Positive Christianity"

Perhaps the most insidious tactic was the Nazi Party's calculated promotion of "Positive Christianity." This deliberately vague term was a cornerstone of their propaganda aimed at Christians. It was presented as a form of Christianity compatible with Nazi ideology, emphasizing national values and racial purity while downplaying or outright rejecting core Christian doctrines.

For many Christians, hearing the word "Christianity" associated with this powerful new movement provided a false sense of reassurance that their faith was not under threat. They failed to see that this "Positive Christianity" was a hollow shell—a manipulative tool designed to co-opt their faith for political ends. At its core, it stripped away fundamental Christian beliefs, rejecting the Old Testament, denying Jesus's Jewish heritage, and replacing biblical teachings with Nazi racial ideology.

The Rise of the "German Christians" Movement

One of the most alarming aspects of this history was the emergence of the "German Christians" movement within the Protestant Church. This was not a fringe group but a powerful force that actively sought to Nazify Christian faith. Their goal was to create a unified "Reich Church" completely aligned with Nazi principles and Adolf Hitler himself.

Their agenda represented a radical perversion of Christian doctrine. They sought to purge Christianity of what they deemed "Jewish influence," demanding the outright rejection of the Old Testament. They attempted to rewrite the story of Jesus, portraying him not as a Jew, but as an Aryan fighter against Jewish materialism—a blatant rewriting of scripture to fit a racist ideology.

Even more disturbing, the "German Christians" implemented the horrific "Aryan paragraph" within the church, effectively barring Christians of Jewish descent from church membership and ministerial positions. This policy directly violated the fundamental Christian understanding of baptism and the universality of God's love.

In a chilling demonstration of their power, this movement garnered the support of two-thirds of Protestant voters in the national church elections of July 1933. Their leader, Ludwig Müller, a fervent Nazi sympathizer, became the Reich Bishop, giving them control over the direction of the German Protestant Church.

Resistance and Failure

In response to this radical Nazification, a resistance movement emerged within Protestantism: the Confessing Church. Courageous figures like Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Niemöller stood against the tide, affirming the ultimate authority of scripture and the sovereignty of God, refusing to bow to the idol of the Nazi state. The Barmen Declaration of 1934 was their powerful theological statement rejecting Nazi influence on church doctrine.

While the Confessing Church courageously defended its independence from Nazi control, it had serious shortcomings. Its focus was primarily on resisting Nazi control over church matters rather than speaking out against the growing persecution of Jewish people. While they defended baptized Christians of Jewish heritage, they largely remained silent about the wider antisemitic violence and oppression.

Martin Niemöller later admitted he regretted not standing up for Jewish people simply because they were Jewish. Only a few individuals, like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, fully recognized that Nazi beliefs were completely contrary to Christian teachings. Bonhoeffer actively resisted the Nazi regime and ultimately gave his life for his stand.

The Catholic Response

The Catholic Church initially viewed Nazism with greater suspicion. However, the signing of the Reichskonkordat in 1933 marked a turning point. While the Vatican sought to protect the rights and autonomy of the Catholic Church in Germany, this agreement inadvertently weakened organized Catholic political opposition.

Despite the Concordat, the Nazi regime systematically violated its terms, persecuting Catholics, closing organizations, and silencing dissent. Some Catholic leaders did stand against specific Nazi policies—like Bishop Clemens August Graf von Galen of Münster, who spoke out against the Nazi euthanasia programs.

However, the Catholic Church's overall response to the persecution of Jews has faced serious criticism. Many believe the Church prioritized institutional self-preservation over defending basic human rights. This lack of decisive action remains one of the most troubling aspects of this period.

Hitler's True Views on Christianity

To understand the depth of this historical deception, we must confront Hitler's actual beliefs about Christianity. Research clearly shows that in private, Hitler harbored profound hatred and contempt for the Christian faith. He saw it as a weak and sentimental religion, a "Jewish invention" that undermined the strength and purity of the "Aryan race." He viewed Christian ethics of compassion and forgiveness as detrimental to what he considered the natural order of struggle and survival.

His long-term goal was nothing less than the elimination of Christianity in Germany. He envisioned a future where a state-controlled ideology glorifying the "Aryan race" and the Nazi state would replace traditional religious belief. His promotion of "Positive Christianity" was a cynical and calculated deception—a temporary tactic to gain support from the Christian majority.

The Legacy of Christian Antisemitism

We cannot ignore how centuries of Christian antisemitism created fertile ground for Nazi propaganda. For generations, negative stereotypes about Jewish people had been spread through Christian teachings. Martin Luther, the Protestant reformer, wrote harshly antisemitic texts that the Nazis later exploited to justify their actions. In his 1543 work "On the Jews and Their Lies," Luther called for destroying Jewish homes and synagogues.

Although traditional Christian anti-Judaism differed from the Nazis' racial antisemitism, it created a culture where anti-Jewish sentiments were normalized. The Nazis skillfully exploited these prejudices to portray Jews as enemies of both Christ and the German nation. This long history of Christian anti-Judaism made some believers less sensitive to the growing persecution of Jewish people.

The Power of Propaganda

The Nazis were masters of propaganda, skillfully using Christian language, symbols, and even historical figures to further their agenda. They selectively quoted the Bible, reinterpreted Christian teachings to align with their ideology, and even depicted Hitler in ways suggesting divine mandate. The traditional Christian motto "Gott Mit Uns" (God with us) emblazoned on German army uniforms was a blatant attempt to associate the regime and its horrific actions with divine approval.

Lessons for Today's Church

The story of Christianity during Hitler's rise stands as a powerful wake-up call that echoes through time. It shows us how easily faith can be twisted when mixed with politics, how the sweet whispers of national pride can lead us astray, and why we must keep our spiritual eyes wide open.

Where does our deepest loyalty lie? Every day, we face choices between earthly power and heavenly truth. We cannot allow any leader, movement, or cause to come between us and our true calling to love and serve God.

When we look at those dark days, we see how religious words can be weaponized and faith transformed into a tool for power. But we also witness powerful examples of courageous individuals who stood firm, choosing God's truth over human lies. Their courage lights our path forward.

The haunting silence of so many Christians during those terrible times still weighs heavily on our hearts. But this isn't just about the past—it's about today, about you and me. Will we speak up? Will we stand firm? Will we choose love over fear, truth over comfort, justice over silence?

