Change Your Life for Jesus!
I will be providing some scripture and sharing my experience in how this works. You might want to bookmark this page so you can revisit it!
The four steps to transforming your life are:
1 Identify Your call
2 Write the vision and Make it Plain
3 Implementation
4 Course Corrections
I break these down a bit in this teaching.
Show Notes:
Rom 12 :1,2 transform your mind;
Roles are better than goals;
Step 1 - Identify your call
Step 2 -Discovering your roles
Write the vision and make it plain Hab 2:2 ;
Step 3 - Implementation;
Daily reflection questions;
Asking future self for permission;
Plan each day ;
Step - 4 Make course corrections Psalm 119:105 ;
Internal congruency is paramount;
Kill the Giant When He is Small
Having an Intentional Thought Life
Keeping a Warfare Journal