Showing posts with label Prophetic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prophetic. Show all posts

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Discerning True Prophecy: Lessons from Biblical Examples and Failed Predictions

A Biblical Approach to Prophetic Discernment

As Christians with a deep interest in the prophetic realm, it can be all too easy to get swept up in the hype and speculation that often surrounds major celestial events or geopolitical shifts. From failed rapture predictions to sensational claims about the "Shemitah" cycle, the modern Church has far too often traded genuine spiritual insight for emotionally-charged narratives that appeal to our desire to know the future.

Conrad tackles this critical issue head-on, drawing a clear distinction between the characteristics of true biblical prophecy and the logical fallacies underlying so many contemporary prophetic claims. By examining examples like Gideon, Jeremiah, and Samuel, he provides a robust framework for developing the spiritual discernment needed to navigate this complex landscape.

One of the key lessons Conrad emphasizes is the importance of avoiding the trap of "prophecy by hindsight." Far too often, self-proclaimed prophets engage in a kind of reverse engineering, cherry-picking historical events to fit a predetermined narrative about the future. This Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy, as it's known, creates the illusion of accuracy while shielding the prophet from any real accountability.

In contrast, genuine prophetic words in Scripture are consistently accompanied by clear divine validation and confirmations that bolster the recipient's faith. Whether it's Gideon's fleece, Jeremiah's unexpected land purchase, or Samuel's corroborating vision, these biblical examples demonstrate how the Holy Spirit provides tangible assurance to those who hear His voice.

Of course, the temptation to get caught up in end-times speculation is ever-present, and Conrad doesn't shy away from addressing this issue as well. As he points out, an unhealthy preoccupation with the rapture, the tribulation, and other eschatological scenarios can actually distract us from the Great Commission that Christ has given to His Church. Instead of sitting back and waiting for the world to end, we are called to be salt and light, actively participating in the advancement of God's Kingdom.

For those seeking to cultivate a mature, biblical approach to the prophetic, this podcast episode is an essential listen. By learning to discern true prophecy from mere human speculation, we can avoid the pitfalls that have ensnared so many well-meaning believers, and instead focus our energy on the transformative work that the Holy Spirit desires to accomplish in and through us.

So why not carve out some time today to dive into this thought-provoking discussion? Your spiritual senses are sure to be sharpened, and you may even find yourself better equipped to navigate the prophetic landscape with wisdom and discernment.


Prophetic discernment, biblical prophecy, four blood moons,  false prophecies, end times speculation, Shemitah, rapture, Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy, Gideon, Jeremiah, Samuel, Great Commission, spiritual maturity, Christian living.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Prophetic Collision: A Wake-Up Call for America and the Church

Prophetic Warning to America

In a shocking incident on March 26th, 2024, the cargo ship "Dali" lost propulsion and crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in a catastrophic collision. But this event was more than just a maritime accident - it carried profound prophetic implications that the American church cannot ignore. 

The Controversial UN Abstention

Just hours prior, the United States took the unprecedented step of abstaining from a United Nations vote calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. This marked the first time in history that America refused to stand with its longtime ally Israel, appearing to "turn its back" on the nation.

The Prophetic Artist: Dali

Astonishingly, the name of the ship itself seems linked to famous surrealist painter Salvador Dali, whose works provide eerie foreshadowing of America's spiritual state:

Dali's 1959 work "The Discovery of America" depicts Columbus's arrival, but with clear Christian imagery like crosses raining down, suggesting spiritual warfare. The ship carries both crosses and a female figure that could represent Liberty or something more sinister.

A decade later, "Poetry Of America" shows a bleaker vision, with a melting clock face signaling time running out. The candle-headed figure represents a powerless, compromised church.

The Francis Scott Key Bridge

But the prophetic implications don't stop there. The Francis Scott Key Bridge commemorates the author of the Star-Spangled Banner - a symbol of America's patriotic beginnings. Its catastrophic collapse mirrors the breakdown between the government and the people it represents.

A Call to Repentance

As the podcast explores, this incident carries solemn warnings that America has strayed from its foundations. Like the powerless Dali figures, the church seems to have lost its way, pursuing hollow religion over spiritual vitality.