Practical Application for Our Spiritual Journey

Let me leave you with some practical takeaways from today's heavy but important discussion:

  1. Make time for your Bible. When we examined how the "German Christians" went astray, it was because they'd lost touch with core teachings. Keep that foundation strong.

  2. Develop spiritual discernment through prayer. Just as "Positive Christianity" proved to be a hollow counterfeit, good discernment helps you identify spiritual deception.

  3. Always fact-check teachings against Scripture. The Confessing Church got this right—they recognized God's Word as the final authority.

  4. Don't remain silent in the face of injustice. Remember Niemöller's regret? We cannot wait until it's too late to speak up.

  5. Be vigilant when patriotism mixes with faith. Hitler masterfully played on national pride, making seductive promises about restoring greatness.

  6. Maintain critical thinking, even regarding religious leaders. The Reich Church demonstrated that even church leaders can lose their way.

Let me leave you with this final thought: our ultimate loyalty belongs to God alone—not to any earthly leader or movement. Authentic faith is grounded in God's truth and calls us to love everyone without exception.

If today's message has stirred something in your heart, I invite you to share this message of hope and vigilance with others. Together, we can ensure these crucial lessons reach those who need to hear them. I encourage you to visit my blog at, where I focus primarily on deepening our spiritual journey but occasionally explore challenging historical topics like this one because understanding our past helps us protect our future and strengthen our faith.

I've included some excellent resources in the blog notes, including the film "Sophie Scholl: The Final Days," which portrays a Christian resistance movement during Nazi Germany, and the audiobook "Hitler's Last Days: The Death of a Nazi Regime."

Thanks for being part of this journey. Until next time, dig deeper and go higher.

— Conrad

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Tucker Carlson's Demonic Night Terror: A Biblical Perspective on Spiritual Warfare

Tucker Carlson's Night Terror: A Biblical Analysis of Demonic Attacks

Hey there, fellow seekers of truth! It's Conrad from ConradRocks.Net, and today we're diving into a topic that's been making waves in the mainstream media - Tucker Carlson's encounter with a demonic night terror. As someone who's experienced and studied supernatural phenomena for years, I'm here to shed some light on this eye-opening event and offer a biblical perspective on spiritual warfare.

The Shocking Revelation: Tucker Carlson's Demonic Encounter

When I first heard about Tucker Carlson's interview regarding his demonic night terror experience, I was both intrigued and concerned. It's not every day that a prominent public figure openly discusses such a deeply personal and supernatural encounter. Let's break down what happened and why it matters.

Tucker described waking up in the middle of the night, unable to breathe and feeling like he was being suffocated. When he finally managed to turn on the lights, he discovered claw marks on his body - physical evidence of a spiritual attack. This, my friends, is a classic case of a demonic night terror, distinct from the more common sleep paralysis.

What's particularly striking about Tucker's experience is that his wife and dogs, who were in the bed with him, didn't wake up during the attack. This phenomenon of others remaining asleep during supernatural encounters is something I've observed in many cases, and it raises questions about how the enemy operates during these attacks.

Demonic Night Terrors vs. Sleep Paralysis: Understanding the Difference

As someone who's dealt with demonic attacks and helps others overcome them, I can tell you that there's a crucial difference between demonic night terrors and sleep paralysis. While sleep paralysis is a physiological phenomenon that affects about 8% of the population, demonic night terrors are spiritual attacks that often leave physical marks - just like in Tucker's case.

Sleep paralysis typically involves:

Temporary inability to move or speak

Feeling of pressure on the chest

Hallucinations or sensing a presence in the room

Demonic night terrors, on the other hand, can include:

Physical marks or injuries

Intense feelings of evil or oppression

Supernatural phenomena (like objects moving)

A clear sense of a malevolent presence

In my book, "Overcoming Night Terror: Making the Demons Leave," I dive deep into these differences and provide biblical strategies for protection and deliverance. It's essential to understand that these attacks are real and can happen to anyone, regardless of their fame or status.

Historical Context of Demonic Attacks

Tucker's experience isn't an isolated incident. Throughout history, there have been documented cases of similar supernatural attacks. Let me share a few notable examples:

Clarita Villa Nueva (1953): This 17-year-old girl in Manila experienced terrifying demonic attacks that left physical bite marks on her body. These marks were witnessed by medical specialists and even the mayor of Manila.

Doris Bither Case (1974): This case, which inspired the movie "The Entity," involved a woman who experienced physical attacks, including bruises and scratches. Researchers even witnessed her levitate during poltergeist activity.

Roland Doe Case (1940s): This is the case that inspired "The Exorcist." The young boy experienced various supernatural phenomena, including levitation and physical marks on his body.

These historical cases remind us that what Tucker experienced is part of a long-standing spiritual battle that has been going on for centuries.

Biblical Insights on Spiritual Warfare

Now, let's look at what the Bible says about these kinds of attacks and how we can protect ourselves:

Psalm 91:5 assures us, "You will not fear the terror of night." This verse directly addresses the issue of night terrors and promises God's protection.

James 4:7-8 instructs us to "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." This is a powerful strategy for dealing with demonic attacks.

Ephesians 6:10-18 talks about putting on the full armor of God to stand against the schemes of the devil. This passage gives us a detailed breakdown of our spiritual armor:

Belt of truth

Breastplate of righteousness

Feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace

Shield of faith

Helmet of salvation

Sword of the Spirit (which is the Word of God)

1 Peter 5:8-9 warns us to "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith."

These scriptures remind us that we're not powerless against spiritual attacks. As believers, we have the authority of Jesus Christ to command these entities to leave.

Personal Reflections: My Journey with Demonic Attacks

I remember when I first started experiencing demonic attacks. Like Tucker, I was confused and terrified. I didn't have the biblical knowledge or spiritual maturity to understand what was happening. This led me to explore New Age practices, searching for answers in all the wrong places.

It wasn't until I had a powerful encounter with Jesus in 1995 that things changed. God gave me an intense desire to read the Bible, and as I immersed myself in His Word, I found the answers and protection I'd been seeking all along.

