Showing posts with label ministry spotlight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ministry spotlight. Show all posts

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Monty Simpson Interview - Exploring the Challenges and Rewards of Street Evangelism

Conrad interviews street evangelist Monty Simpson

Monty shares his testimony and experiences of preaching on the streets. Monty discusses his journey from a life of alcoholism to finding salvation and his calling to evangelism. He also shares insights into the challenges and rewards of street preaching, and how his spiritual relationship with Jesus fuels his passion for the Great Commission. Despite facing opposition and misunderstanding, Monty remains steadfast in his mission to bring Jesus to the lost and hurting world.

Show notes:

- Monty Simpson shares his journey to street evangelism;
- Simpson's upbringing and struggles with alcoholism;
- His radical transformation after accepting Christ;
- The challenges and opposition faced by street preachers;
- The importance of being led by God in street preaching;
- Encountering demonic opposition during public preaching;
- The power of prayer and persistence in evangelism;
- The need for more Christians to take the gospel to the streets (Matthew 28:19);
- Simpson's call for support in his evangelistic mission.

Links and Support:

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Jennifer Cotney Interview - Testimony and Homeless Ministry

Interview with Jennifer Cotney from Christian Mix 106. 

Jennifer shares her testimony, about Christian Mix 106, and the Homeless Ministry in New Orleans.

Jennifer shares her testimony for Jesus;

God moves in Jennifer's children;
Jennifer experiences church;
Not feeling worthy of grace;
Surrendering completely to Jesus;
Husband gets saved;
Jennifer and ChristianMix106;
Kids and the homeless;
Local churches ministering to the homeless;
Disobedience and the aftermath;
Seeking God for needs;
A moving story about Wendy;
The city and homeless sweeps;
Hurricane Ida category 4 hits New Orleans;
Aftermath of Ida and it's impact on the homeless;
Still fixing her house after Ida;
Reach Jennifer at
Jennifer Prays;


From Homeless to Evangelist - John Roush - John was once homeless and is now an on fire evangelist for Jesus Christ. John explains how he spiraled down into homelessness and how God saved him. This interview is for his new book - The Lamb and the Homeless Man.


Saturday, October 2, 2021

Supernatural Christianity - Garry Nesbit Interview

Living the Supernatural Christian Lifestyle

Interview with Healing Evangelist Garry Nesbit on what it is like to live the Supernatural Christian lifestyle.  We talk about the supernatural - spiritual things of God.  

Facebook Video Live Interview

Garry's Testimony 


More Garry Nesbit Interviews 

Garry on Facebook  

Friday, July 30, 2021

Evangelism In Japan - Missionary Stephen Barrett Interview

Missionary To Japan 

Stephen Barret shares what it is like to evangelize in Japan.  Signs and wonders confirming the word.  

Show Notes with Time Stamps

02:05 Stephen went from no miracles to miracles
06:45 Jesus is not known in Japan
08:35 The Japanese think evangelism is for the Pros
10:08 God draws the right people
12:16 Stephen recounts a miracle in his ministry
16:15 an example of God drawing the hungry people
18:34 Japanese Mystics - Idolatry
20:38 Idolatry is a problem when new converts in Japan
21:43 Buddhism and Shintoism is prevalent
22:39 A Buddhist dreams about Jesus and then gets saved
25:38 The ones that follow you are the ones you disciple
27:49 The smart phone as a ministry tool
30:41 Japanese think Jesus is a historical figure among other gods;
34:58 Another miracle recounted
39:30 A terminal patient healed in Jesus Name
41:16 Commanding in the Name of Jesus
44:33 Signs accompany the gospel confirming the word
46:16 Dealing with Doubt and unbelief
48:25 Stephen was going blind from demonic attack
54:27 Running to the demons in dreams to attack
56:08 The devil tests believers
56:38 Don't seek sympathy get in agreement
1:02:53 Greater works than these
1:06:14 The devil circles about seeking whom he may devour
1:09:50 Acts is our blueprint for today - not leaven
1:11:54 Committing time for evangelism each week
1:18:17 Huddling after a spiritual encounter - discipling
1:20:12 Words of knowledge - spiritual discernment
1:27:03 Stilling the thoughts to be receptive to God
1:29:01 Learning from God directly
1:31:15 Stephen recounts a time he got healed
1:39:15 Stephen prays