The only hope lies in a sweeping repentance movement, humbling ourselves, praying fervently, and turning from wickedness (2 Chronicles 7:14). Will the American church heed these prophetic warnings before it's too late?

Listen to this gripping podcast episode for a full analysis of the prophetic meanings behind the "Dali" ship collision and the urgent call to spiritual renewal. Share this with others who need to hear this sobering prophetic word for America.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Reach God Through the Storm - Tap Into the Spirit Realm


Hearing God's Voice Above the Storm

When life throws you a curveball, do you struggle to hear God's guidance through the anxious chaos in your mind? You're not alone. 

Many of us instinctively turn to prayer in difficult times, desperately seeking answers and direction. But amidst the inner turmoil, God's voice can feel drowned out. 

What if I told you there's a secret to breaking through the barriers of your racing thoughts to clearly connect with God's Spirit? A way to tap into the realm where prayers are powerfully answered and miracles unfold?

In this podcast, you'll discover:

Why Intellect-Driven Prayer Falls Short

When consumed by a heavy problem, it's natural to immediately begin praying for a solution or relief. But caught in the storm of your carnal mind, it's easy for your petitions to feel ineffective. 

As the Apostle Paul explains, our earthly understanding is limited when it comes to spiritual matters. While praying intellectually has its place, reasoning and analysis can only take you so far.

The Power of Praying in the Spirit

In contrast, praying in the Spirit enables a deeper connection with God that transcends intellectual constraints.

By surrendering all distractions and attachments to outcomes, you open yourself up to be guided by the Spirit. This is where true revelation flows.

As you commune with the Holy Spirit, you gain access to divine wisdom, direction, and intervention that logic alone cannot attain. Miracles happen in this spiritual realm.

Cultivating Sensitivity to God's Voice 

Hearing God's voice above your inner chaos takes practice, especially when emotions run high.

Seasons of stability are crucial for developing intimacy with the Holy Spirit, so His voice becomes unmistakable when storms hit.

As you continually pray in the Spirit, you'll gain discernment to know you've connected to the biblical God, not misleading spirits.

Testimonies to Inspire Breakthrough

From making rent to getting groceries when funds ran out, I've experienced God break through to provide in response to urgent prayers aligned with His Spirit.

While intellect-driven prayer has its place, I've found accessing the spiritual realm the most powerful way to experience God's intervention.

I want to encourage you to explore this realm for yourself. As you make the shift to Spirit-led prayer, expect new levels of breakthrough!

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Delivering Difficult Words: Overcoming Fear to Advance God's Kingdom

Delivering Difficult Words: Overcoming Fear to Advance God’s Kingdom

Stepping out in faith to share hard words from God is not easy, but overcoming fear enables us to bring life-changing revelations to those who need them most. This post explores why we must boldly speak God’s truth despite discomfort, as obedience pleases the Lord and failure to do so robs others from receiving His keys to freedom.

Opening Thoughts

In the beginning, it is as if God gives us those “easy” words of knowledge to deliver. But as we grow in the gift, there come the words we don’t really want to deliver - those difficult words too scary to tell people who could react badly. 

Don’t let fear stop you. Here are a couple good reasons to overcome the fear and share the word anyway:

Two Key Reasons to Push Past the Fear

 1. Robbing Someone of a Kingdom Key 

You are robbing the person of a Kingdom Key that could significantly change their life. Words of knowledge can provide divine revelation that sets people on a transformed path. Withholding them could deprive someone of a breakthrough they’ve been waiting for.  

2. Disobeying God

When God gives a word for someone, failing to deliver it means disobedience. As Christ followers, we are called to act as messengers of God’s words even when it’s uncomfortable or intimidating. But taking that leap of faith pleases God.

My Own Experience 

I used to get so many words of knowledge there was no way I could deliver them all. But now they are more rare, so I treasure those moments. Yet sometimes I still give in to fear and don’t share what I should. I inevitably feel remorse afterwards because of the two reasons above.

Just the other day, I met a man I sensed needed a challenging but important word. He was quite imposing physically and I said nothing out of anxiety. This has bothered me greatly ever since, as I wish I could go back and handle it differently. 