My experiences taught me several crucial lessons:

The importance of biblical literacy in spiritual warfare

The power of the name of Jesus in confronting demonic forces

The necessity of a personal relationship with Christ for true protection

The role of community in overcoming spiritual attacks

These lessons have shaped my ministry and my approach to helping others who face similar struggles.

The Church's Role in Spiritual Warfare

One thing that struck me about Tucker's story was his distrust of Christian pastors and his desire to read the Bible for himself. This highlights a significant issue in many churches today - a lack of biblical literacy when it comes to spiritual warfare.

As a body of believers, we need to reclaim the power and authority that Jesus gave us. The early church, as described in the book of Acts, was full of supernatural manifestations. We need to return to that level of faith and expectancy, equipping believers to stand firm against spiritual attacks.

Here are some ways the church can step up:

Provide solid biblical teaching on spiritual warfare

Create safe spaces for people to share their supernatural experiences

Offer prayer and deliverance ministries

Encourage personal Bible study and application

Foster a culture of spiritual growth and maturity

Practical Steps for Overcoming Demonic Night Terrors

If you're struggling with demonic night terrors, here are some practical steps you can take:

Immerse yourself in God's Word. Like Tucker, develop a hunger for the Bible. 

Pray for protection, using scriptures like Psalm 91. Personalize these verses and declare them over your life and home.

Exercise your authority in Christ. Command the demons to leave in Jesus' name. Remember, they must obey the name of Jesus when spoken with faith and authority.

Seek support from mature believers who understand spiritual warfare. Don't try to fight this battle alone.

Cleanse your home and life of any objects or practices that might be giving the enemy a foothold. This could include occult items, certain types of music, or unhealthy relationships.

Develop a consistent prayer and worship routine. Creating an atmosphere of praise can be a powerful deterrent to demonic activity.

Consider reading resources like my books "Open Your Eyes: My Supernatural Journey" and "Overcoming Night Terror: Making the Demons Leave" for more in-depth strategies.

If the attacks persist, consider seeking help from a deliverance ministry or a pastor experienced in spiritual warfare.

The Bigger Picture: What Tucker's Experience Teaches Us

Tucker Carlson's experience brings the reality of spiritual warfare into the mainstream conversation. It's a wake-up call for the church and an opportunity for believers to step up and offer biblical solutions to those experiencing similar attacks.

Moreover, it reminds us that God can use even negative experiences to draw people closer to Him. Tucker's encounter led him to read the Bible intensively for a year and a half, transforming his spiritual life. This aligns with Romans 8:28, which tells us that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him.

The Importance of Discernment

While it's crucial to take spiritual warfare seriously, it's equally important to exercise discernment. Not every strange experience is a demonic attack, and not every problem has a spiritual root. We need to balance our awareness of the supernatural with wisdom and sound judgment.

Here are some tips for developing spiritual discernment:

Study the Bible regularly to understand God's character and ways

Pray for wisdom and discernment (James 1:5)

Seek counsel from mature believers

Test everything against Scripture (1 Thessalonians 5:21)

Be aware of your own biases and preconceptions

The Power of Testimony

Tucker Carlson's willingness to share his experience publicly is a powerful reminder of the impact of personal testimony. In Revelation 12:11, we're told that believers overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.

By sharing our experiences with demonic attacks and how God delivered us, we can:

Encourage others who may be suffering in silence

Bring awareness to the reality of spiritual warfare

Point people towards the power and protection found in Christ

Break the stigma surrounding supernatural experiences in the church

Standing Firm in Spiritual Battles

As we wrap up, remember that demonic night terrors, while terrifying, are not insurmountable. With the power of God's Word and the authority we have in Christ, we can overcome these attacks and help others do the same.

If Tucker Carlson's story resonates with you, or if you've had similar experiences, I encourage you to dive deeper into God's Word and seek His protection. Don't let fear paralyze you - instead, let it propel you towards a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Remember these key points:

Demonic attacks are real, but so is God's protection

The Bible is our ultimate guide for understanding and overcoming spiritual warfare

We have authority in Christ to resist the enemy

Personal testimony is a powerful tool in helping others and glorifying God

The church needs to reclaim its role in equipping believers for spiritual battles

Final Thoughts

As we navigate this complex spiritual landscape, let's remain grounded in God's Word and open to His supernatural power. Whether you're a skeptic, a curious seeker, or someone who has experienced demonic attacks firsthand, I encourage you to approach this topic with an open mind and a seeking heart.

Tucker Carlson's experience has opened up a crucial conversation about the reality of spiritual warfare in our modern world. Let's use this opportunity to deepen our understanding, strengthen our faith, and reach out to those who may be struggling with similar experiences.

Please share this post to spread awareness about spiritual warfare and offer hope to those who might be suffering in silence.

Check out my books "Open Your Eyes: My Supernatural Journey" and "Overcoming Night Terror: Making the Demons Leave" for more insights and strategies.

Leave a comment below sharing your thoughts or experiences. Let's create a community of support and prayer for those facing spiritual battles.

If you're struggling with demonic attacks, reach out for help. You're not alone in this fight.

Consider starting a Bible study or prayer group focused on spiritual warfare in your local community.

Remember, you're not alone in this fight. Together, with Jesus on our side, we can overcome any demonic attack and walk in the freedom and power that God intends for us. Stay strong, stay in the Word, and keep seeking the supernatural presence of God in your life!

May the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). God bless you all, and stay supernaturally empowered!

Saturday, October 19, 2024

The Demon Slayer: John Wesley's Hidden Spiritual Battles

John Wesley and the Hidden History of Spiritual Warfare 

John Wesley, a key figure who helped start Methodism, is well-known for his powerful preaching and strong organizational skills. However, there's a lesser-known part of his life involving his intense fights against demonic forces. In the 18th century, when spiritual battles were an important topic in religious discussions, these hidden struggles show a different side of Wesley that challenges both past views and today's understanding. 

Wesley's journey into the realm of spiritual warfare began early in his ministry. He claimed encounters with otherworldly entities that defied conventional wisdom of his time. "I felt what I could not describe," he once wrote, hinting at experiences that would profoundly shape his doctrine on evil and salvation. These occurrences during his itinerant mission work highlight how notions of confronting dark powers permeated religious thought in an era marked by Enlightenment rationality and deepening Christian mysticism.