Stephen's Paypal

Stephen Barrett on Facebook

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Jerry Alford Testimony for Jesus

God sets up divine appointments today! Testimony interview and Ministry Spotlight with evangelist Jerry Alford from TEAM - Truckers Evangeslizing America Ministry.

show notes:
How we met evangelist Jerry Alford was a divine appointment;
Cold windy day street preaching and then Disc Golf;
Jerry Alford shares how he got saved from a gospel tract;
Jerry Shares about the ministry;


Try Amazon Prime FREE FOR 30 DAYS!
Jerry is @TeamEvangelist on Twitter; is Jerry's email;

Friday, October 4, 2019

Buddhists, Mormons, and Jesus | Jonnathan Zin Truong Book Interview

Jonnathan grew up Buddhist and was radically saved by Jesus Christ. He talks about his new book release which deals with the abuse that he suffered and his current relationship with God.

Show Notes:

Houston is a prophetic hub;
Born and raised Buddhist;
Jonnathan talks about his current ministry;
Challenging one another and growing;
Writing stories about his abuse with his counselor;
God healed him from dyslexia;
The brutal honesty about his abusive childhood;
The struggle putting the abuse portion is his book;
Foretelling the future while being Buddhist;
Monks thought he was a reincarnation of a buddha;
Upcoming series on prophetic evangelism;
Following the spirit in business;
Hearing and following the spirit;
Not Buddhist not Mormon - Jesus Only;
Pray and prophesy on Sundays;
Jonathan prays us out;

Jonnathan on facebook
GodManfest Website 
Buy the book 

Saturday, August 3, 2019

2000 mile Cross Walk FINISHED! Acie Burleson Interview

Interview with Acie Burleson who finished his 2000 mile journey walking the cross from South Carolina to the Grand Canyon.

Show notes:

Typical Day and Cross description;
Supernatural Provision;
A dangerous close call;
People call the cops on Acie;
Supernatural favor of God;
He almost gave up;
Persecution and shut mouths;


Earlier crosswalk interview:
Acie Burleson Testimony for Jesus:

Acie Burleson Links:

Acie on FaceBook
Acie on YouTube

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Acie Burleson 2000 mile Cross Walk

Interview with Acie Burleson who is carrying the cross from South Carolina to the Grand Canyon.

Show Notes:

Problems getting this interview;
Lady contemplating suicide but sees the cross;
How Acie was commissioned by God to carry the cross;
Acie Encourages people with the call of God on their lives;
The Lord opened the door for this trip;
Zach dies and goes to hell and comes back;
God is supplying all his needs on this trip;
The cross, his clothes and his overall set up;
How he maps his path;
20 miles in a day is pushing it;
New Song Band Testimony;
Acie Prays us out;
Listener reviews and comments;

PayPal email is
Earlier Interview

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Street Evangelist-Pastor AT Testimony and Ministry

Interview with Street Evangelist - Pastor AT from in San Antonio TX. He shares his testimony and how he is impacting San Antonio for Jesus.

Show Notes:
AT shares his miraculous testimony;
The importance of discipleship;
Encountering the bully years later;
God moved in during 'Break the Silence';
How the street ministry began;
Boldness in street ministry;
Gospel events for outreach;
Prison ministry, baptisms, and revival;
The encounter with Scottie;
Brother AT prays us out;


Saturday, January 5, 2019

Miracles in Memphis - Garry Nesbit Interview

Actual Audio of a miracle in Memphis and follow up interview with healing evangelist Garry Nesbit. Getting into the nuts and bolts of street evangelism.


Garry On Facebook

Holly Healed of a Bulging Disk!

Bonnie healed from Stabbing Pain in her Back!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Reach My City APP - Interview with Jonny Gaston

Interview with Evangelist Jonny Gaston about his new Evangelism App "Reach My City".

Jonny gives an in depth run down on what you can do with the app and what to expect.

You can get the app on both Android and Apple.

Get the Android app here:

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Missionary to Africa - Glenn Roseberry

This is an interview with Glenn Roseberry - missionary to Africa. In this blog post you will find the remaining three podcasts to a four-part interview. These podcasts are staggered over three days.

In these podcasts, Glenn will be discussing what it is like to live in the rural Africa. What his daily life is like. He will be discussing things like spiritual warfare, witchcraft, radical Islam, and persecution. 

