Praying before ministering;
Running into two divine appointments;
Team Jesus shirt reaction at the casino;
Praying for Tommy at the rail road track;
John and Robin;
Ministering at Lighthouse park in Biloxi;
Praying for Kenny;
Homeless wishlist;
#TeamJesus Van
The #TeamJesus van was recently in an accident. I realized i took a lot of pictures and video footage where the van was in the shot. I put together a few clips as a tribute. #TeamJesus
Posted by ConradRocks on Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Here are some clips of our Prayer Outreach at Beale St.Beale Street is a tough place to pray for people, but you would be surprised at how many people come up for prayer. We gave away a few goody bags to those in need and prayed with several people.Posted by ConradRocks on Sunday, March 27, 2016
#TeamJesus Ripley MS
#TeamJesus went to Ripley MS to pray over the city.
Posted by ConradRocks on Sunday, March 27, 2016
Hey everyone, Conrad here from ConradRocks.Net! I'm absolutely buzzing today and fired up to share something that's been on my heart – the power of being a proactive Divine appointment. Welcome to another edition of Coffee with Conrad, where we dive deep into the spiritual and the supernatural, all centered on the incredible love of our King, Jesus.
If you’re new here, I’m the author of “Open Your Eyes: My Supernatural Journey,” a book that chronicles my experiences before and after encountering Jesus. It’s available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon, and it’ll give you some insight, especially if you're interested in the prophetic, about what it truly means to be born again and see the Kingdom of Heaven. I definitely recommend checking it out if that's your kind of thing. But really, my passion is for igniting a flame in those who are lukewarm and stoking the fires of revival wherever I go. I’m getting bolder each day, and it's such an awesome experience!
Today, we’re diving into what it means to be a proactive Divine appointment. Now, you may be thinking, "What does that even mean?" Well, let me break it down for you. We, as followers of Jesus, are not meant to be passive bystanders in this world. We are called to be active participants, intentionally seeking out opportunities to share the love of Jesus, the good news, and offer His healing touch to those around us. We need to be intentional about this.
You know, lately, Susan and I have been venturing out on Beale Street and also the bus station, two very different environments, to minister to people. On Beale Street, you see a lot of people focused on their own things – spending money, going to bars, rushing to events. It's a different kind of energy, and often times, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of time for prayer. It can feel like a bit of a war zone sometimes, to be honest! This is one of the reasons I follow the Spirit of God. We often carry signs: one is the “#Jesus” sign, which the Lord blessed me with the vision for a couple of years ago; the other simply reads "Free Prayer". We also make a point to wear our #Jesus shirts so people can spot us from a distance. This is how we proactively offer hope and the power of prayer.
The reason for the signs is we want the seeds planted in their hearts before we even engage in conversation with people and their hearts to know that our intentions aren’t for money but for them to be touched by the supernatural love and power of God.
Now, I know some may call this bold, but that's the point of the work of the Holy Spirit! I’m passionate about seeing those who identify as “Christians” but aren't living in their calling to rise up. As the Bible says in Acts 9, the Spirit tugs on us. It's like when Jesus told Paul, "It's hard for you to kick against the goads.” I believe that Paul was feeling these supernatural, spiritual promptings that he was resisting.
We have also found the power in interceding in prayer before we go to a place. We learned this in Pascagoula, Mississippi where we just prayed and walked and followed the spirit of God. It was incredible! It’s just as the Bible talks about where we are to bring the Light into the darkness. We prayed for softened hearts, and the Holy Spirit lit up person after person for us to talk to. This is where I learned what is like to be bold. This is where I learned what it means to be a proactive Divine appointment. This emboldened my heart.
Here’s something else that’s been on my mind: Christians can sometimes be “inoculated” with just enough “dead truth” that it renders them inactive in the Kingdom. You know how a flu shot gives you a dead version of the flu virus so you don’t get sick? Well, some people can be inoculated with a lifeless version of faith, and they miss out when the real passion of Christ shows up. When we encounter the power and presence of Jesus, we are infected with His love. Our cup should be overflowing with love, which spills out into the lives of others.
It's like multi-level marketing discipleship—our lives are ignited by the love of Jesus, and it is meant to overflow into our communities, neighborhoods, and the world. Keeping that love to ourselves? It's a sin. Love is proactive. It’s meant to be shared.
Some people ask if they should pray for others when they’re still struggling with their own sins. Look, I honor that struggle. None of us are without sin. I always talk about sanctification and repentance and how the cleaner our vessel is, the better we are for the Master’s use. But listen, if you believe that Jesus is Lord, and you know He can heal someone next to you, but you don’t pray for them because you haven't overcome that sin? That's wrong! God is continuously working on us until the day of Jesus. Don't let the enemy hold you back. That’s the accuser of the Brethren telling you that your sin is holding you back. Follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
I’m reminded of the Corinthians – they were walking in the gifts of the Spirit, but they had sin in their church. It goes to show you that, you can still be used of God. Remember that Grace is like a parent teaching a child to walk. There is always help until the child learns to walk.
Being a proactive Divine appointment isn't just about praying for the sick. People are hurting, struggling with emotional baggage, unforgiveness, or pride. We have the Kingdom keys – the tools that Jesus gives us – to unlock those problems and set them on their course. This is the power that Jesus gives to His followers, not for our benefit but for the people we minister to.
Let me tell you about Scott, whom we met at the bus station. He wasn’t just a random person. We gave a woman a Bible and prayed for her, and then started talking to Scott. As we talked, we realized that this was a Divine appointment. We talked about his life and his walk with Jesus. Scott was in a tough place, at a pivotal moment in his life. He shared how he heard a voice – the voice of truth, the voice of Jesus – telling him not to sign a document. Scott knew that this voice was God, that it was a supernatural sign. He knew that God delivered him from a bad situation.
Though he’d heard Jesus speak to him, we could tell he wasn’t walking at the level God desired for him. But then something amazing happened. As we talked, Scott’s face lit up. It was like God was reminding him of the promises He made during his low points, and his call was being revived! The Spirit of God was working through our conversation, reigniting the passion that was fading in Scott’s heart. We ended up praying, hands held together, right there at the bus station. I could feel the power of the Holy Spirit moving in him. Each time God gave me a message, Scott would squeeze my hand in excitement. It was powerful! After the prayer, his whole countenance changed – he went from his acceptable call to his upward call!
If we hadn’t been proactive, if we hadn’t followed the promptings of the Spirit, Scott might have stayed the same. It’s a sin to keep the love of God inside. At the bus station, we minister to so many people; so many times, I barely get any footage because ministry is taking place.
So, as you go about your day, be aware of the Holy Spirit’s promptings. You might be someone’s Divine appointment today. Someone may need to know that Jesus loves them; you could be that messenger. Someone may need a course correction, like Scott. Ask God to show you the people you can minister to.
Remember, Jesus said, "They will know that you are my disciples by your love for one another." So, go ahead and friend them on Facebook! It’s not just about a “hit-and-run prayer.” Making disciples means maintaining connections and continual communication.
Being a proactive Divine appointment is about being intentional. It’s about listening to the Spirit, following his lead, and allowing the love of Jesus to flow through us and into the lives of others. We can’t keep it to ourselves!
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Thank you for being in my life. Until next time, dig deeper, go higher and remember…Jesus Rules!
And most importantly, don't forget to be someone's proactive Divine appointment today.