As we delve deeper into Wesley's intriguing confrontations with unseen realms, this exploration will shed light on the turbulent intersection between faith and fear during one of Christianity’s most transformative periods. Through historical accounts, personal testimonies, and theological reflections, we aim to uncover Wesley's role as a demon slayer—a title that resonates through centuries yet is seldom brought to light in discussion about this towering spiritual leader.

Wesley's Early Encounters with Evil

John Wesley's awareness of demonic forces was not an immediate revelation but evolved through a series of early experiences that left a lasting impression on him. During his time at Oxford, Wesley began meeting with the Holy Club, where he first encountered discussions about the supernatural and the reality of evil forces. This time is often regarded as crucial in sparking his interest and eventual conviction regarding spiritual warfare. Additionally, Wesley's mission to Georgia in 1735 exposed him to significant religious and cultural beliefs surrounding witchcraft and evil spirits prevalent among both settlers and Native American tribes.

Such encounters were instrumental in shaping Wesley’s theological views on evil and deliverance. He became increasingly aware of what he believed to be the tangible presence of demonic entities, leading him to explore biblical passages more intensely for evidence of such phenomena. His studies fostered a view that emphasized divine intervention against evil, positioning deliverance as an integral part of godly living. As a result, Wesley maintained that Christians should not only recognize spiritual battles but actively fight them armed with faith and prayer.

Wesley's changing views began to influence his sermons and writings, as he moved from traditional Anglican beliefs towards promoting personal holiness and spiritual awareness. These early experiences shaped the key aspects of Methodism, like sincere faith and a practical devotion that involved always staying connected with God to avoid evil. By weaving these ideas into his ministry, Wesley was gearing up for the bigger spiritual challenges he felt were coming in his mission work. 

Historical Accounts of Spiritual Battles

Throughout his extensive ministry, John Wesley confronted numerous accounts of demonic possession that both captivated and unnerved his 18th-century audiences. These documented encounters were meticulously recorded in his journals and letters, offering intriguing insights into the spiritual battles he engaged in. One particular incident detailed a young woman plagued by what was described as an evil spirit; she experienced violent fits and voices speaking through her. Wesley’s reputed ability to expel these demons through prayer not only highlighted his fervent belief in spiritual warfare but also drew significant attention from those both within and outside Christian circles.

Historians are still exploring how reliable witness accounts are about Wesley's spiritual battles. Many reports came from people caught up in the excitement of the Methodist revival, which might have colored their views with strong emotions or biases. However, evidence from several sources supports some events, indicating that while there may be exaggerations, there's some truth behind them. The tricky part is separating fact from fiction, especially since the time period loved sensational stories. 

These accounts considerably shaped public perception of John Wesley. To many believers, he emerged as a formidable figure in combating unseen evils, reinforcing his authority and mystique as a religious leader devoted to direct divine intervention. However, this notoriety also provoked skepticism among secular thinkers and conventional clergymen who questioned the legitimacy of such claims. While some viewed him with suspicion or dismissed him outright as fantasy-driven, others found inspiration—and perhaps validation—in his uncompromising stance against malevolent forces, sparking wider debate about the invisible battles waged between good and evil in everyday life.

Theological Implications

John Wesley's encounters with what he perceived as demonic forces significantly shaped his theological framework. Unlike many of his contemporaries, Wesley believed that spiritual warfare was not only a biblical reality but a present-day occurrence. This belief emerged from numerous experiences where he claimed to have witnessed evil spirits manifesting and disrupting lives. These episodes affirmed for him the vital importance of addressing the presence of evil both in personal faith journeys and within the church community.

Comparatively, during Wesley's era, many theologians approached the concept of demonic possession with skepticism or regarded it as outdated superstition. However, Wesley upheld these events through scriptural interpretations such as Ephesians 6:12, which speaks of wrestling against spiritual wickedness in high places. His insistence on engaging directly with spiritual adversities set a contrasting stance against more allegorical interpretations common among Enlightenment thinkers of his time. Yet, this delineation between tangible manifestations and symbolic meanings provides an insight into how doctrines surrounding evil evolved throughout Christian dogma.

In modern Christianity, Wesley's legacy continues to influence those who advocate for deliverance ministries and emphasize vigilance against spiritual attacks. While some branches of Christianity view demonology through a metaphorical lens or ignore them altogether, others draw upon historical precedents like Wesley's experiences to justify hands-on approaches to exorcism and healing through prayer. Consequently, theological debates sparked by Wesley’s positions endure today—highlighting tensions between empirical rationalism versus faith-based action in addressing unseen challenges facing believers worldwide.

Personal Testimonies from Wesley's Followers

John Wesley's ministry was marked by numerous testimonies from followers who claimed to have experienced or witnessed deliverance under his guidance. One account, recounted by a member of his congregation, spoke of a woman reportedly possessed and tormented by evil spirits. During one of Wesley's fervent prayer sessions, she allegedly felt the malevolent presence flee as he commanded it to leave in the name of God. Such instances were not isolated; many followers documented similar experiences that contributed significantly to the burgeoning Methodist movement. These narratives fortified community faith, drawing more individuals into their folds, eager for spiritual liberation and divine encounters.

The ripple effect of these testimonies was profound on church growth and community cohesion. They spread like wildfire, reaching ears far beyond those present at the events themselves. Congregants often shared these accounts with neighbors and friends, who were intrigued by tales of supernatural battles won through faith and prayer. The credibility lent by firsthand witnesses made such stories powerful evangelistic tools, not only amplifying church attendance but also leading to conversions among skeptics seeking answers or relief from their own spiritual turmoils.

Wesley’s Methods in Spiritual Warfare

Wesley's approach to spiritual warfare was both methodical and deeply rooted in his theological understanding of scripture. He relied heavily on prayer as a central tactic in confronting demonic forces, believing that persistent supplication could drive out malevolent entities. In addition to prayer, he employed scriptural declarations—reciting verses that asserted Christ's authority over evil—as weapons against oppressive spirits. His emphasis on invoking Jesus’ name reflects biblical precedents found in passages recounting miracles performed by early Christians.

Critics challenged Wesley’s methods as excessive or unsubstantiated during his lifetime; however, he remained steadfast in appropriating biblical tenets for these situations. While some contemporaries viewed his actions with skepticism or dismissed them as hysteria-induced phenomena, others noted measurable outcomes: lives transformed and communities spiritually awakened through what appeared as effective interventions. Such results offered tangible evidence supporting Wesley’s convictions despite criticisms—a testament that endured within Methodism long after his passing.