But I robbed that man of a Kingdom Key that could have given him a course correction. I was also disobedient in that moment to God. This experience motivates me to push past fear going forward.

Call to Action

I urge all believers to pray for opportunities to advance God's Kingdom through words of knowledge - then have the boldness to speak them in love. Let's not allow intimidation or anxiety to make us miss divine appointments to change lives. That takes faith and courage, but God rewards and strengthens those who obey His call.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Destiny Awaits - Step into your Prophetic Purpose In Spite of Fear

Overcoming Fear of Your Supernatural Gifting

Are you playing it small instead of boldly walking in your prophetic call? Does uncertainty or anxiety over how others perceive your supernatural talents cause you to hesitate using them? You’re not alone. 

In this empowering podcast

Conrad openly shares his own former struggles with pride, doubts over the accuracy of his giftings, and fear of people’s reactions that kept him from operating fully in prophecy and other spiritual capacities God blessed him with. 

Drawing courage from Scripture and mentors 

who fan spiritual gifts into flame, Conrad offers insightful keys to help fellow Kingdom carriers break intimidation, flow in Spirit-led confidence, and uncage their distinctive divine capacities meant for catalyzing breakthrough.

Tune in to hear practical ways Conrad learned to nurture his prophetic muscle while avoiding pitfalls. How an enhanced understanding of God’s heart emboldened him. Why we mustn’t allow our human tenderness to hinder heavenly callings needing voiced. 

You’ll also discover uplifting stories of how supernaturally Conrad’s needs were met when focused on purpose over provision. How leaning into godly community provides stabilizing ballast through feedback. Why limiting beliefs must relent to God-sized vision backed by Word-fed faith.

The world urgently awaits the full unveiling of your one-of-a-kind spiritual giftings. Get equipped to shake off doubt, embrace conviction, and thrive on the front lines of Kingdom advancement! Destiny awaits the daring ones who will believe. Your moment starts now!

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Prophetic evangelism podcast 

Power Evangelism and Discernment 

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Discover Your Purpose Through Dreams and Revelations

How to Honor Your Dreams and Revelations

God speaks to us in many ways

...including through dreams and revelations. When we honor these messages, we open ourselves up to a deeper relationship with Him.

One way to honor your dreams and revelations is to keep a journal. This will help you remember them and track any patterns or themes that emerge. You can also use your journal to reflect on what the dreams and revelations might mean for your life.

Another way to honor your dreams and revelations is to share them with others. This can be a trusted friend, family member, or spiritual mentor. Sharing your dreams and revelations can help you to understand them better and to receive guidance from others.

Finally, it is important to act on your dreams and revelations. This doesn't mean that you have to do everything that you dream about, but it does mean that you should take some steps to move in the direction that God is leading you.

Here are some additional tips for honoring your dreams and revelations:

  • Pray about your dreams and ask God for guidance in understanding them. (Psalm 119:105)
  • Read the Bible prayerfully to gain insights into the meaning of your dreams. (Proverbs 2:6)
  • Talk to mentors about your dreams and get their perspectives. (Proverbs 15:22)
  • Keep a dream journal.
    • Genesis 40:5-20 - Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams.
    • Daniel 2:1-49 - Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar's dream.
  • Pay attention to the symbols and images in your dreams.
    • Genesis 28:10-17 - Jacob has a dream about a ladder to heaven.
    • Daniel 7:1-28 - Daniel has a dream about four beasts.
  • Consider the context of your dream.
    • Genesis 37:5-11 - Joseph has a dream about his brothers bowing down to him.
    • Matthew 1:18-25 - Joseph has a dream about Mary being pregnant with Jesus.

Remember, honoring your dreams and revelations is a journey. It takes time, patience, and faith. But it is a journey that is well worth taking.

Monday, September 19, 2022

How to give words of knowledge in public

 Public Words of Knowledge

In this video, I share some of the things I have learned on how to give a word of knowledge in the public marketplace. 