Missionary to Africa part 2 - Daily Life

What is a day in the life of a Christian Missionary in Rural Africa? PODCAST HERE

First podcast ;
House churches among the persecuted;
Living in a goat stall to building a house;
Elephants and other wildlife ;
The Luke 10 Evangelism model;
Chores on the Farm;
Daily sharing of faith;
Witch doctors and demonic influences;
Ignoring distractions for the Kingdom;
Exercise and food;
Fluoride and malaria;
No gender mixing;
Roles of women and men;
Medical supplies and logistics;
Addressing hygiene issues;
The cost of medical care;
Prosperity gospel and scams;
Day to day discipleship;
Having the same problems as Paul did;

Glenn on Facebook
Kingdom Driven Ministries

Missionary to Africa part 3 - Witchcraft , Islam, and the Internet

Continuing the interview with Glenn Roseberry - Missionary to Africa. Internet, Power, Spiritual warfare and a success story. PODCAST HERE

Internet and Electricity;
Going into town to charge phone;
Solar Panel and sharing;
Leading the world in phone banking;
Spiritual warfare and child abductions;
Witchcraft and prosperity;
The police and getting 'disappeared';
Islam and witchcraft;
Muslim coming to Christ;
Luke 10 person of peace;
Becoming a man;

Glenn on Facebook
Kingdom Driven Ministries

Missionary to Africa part 4 - Persecution

Continuing the interview with Glenn Roseberry - Persecution.
The names and countries are kept secret for safety purposes;  PODCAST HERE

Many people per square mile;
Armed forces and their solutions;
Radical Islam - Al Shabaab;
House churches in Muslim areas;
Dressing according to local culture;
Staggered walking approach;
Saved from gangs ;
The dangers of shaving;
Attacked for having a bible;
Kidnapping and murder;
Beaten and tortured;
Dangers of crossing borders;
Christians turning Christians into government;
Machine gun fire;
Police arresting people by the hundreds;
Young girls kidnapped and married;
Forced conversions to Islam;
Housing needed for young girls;

Glenn on Facebook
Kingdom Driven Ministries

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Stephen Barrett Interview

Stephen is on his way to bring revival to Kenya all they way from Japan.
He is currently in California with signs and wonders following.

Show Notes:

1:50 Stephen is in California;
3:45 California is a spiritual hot zone;
6:15 Lance Row Sacramento
8:29 Healings are happening;
9:30 knee issues and scoliosis healed;
11:40 Atmosphere of faith;
13:06 knee healing testimony;
13:30 Scoliosis healing testimony;
15:09 talks about trip to Kenya;
18:45 El Camino Real tent preaching;

Links for Stephen:

Friday, May 4, 2018

Overcoming Porn and Same Sex Attraction - Amy Riordan

Tuesday May 8th, 2018 at 6PM Central

Interview with Amy Riordan.

Shame associated with porn;
Marriage and porn;
Seeking help from the Inner Circle;
Finding the right person;
Confession and accountability;
Accountability software;
What intimacy with Jesus is;
Dealing with temptation;
57% of pastors struggle with porn;
Deliverance from porn;
Amy prays;

Links: ;
Amy's book - Longing for Intimacy ;
Amy's Testimony ;

Friday, April 27, 2018

Evangelist Joseph McFarland

You see Joseph with us minister on social media, now it is time to meet the man!

Being real with people about Jesus;
Joseph is an artist;
The Jesus signs;
Street preaching reminiscing;
The devil shows up;
Joseph encounters the Spirit of God;
The tangible presence of God;
Warfare that comes with ministry;
Words of knowledge leading to miracles;
Joseph talks about the cross ministry;

Mandie asks about life changes  ;
Rob asks about ministry and warfare  ;
Bobby asks about the Repent sign  ;
Joseph prays us out;

Follow Joseph on FaceBook 

Friday, February 2, 2018

John Roush Testimony for Jesus

Testimony interview with John Roush. From homeless alcoholic to on fire evangelist for JESUS!

Alcohol led to homelessness;
Police and the homeless;
Sentenced to jail;
Losing everything;
The moment of repentance;
Completely new creature in Christ;
Ministering in the homeless camps;
Doors opening for ministry;
John Prays out
Facebook Links:

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Supernatural Evangelism - Nick Serre Interview

Audio taken from a Facebook live interview with Nick Serre about supernatural evangelism.