Controversy and Criticism

John Wesley's focus on spiritual battles stirred up controversy. Many in the Church of England were uneasy with his emphasis on demons and deliverance, seeing it as superstitious. They doubted his approach, saying it distracted from traditional roles like preaching and pastoral care. Critics claimed Wesley was sensationalizing events, using his stories of battling evil spirits more to grip audiences than to truly encourage spiritual development. 

Secular commentators, too, were skeptical of Wesley's encounters with the demonic realm. In an Enlightenment era increasingly dominated by reason and scientific thought, many found it difficult to accept claims of supernatural engagement without tangible proof. Some viewed Wesley’s emphasis on unseen battles against evil as emblematic of religious fanaticism rather than grounded doctrine. His reports provoked debates within public spheres about the nature of belief and its place in rational society—a discourse that sometimes painted Wesley's ministry as outdated or irrational.

Despite the criticism, these controversies helped strengthen Wesley's legacy as a devoted advocate for spiritual awareness. Some were skeptical of his methods, but many admired his firm resolve to tackle evil directly. This split solidified his status as both a key figure in Methodism and a contentious voice in religious discussions. Over time, the debates he sparked about spiritual battles have highlighted important issues about faith that continue to echo in today's Christian conversations. 

Legacy and Influence Today

John Wesley's pioneering approach to spiritual warfare laid the groundwork for contemporary ministries that focus on deliverance from demonic influences. His reliance on prayer, scripture, and faith as weapons against evil spirits continues to inspire many Christian leaders today. Modern movements such as the Pentecostal and Charismatic branches have embraced this aspect of Wesley's theology, often incorporating similar practices in their own deliverance sessions. These ministries cite Wesley's methods as foundational, emphasizing personal encounters with the Holy Spirit and advocating a proactive stance against dark forces.

Within the Methodist tradition, Wesley’s emphasis on holiness and his pragmatic approach to confronting evil has left an enduring mark. Many Methodist congregations today still practice prayers for deliverance, aligning with Wesleyan ideals of seeking spiritual purity and protection. This commitment is reflected in their broader missions focused on social justice and personal sanctification—a testament to how deeply embedded these principles are within their ecclesiastical framework.

Beyond Methodism, Wesley’s influence extends into wider Christian circles where his teachings have been integrated into theological education and pastoral training programs. Institutions across denominations examine his recorded experiences as case studies in addressing spiritual conflict. Church leaders often draw parallels between modern challenges faced by believers and those chronicled by Wesley, using them as educational tools for equipping faith communities with strategies for battling spiritual adversities effectively.

His legacy also prompts ongoing dialogue regarding the nature of evil and its manifestation in contemporary life—a discussion that resonates today more than ever amidst global unrest and moral ambiguities. John Wesley’s dedication to combating demons transcends time; it serves both as a historical beacon for scholars dissecting religious narratives around good versus evil and a practical guidepost for today’s faith-driven warriors navigating their own unseen battles.

Unveiling Wesley's Spiritual Legacy

John Wesley, long regarded as a central figure in the Methodist movement, also carved a niche as a demon slayer through his ministry of spiritual warfare. His early encounters with evil shaped his theological stance on demonic possession and deliverance, reinforcing his belief in the tangible presence of spiritual battles. Historical accounts document numerous instances where Wesley confronted demonic forces, leaving an indelible mark on public perception and solidifying his reputation among followers who experienced profound deliverances.

The enduring significance of Wesley's covert battle against evil continues to intrigue historians, theologians, and believers alike. By challenging the norms of his time and embracing the complexities of spiritual warfare, he laid a foundation for modern ministries focused on deliverance within various Christian denominations. Today, John Wesley's legacy invites ongoing reflection on the nature of evil and the power of faith—a testament to his multifaceted impact that resonates through centuries.

Some resources for further reading are: 

1. The Theology of John Wesley: Holy Love and the Shape of Grace by Kenneth J. Collins - This book delves into the theological underpinnings of Wesley’s thoughts, exploring his understanding of grace and holiness in relation to spiritual warfare.

2. John Wesley: A Biography* by Stephen Tomkins - A comprehensive biography that traces the life and ministry of John Wesley, providing insights into his personal struggles with evil and how it shaped his mission.

3. Wesley on Salvation: A Study in the Standard Sermons by Kenneth Mankerly - This resource examines key sermons where Wesley addressed issues related to salvation, sin, and spiritual deliverance.

4. Spiritual Warfare in a Believer's Life by Charles Haddon Spurgeon (edited by Robert Hall) – Although not focused on Wesley himself, this book provides context for understanding spiritual warfare within Christian faith traditions closely aligned with early Methodist teachings.

5. Articles from The Journal for the Renewal of Religion Studies which regularly feature academic discussions surrounding historical figures like John Wesley and their contributions to concepts such as deliverance.

These sources will offer a broader understanding not only of John Wesley's contributions but also how they continue to influence modern religious practice regarding evil and deliverance today. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Exploring the Four Main Sources of Spiritual Information

Beyond the Veil: Understanding Spiritual Information and Its Sources

Today, we're diving into a topic that could transform your spiritual journey—the four main sources of information in the spirit realm.


Have you ever wondered where the insights you receive during prayer or meditation come from? As someone who has been born again since 1995 and spent countless hours praying for others and myself, I've learned the importance of discernment. Understanding the source of spiritual information is crucial, whether it’s God, demons, our own hearts, or projections from others. Let’s explore these sources together.

The Main Sources of Spiritual Information

Demons: The Deceptive Enemy

Demons are real, and their main goal is to mislead and draw us away from the truth. They often present false information to waste our time and thwart the gospel. In Deuteronomy 5:09, we learn about the generational curses that demons carry out. These familiar spirits know our family history well, which is why they can be so deceptive.

In my book, "Open Your Eyes: My Supernatural Journey," I recount an experience where I cast out a demon that manifested as a black cloud. This was a powerful reminder of Jesus’ words in Mark 16:17, where believers are empowered to cast out demons. Developing discernment over time is key to recognizing when we are dealing with these spiritual entities.

Our Own Deceitful Hearts

Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that "the heart is deceitful above all things." Our subconscious mind can project thoughts that seem spiritual but aren't divinely inspired. Imagine your mind as a ship's captain and your heart as the crew. If the crew doesn’t align with the captain’s orders, chaos ensues. Similarly, if our hearts aren’t aligned with God, we become double-minded and unstable in our spiritual pursuits.

Praying consistently and purifying our hearts, as James 4:8 suggests, helps us discern whether our insights are internal or divinely inspired. I've explored this in depth in my podcast, "Communing with Our Hearts: Real Positive Life Change."

Projections from Others

We are always projecting something in the spirit, consciously or unconsciously. Consider it similar to how we can sometimes sense when someone is looking at us from across a room even without seeing them directly. This intuitive sense can also be likened to the way our prayers are deposited into the spirit realm, as seen in Revelation 5:8 and 8:4, where the prayers of the saints are described as rising like incense before God.

A personal experience I had involved perceiving a woman’s prayer for a specific house while at a restaurant. This highlighted how we can pick up on spiritual projections from others, which can be used for spirit-led evangelism.

God: The Ultimate Source

The ideal source of spiritual information is God Himself. He can communicate through internal voices, visions, and even dreams, as we see throughout Scripture. When God reveals information, it’s often a significant event that demands action, like in Acts 13 or Acts 16.

I recall attending a prophetic conference where God’s voice was so loud internally that it drowned out everything else. These experiences have taught me that God’s voice can be as powerful as many waters (Revelation 14:2) or as gentle as a still small voice (1 Kings 19:12).

Developing Discernment

To better navigate these sources, we must:

Read the Bible Daily: Familiarize yourself with God's word, which is a discerner of thoughts and intentions (Hebrews 4:12).

Develop a Consistent Prayer Life: Engage fully in prayer, listening for God’s voice.

Keep a Spiritual Journal: Document your spiritual experiences to track your growth in discernment.

Seek Godly Mentorship: Find a mature believer to guide you and provide accountability.

Discerning the source of spiritual information enriches our prayer life and spirit-led evangelism. By understanding these four sources, we align ourselves more closely with God’s truth. Practice patience, seek counsel, and may your journey be marked by wisdom and a deeper connection with God.

Thank you for being a part of my life and supporting what we are doing with the "Coffee with Conrad" Podcast.  My passion is for you to develop a spiritual relationship with the biblical Jesus. 

Let me know what you think!  

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Unlocking Spiritual Prayer: The Power of Praying with Closed Eyes

How Closing Your Eyes Can Transform Your Prayer Life

Hey there, fellow seekers of the spirit! It's Conrad here, coming at you with some rock-solid revelation about prayer that's going to transform your spiritual life. Today, we're diving deep into a practice that's so common, yet so misunderstood: praying with our eyes closed. 

Introduction: Seeing Beyond the Physical

You know, it's funny how something as simple as closing our eyes during prayer can be such a game-changer in our spiritual walk. But let me tell you, there's more to this practice than meets the eye (pun intended!). 

As someone who's passionate about helping others develop a deeper relationship with the biblical Jesus, I've discovered that closing our eyes in prayer isn't just about blocking out distractions. It's about opening up a whole new realm of spiritual vision.

 The Spiritual Significance of Closed-Eye Prayer

Now, you might be wondering, "Conrad, what's the big deal about closing my eyes when I pray?" Well, let me share something that might blow your mind: I believe that when we close our eyes, we're actually attempting to enter the spirit realm. 

Think about it this way: our physical eyes are incredible tools for navigating the natural world, but they can also limit our perception of the spiritual. When we shut them during prayer, we're symbolically closing the door to the physical world and opening ourselves up to see what God has for us in the spirit.

 My Personal Practice: Hands Over Eyes

Here's a little insider tip from my own prayer life: I often pray with my hands covering my eyes. In fact, if you've seen the cover of my book "Open Your Eyes: My Supernatural Journey," you'll notice a guy doing just that. This practice helps me block out even more of the physical world, making it easier to perceive what's bleeding in from the spirit realm.

Biblical Foundations for Watchful Prayer

Now, you might be thinking, "But Conrad, does the Bible actually support this idea of 'seeing' in prayer?" Great question! While the Bible doesn't explicitly command us to close our eyes when we pray, there are several passages that talk about being "watchful" in prayer. 

Let's look at a few key verses:

1. Colossians 4:2 (KJV): "Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving."

2. Ephesians 6:18 (KJV): "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints."

3. Mark 13:33 (KJV): "Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is."

I believe these verses are telling us to watch in the spirit realm while we pray. It's like we're closing our physical eyes to open our spiritual eyes. This is why I often see faces or symbols pop up during prayer – it's a manifestation of that spiritual watching!

The Historical and Theological Context

Now, let's take a quick journey through history to see how this practice developed. Early Christians, coming out of Judaism, adopted various prayer postures like bowing, kneeling, or standing with raised hands. Over time, Christians began to develop more introspective approaches to prayer, which likely included closing their eyes to focus inwardly on God.

During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, monastic traditions emphasized internal contemplation and mental stillness during prayer. Practices like lectio divina (meditative scripture reading) often involved closing one's eyes for deeper concentration on God's Word.

Theologians like Richard Foster suggest that physical postures, including closing our eyes, can prime our spirits for worship and communication with God. It's like creating an inner sanctuary where our thoughts and emotions can be fully directed towards the Divine.

The Science Behind Closed-Eye Prayer

Now, I know some of you might be more analytically minded, so let's talk a bit about the science behind this practice. Studies have shown that when we close our eyes, there's increased activation in the areas of our brain associated with introspection and self-awareness. 

Neuroscientists at Duke University found that closing our eyes during prayer or meditation can actually decrease activity in the part of our brain that processes fear and anxiety. This leads to more balanced emotions and a greater sense of well-being. Pretty cool, right?

Practical Tips for Enhancing Your Prayer Life

Alright, now that we've covered the why, let's talk about the how. Here are some practical tips to help you deepen your prayer life and enhance your spiritual vision:

1. Create a prayer sanctuary: Set aside a specific area in your home or find a quiet spot in nature where you can pray without distractions.

2. Experiment with different postures: Try kneeling, standing with raised hands, or sitting quietly with your eyes closed. See which position helps you connect best with God.