Warfare before the interview;
Street ministering in Ontario Canada;
God is moving in Pakistan;
Praying before the interview;
Being led by the Spirit of God;
How God speaks;
Examples of evangelism;
How Nick got on fire for God!;
Encountering the Spirit of God;
Freedom and deliverance;
The importance of mentors;
Two sides to mentoring;
Pushing disciples out of the nest;
God is raising up sons;
The coming generation #prophetic #word ;
Resurrecting the dead;
Prophetic confirmations;
Nick prays us out;

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Reaching the Homeless with the Gospel: An Interview with Johnny Gaston

Reaching the Homeless - with Jonny Gaston

As we enter the colder months, I've been thinking a lot about how we as Christians can make a real difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness in our communities. That's why I was thrilled to interview my friend Johnny Gaston recently about the amazing outreach work he's doing through Reach Network. 

Jonny has a heart for evangelism and a passion for equipping churches to effectively share the gospel. But he's also on a mission to meet the practical needs of the homeless as we head into winter. Our conversation left me inspired and challenged to do more to serve "the least of these" in my own city.

The Heart Behind Reach Network

I've known Jonny for a while now, and I'm continually impressed by his dedication to reaching the lost. Reach Network, the non-profit he founded, exists to "assist the local church in the work of personal evangelism and community outreach." 

As Jonny explained, "We want churches to grow authentically, organically - not from Christians from other churches who want to find maybe a church that fits their needs better. We're trying to get the people inside the church to reach the lost."

It's a simple but powerful vision - equipping and mobilizing everyday believers to share their faith. Jonny and his team provide both biblical and practical training to help Christians overcome their fears and effectively communicate the gospel.

"We've done this in several churches in our local area," Jonny shared. "Now we have churches reaching the lost, going out into the city, sharing the gospel, and then getting them into their church - baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, discipling them. Hopefully at that point it's a revolving door - disciples make disciples that make disciples."

I love how Jonny's work is multiplying evangelism efforts by activating whole congregations. It's not about relying on the "professionals" - it's about every believer embracing the Great Commission.

Creative Outreach Strategies 

One of the things I admire most about Jonny is his creativity in finding ways to connect with people. He's always looking for unique opportunities to build relationships and create natural openings to share the gospel.

For example, he sets up booths at local flea markets to engage shoppers in spiritual conversations. On hot summer days, he and his team hand out free snow cones as a way to bless people and strike up discussions about faith.

As Jonny put it, "Jesus said 'I'm gonna make you fishers of men.' Well, the bait you use is the fish you catch." I love that perspective - finding culturally relevant ways to draw people in and point them to Christ.

A Heart for the Homeless

While Jonny is involved in all kinds of evangelistic efforts, he has a special burden for the homeless in our area. For the past five years, he's been partnering with local ministries to serve this vulnerable population.

Now he's mobilizing churches and businesses to collect winter clothing and supplies that will be distributed to those living on the streets in the coming months. It's a timely and much-needed initiative as the weather turns colder.

"We're asking people to simply begin to ask businesses, 'Hey, can I put a box in this business and just have people collect necessary items for the homeless?'" Jonny explained. "And then I'm gonna distribute those items as I find need."

They've set up donation boxes at several locations, including:

- The Core Coffee Shop in West Mobile (owned by Praise Family Church)

- State Farm in Grand Bay

- Grand Bay Church of God

- Grand Bay Community Church 

- Friendship Baptist

- First Baptist

The response has already been tremendous. "Today was our first literal day," Jonny shared, "and we already have a box completely full - there's nothing else that can be put in that box."

Meeting Physical and Spiritual Needs

What I appreciate most about Jonny's approach is that he's not just focused on material assistance. He sees serving the homeless as an opportunity to minister to their deepest needs by sharing the hope of the gospel.

"One of the things that I want to make sure that I do is put the gospel in their hand," he emphasized. "I want to make sure they get a Bible, make sure they get a gospel tract."

Jonny described his process of engaging homeless individuals in spiritual conversations:

"I listen to their story first. Then I evaluate their beliefs...Then I present the gospel to them. I use gospel tracts, I use the Romans Road, I use different methods of sharing the gospel with them. And then I pray with them."

This holistic approach - meeting urgent physical needs while addressing eternal spiritual needs - is so important. As followers of Christ, we're called to minister to the whole person.