3. Practice being watchful: When you close your eyes to pray, remain spiritually alert. Pay attention to any impressions, symbols, or faces that come to mind.

4. Incorporate moments of solitude: Throughout your day, find quiet moments for spiritual reflection and prayer, just as Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray.

5. Develop a consistent prayer routine: Establish regular times for prayer to deepen your spiritual connection over time.

6. Reflect on your spiritual vision: If God shows you something during prayer, consider how you might act on it, just as we see examples of in Acts 13 and 16.

7. Study further: Dive deeper into prayer practices by reading books like "The Interior Castle" by Saint Teresa of Avila or "Before Amen: The Power of Simple Prayer" by Max Lucado.

Conclusion: Opening Your Spiritual Eyes

As we wrap up, I want to challenge you to think about this: Are there aspects of your life where your spiritual eyes might be closed? How could opening your spiritual vision transform your experiences and interactions with God and others?

Remember, just as Adam and Eve operated fully in the spiritual realm before their physical eyes were opened, we too can tap into a deeper level of spiritual awareness through closed-eye prayer. It's about seeing beyond what's visible and connecting with the unseen reality of God's presence.

So, the next time you close your eyes to pray, don't just think of it as shutting out the world. Instead, see it as opening a window to the spirit realm, where God is waiting to show you incredible things.

Keep seeking, keep watching, and keep praying with those spiritual eyes wide open!

Follow me for more insights on deepening your spiritual walk and experiencing the supernatural power of God in your life.

Here are some books mentioned in the podcast for further study:

Theologian Richard Foster Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home

Thomas Merton Contemplative Prayer
St. Teresa of Avila The Interior Castle
Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Max Lucado Before Amen: The Power of Simple Prayer
Andrew Murray The Believer's Prayer Life

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Demonic Levitation: Let's talk BIBLE! (and some history)

Supernatural Levitation - bible & history

Today, I’m diving into an extraordinary event from my life—a moment when I woke up on the ceiling. Yes, you read that right! This surreal experience is one of many that I discuss in my book, "Open Your Eyes: My Supernatural Journey." As a firm believer in having a spiritual relationship with the Biblical Jesus, I aim to help you understand the spiritual forces at play in our lives. Together, let's explore this mysterious realm through biblical teachings, historical accounts, and personal reflections.

Understanding Spiritual Forces

The supernatural encounter of waking up on the ceiling was undoubtedly a demonic event, one that God allowed for a greater purpose. Much like how the Lord allowed the devil to torment Job and sift Peter like wheat, nothing happens without His knowledge. This experience pushed me to seek biblical context and understanding of spiritual forces that can move physical bodies.

Biblical References: Spiritual Movement in Scripture

In the rich tapestry of biblical narratives, we find instances where spiritual forces have moved physical bodies, acting as divine or demonic interventions. These events, recorded in Scripture, offer profound insights into the mysterious workings of the spiritual realm.

Jesus on the Pinnacle

One of the most striking examples of spiritual movement is found in the temptation of Jesus, as written in Matthew 4. In this account, the devil takes Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple. This isn't merely a symbolic journey; the devil physically transported Jesus to a high place to tempt Him. This act serves as a reminder of the devil's power and the tests that Jesus underwent to fulfill His mission.

Matthew 4:5-8 (KJV) states: "Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple..." This passage underscores the reality of spiritual forces interacting with the physical world. While the devil's intentions were to lead Jesus into temptation, the narrative reveals Jesus’ steadfast faith and adherence to God’s word, refusing to be swayed by the devil’s manipulations.

Philip Being Transported

Another remarkable instance is the transportation of Philip, one of the early church's deacons, as described in Acts 8. After baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch, Philip is suddenly caught away by the Spirit of the Lord and found in Azotus. This divine transportation serves as a powerful testament to the Spirit's ability to move believers according to God's purpose.

Acts 8:39-40 (KJV) captures this moment: "And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more..." This passage illustrates God's miraculous power and His control over His creation, guiding His servants to fulfill divine missions.

Elijah in the Whirlwind

The story of Elijah's ascent into heaven is another compelling example of spiritual movement. In 2 Kings 2, Elijah is taken up by a whirlwind, a divine act witnessed by his disciple Elisha. This event marks Elijah's departure from the earthly realm, signifying God's power over life and death.

2 Kings 2:11 (KJV) narrates: "And Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven." This passage highlights the divine nature of Elijah's journey, underlining the significance of God's intervention and the fulfillment of His prophetic promises.

Jesus Walks on Water

Perhaps one of the most awe-inspiring examples of spiritual power is Jesus walking on water. Recorded in Matthew 14, this miracle displays Jesus' authority over the natural elements, affirming His divine identity. Unlike the other examples, It appears that Jesus initiates this miracle Himself, showcasing His mastery over creation. 

Matthew 14:25 (KJV) states: "And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea." This passage invites believers to reflect on their faith and the possibilities of divine intervention in their own lives. It challenges us to consider the depth of our belief and the potential for miracles through faith in Jesus.

These biblical accounts offer a glimpse into the dynamic interplay between the physical and spiritual realms. They encourage us to explore the depths of our faith and the transformative power of God’s Spirit.

Historical Accounts of Levitation

Beyond the biblical narratives, history is replete with accounts of levitation attributed to spiritual forces. While these events remain largely anecdotal and elusive in scientific terms, they provide fascinating insights into the supernatural experiences reported throughout the ages.

Daniel Dunglas Home

Daniel Dunglas Home, a 19th-century medium, was renowned for his alleged ability to levitate. His séances attracted notable figures, who claimed to witness his levitations firsthand. One of the most famous incidents occurred in 1868, when Home was said to have floated out of a third-story window and re-entered through another. This event, witnessed by three people, highlights the enigmatic nature of spiritual phenomena and the potential influence of demonic forces.

Saint Teresa of Ávila

Saint Teresa of Ávila, a revered figure in Catholicism, experienced levitation during mystical raptures. Her autobiography details these occurrences, which were witnessed by fellow nuns. Teresa's levitations, often occurring during deep states of prayer, raise intriguing questions about the interplay between intense spiritual devotion and supernatural experiences.

The Smurl Haunting

The Smurl Haunting, a case of paranormal activity in Pennsylvania, involved the levitation of family members. Investigated by renowned paranormal experts Ed and Lorraine Warren, the case gained widespread media attention. The events, including physical assaults and levitations, underscore the potential influence of malevolent spiritual forces in the physical world.