Partnering with Those Who've Been There

One of the most inspiring aspects of Jonny's outreach is how he's partnering with individuals who have personally experienced homelessness. He told me about John Roush, a former homeless man who encountered Christ, rebuilt his life, and now goes back into the homeless communities to serve.

"He was completely homeless, completely broke," Jonny shared. "He was delivered from that, he was born again, and man, he completely rebuilt his life. He has a wife and kids and a vehicle and a home and a job."

Now John uses his past experiences to connect with current members of the homeless community in a unique way. As Jonny put it, "We got a guy who has the inside story. He's kind of my undercover mission guy - he goes in where other people wouldn't go in."

What a powerful testimony of God's transforming power! And what an effective strategy for reaching a population that often distrusts outsiders.

How You Can Help

If you're in the Mobile/Grand Bay area and want to contribute to this homeless outreach effort, there's still time to donate. The deadline for dropping off items is November 25th. 

Here are some of the most-needed items:

- Warm coats and jackets

- Sweaters

- Socks

- Blankets

- Hand warmers

You can drop donations at any of the locations listed above. If you're not local but still want to support Jonny's ministry, you can contribute financially by contacting Jonny directly.  

Even if you're in a different part of the country, I hope this interview inspires you to look for ways to serve the homeless in your own community this winter. Maybe you could organize a coat drive at your church or volunteer at a local shelter. 

The need is great, but so are the opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus to "the least of these."

Praying for Eternal Impact

As we wrapped up our conversation, Jonny and I prayed together for God to use these outreach efforts in mighty ways. We asked Him to not only meet physical needs but to open hearts to the gospel.

My prayer is that lives will be transformed - both temporally and eternally - through this ministry. I'm believing God for testimonies like John Rouse's to multiply, as individuals encounter Christ's love in tangible ways.

I'm also praying for a stirring in the church - that more and more believers would be compelled to step out of their comfort zones and engage in personal evangelism. As Jonny noted, "A lot of times people say you need to go out and compel them to come in. I feel like I spend my time going into the church to compel them to go out."

May we all embrace that challenge and actively look for ways to share the hope we have in Christ!

Get Involved in Reaching Your Community

I hope this conversation with Jonny has sparked some ideas for how you can impact your own city for Christ. Whether it's serving the homeless, engaging in personal evangelism, or finding creative ways to bless your neighbors, I want to encourage you to take action.

Here are a few simple ways to get started:

1. Pray for eyes to see the needs around you and for boldness to step out in faith.

2. Look for existing ministries in your area that you could plug into and support.

3. Talk to your pastor about ways your church could increase its community outreach efforts.

4. Start small - even something like buying a meal for a homeless person can open doors for spiritual conversations.

5. Be intentional about building relationships with non-believers in your sphere of influence.

Remember, you don't have to be a professional evangelist or full-time missionary to make an eternal difference. God wants to use ordinary believers like you and me to advance His kingdom.

As Jonny put it, "I correct them quickly - I say no, I'm sharing the gospel 'cause I'm a believer, because I love God." May that be true of all of us!

I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas in the comments. How are you reaching out to serve the marginalized in your community? What creative evangelism strategies have you found effective? Let's encourage one another to be salt and light right where God has placed us.

Here is Jonny on Facebook

Friday, October 6, 2017

Jessie Wade Interview

Jessie's ministry saves lives in Memphis TN.

We met at Exalt Jesus Memphis;
How Jessie was inspired to action;
40 days for life ;
Sidewalk Advocates for Life;
Planned parenthood and choices in Memphis;
Blessing bags with information;
Providing real solutions;
Statistics on abortion;
Training and locations;
How this has impacted Jessie;
Being a light in dark places;
Five babies saved in six weeks;
Going where the people need Jesus;
Practical - Tangible love of Jesus;
Prov 24:11-12 saving those drawn to death;

How to get started;
How to get involved;


Friday, September 8, 2017

Interview with Evangelist Jonny Gaston from REACH!

I am happy to interview Evangelist Jonny Gaston.

In this interview:
#Testimony - Jonny went from atheist to evangelist!
What is Reach?;
Why is the church lukewarm about evangelism?;
Overcoming fear with love;
Evangelism Training events;
Live video and Podcast;

Some of the links in this interview:

Reach on Facebook
Jonny on Facebook

Be sure to check out the comment section in the Facebook Live Video

Jonny shares his testimony during the Baton Rouge Tragedy ON YOUTUBE