The Case of Clara Germana Cele

Clara Germana Cele, a young South African girl, exhibited extraordinary phenomena during a period of alleged demonic possession. Witnesses reported her levitation, alongside other supernatural abilities, during her exorcism. This case highlights the intense spiritual warfare that can manifest in physical ways, challenging our understanding of the spiritual realm.

Robbie Mannheim

The story of Robbie Mannheim, the inspiration for "The Exorcist," provides a chilling account of levitation during exorcism. Witnesses, including priests, reported seeing Robbie levitate and objects move around him. This dramatic case illustrates the severity of spiritual battles and the power of faith in overcoming such trials.

These historical accounts, while varied, offer a window into the complex and often mysterious interactions between the spiritual and physical worlds. They invite us to consider the reality of spiritual warfare and the need for discernment and faith in navigating these experiences.

Conclusion and Call to Action

By exploring these biblical and historical accounts, we gain a deeper understanding of the spiritual forces that influence our world. As we reflect on these stories, we are reminded of the importance of faith, discernment, and reliance on God’s power. I encourage you to delve into these topics further, share your thoughts in the comments, and engage with our community. Subscribe to my newsletter for more insights, and follow me on social media to stay connected. Together, let's continue to explore the wonders of God’s kingdom and grow in our spiritual journey.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Overcoming Spiritual Warfare: My Journey of Faith and Resilience

A Terrifying Night from My Childhood

Today, I want to take you on a journey back to a night that changed my life forever. It’s a night that I can never forget, filled with fear, confusion, and a supernatural encounter that left an indelible mark on my soul. As a child, I faced an experience so terrifying that it still sends shivers down my spine. This encounter taught me invaluable lessons about spiritual warfare, the power of Jesus, and the importance of being vigilant against the forces of darkness.

 A Night of Supernatural Encounter

I was only five years old, sound asleep in my room in Houston, Texas. My father and stepmom were still awake in another room. Suddenly, an unseen assailant entered my room. He put his hand over my mouth and nose, suffocating me as I slept. In my deep slumber, I sensed something was wrong. I couldn’t breathe and struggled to wake up, but it felt like I was trapped underwater, unable to reach the surface.

As I fought to wake up, I was paralyzed with fear, unable to move or cry out for help. The assailant pressed my head down into the pillow with increasing force. I managed to rock my head slightly and, with great effort, gained control of my right arm. But when I finally opened my eyes, I saw that the assailant was not a man—it was my own left hand, possessed by a malevolent entity.

The Reality of Spiritual Warfare

This terrifying experience was not an isolated incident. Throughout my life, I have had numerous out-of-body experiences and encounters with the supernatural. These experiences have deepened my understanding of spiritual warfare and the reality of demonic attacks. Later, I realized that the entity that took control of my hand was a demon.

This experience taught me the importance of being vigilant against the forces of darkness. It also highlighted the power of Jesus' name in overcoming these attacks. As a Christian, I have learned that spiritual warfare is a constant battle, and we must always be prepared to stand firm in our faith.

Biblical References: Understanding Spiritual Warfare

The Bible provides numerous insights into the nature of spiritual warfare. Ephesians 6:12 tells us, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." This verse underscores the reality that our battles are not just physical but spiritual.

In John 9:2-3, the disciples asked Jesus about a man born blind, "Who sinned, this man or his parents?" Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him." This passage reminds us that not all suffering is a result of personal sin; sometimes, it is an opportunity for God's power to be revealed.

Exploring Open Doors to the Demonic

One crucial lesson I've learned is the importance of closing any open doors that may invite demonic influence into our lives. These open doors can include sins within the family, involvement in occult practices, sexual immorality, unforgiveness, and bringing cursed objects into our homes. Deuteronomy 7:26 warns us, "Do not bring a detestable thing into your house or you, like it, will be set apart for destruction."

Generational Sins

The Bible speaks about generational sins, where the iniquities of the fathers are visited upon their children. This concept can be found in several passages, including Exodus 20:5, where it states, "You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me." In my own life, my father’s involvement with psychics and saints opened a door for the demonic to enter our home. This highlights the importance of parents being vigilant in their spiritual lives to protect their children.

Occult Practices

Involvement in occult practices is a significant open door for demonic influence. Practices such as divination, witchcraft, and consulting psychics are explicitly condemned in the Bible. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 warns, "There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord." Engaging in such practices invites demonic entities into our lives and homes.

Sexual Immorality

Sexual immorality is another significant open door for demonic influence. 1 Corinthians 6:18 states, "Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body." Sexual sins create spiritual bonds that can allow demonic entities to gain a foothold in our lives. It is crucial to maintain sexual purity to safeguard ourselves from these influences.


Unforgiveness is a less obvious but equally dangerous open door for demonic influence. Holding onto grudges and refusing to forgive others creates bitterness in our hearts, which can be exploited by demonic forces. Matthew 18:34-35 explains, "And in anger his master delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay all his debt. So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you if you do not forgive your brother from your heart." Forgiveness is essential for maintaining spiritual health and protection.

Cursed Objects

Bringing cursed objects into our homes can also invite demonic influence. These objects can include items associated with occult practices, idolatry, or sinful activities. Deuteronomy 7:26 warns, "And you shall not bring an abominable thing into your house and become devoted to destruction like it. You shall utterly detest and abhor it, for it is devoted to destruction." It is essential to cleanse our homes of any objects that may have spiritual significance contrary to God's will.

The Power of Jesus in Spiritual Warfare

Friends, I want to leave you with this: there is incredible power in the name of Jesus. This power is not a mere incantation but flows from His nature, character, and authority. James 4:7 instructs us, "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." Submission to God and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit are critical in overcoming demonic attacks.

If you’ve resonated with my story and want to learn more, I encourage you to read my books, "Open Your Eyes: My Supernatural Journey" and "Overcoming Night Terror: Making the Demons Leave." These books delve deeper into the topics discussed today and offer practical advice for dealing with spiritual warfare.

Thank you for joining me today. If this  has touched you, please let me know. Connect with me on social media or join my email Inner Circle subscriber list. Until we meet again, dig deeper and go higher. God bless you.