I am always looking for an opportunity; 
Getting prepared with mentors;
Discerning the difference between heart and spirit;
Words of knowledge are for the gospel;
Sources of spiritual information;
If the word persists it is confirmation; 
I ask if they know what the prophetic is;
Miracles only happen if you open your mouth;
I share two recent examples of words of knowledge in public;

Scriptures referred to:
1 Corinthians 14; Acts 13: 1-4; Acts 16; Hebrews 5:14;  

More on words of knowledge

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Saturday, August 27, 2022

Pat Hodges - Prophetic Pitfalls


Pat Hodges from Omega Ministries TX  discusses some of the pitfalls in the prophetic.  

Here is the raw video interview

Show Notes:
How we met;
Pat shares a testimony - he almost died;
Disobedience causes God's hand to lift a little;
Multinational zoom ministry and home meetings;
Prophetic pitfalls;
Do not assume everything you hear is God;
The different spiritual voices;
Prophets don't know everything;
Only address what God wants you to address;
Discernment is paramount;
Delivering a word without embarrassment;
Recipient of the word's responsibility;
Pray into God's will and give Him permission;
Discovering your calling;
Own your calling;
Function not title;
Don't try to psychologically figure it out;
Pray that you may interpret;
Spirit doesn't violate The Word;
The Chinese food example;
Your gift can activate without God leading;
Turbulence doesn't mean it isn't God;
Getting rid of the fear of man;
Prophetic people have much rejection;
Fear of man compromises the word;
Embracing Truth - not just hear it;
Discerning the Body;
From the church age to the Kingdom Age;
Signs shall follow them that believe in His Name;
Releasing the Word for healing;
Prophetic word illuminates truth for freedom;
The cannonball prophetic word;
Take the focus off of ourselves;
Parking lot healing ministry in Tulsa;
Houston and Dallas are prophetic hot spots;
Don't judge people according to the flesh;
Write down dreams;
Zoom Meetings and Home meetings;
Pat prays us out;
God sends mentors ;
Bob Jones divine appointment;



Saturday, February 26, 2022

God Sends Prophetic Mentors in His timing

God sends mentors

In this episode of "Coffee with Conrad," Conrad discusses the importance of having prophetic mentors in your Christian journey. He shares his own experiences with the prophetic and offers insight on how to discern if a prophecy is coming from the heart or from the mouth of the Lord. He also encourages listeners to find their passion, get disciplined in their calling, and continually seek the truth through prayer and reading the Bible.

If we diligently seek God, He sends us mentors 

Prophesying from the heart Jer 23:16;
Blown away by the supernatural;
Man flew me to prophetic conference;
The cannon ball vision;
We prophesy in part 1 Cor 13:9;
Don't interpret if you don't have it;
We need prophetic mentoring;
Why cartoon visions? ;
God sends mentors if you seek Him diligently;

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Saturday, December 18, 2021

Troubling Spiritual Revelations

Do you have a dream, vision, or spiritual revelation that is bugging you?

Spiritual questions require spiritual answers. This podcast explores what to do with those troubling spiritual revelations.  

Spiritual things cause dissonance with the mind

Getting back to the spirit; Spending more time seeking God; Heathen dream examples; God seals or encodes visions and dreams; A spiritual relationship has spiritual experiences; Interpretation is like a safe crack'; God rewards diligent seekers; My troubling domino dream; Links TEAM JESUS GEAR HONORING AND REMEMBERING DREAMS

You may also like Spiritual Mentors and Spiritual Warfare
Sometimes we need Mature Spiritual Mentors to help us wage good warfare!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Divine Appointments in Biloxi

Waking up in the prophetic

 I woke up with Sal and Mookie's on my mind! I have never been there and wasn't exactly sure where it was.  Since this was nonsequitar, I believed it might be God leading me there.  

This led to street preaching across from a casino and then a few divine appointments. 

I talk about it in the video.  

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Power Evangelism and Discernment

While doing spirit-led evangelism

.. and praying in the spirit, there are different sources of information that arise. . I will be addressing some of the different sources today.

Power Evangelism and Discernment Notes:

These are pearls of spiritual evangelism;
The prophetic is a mess right now;
My new age background;
Eph 6:18 tells us to pray in the spirit for people;
Different sources of spiritual info;
Demons or familiar spirits;
Our heart can deceive us Jer 23:16 ;
We are to commune with our hearts Psalms 4:4;
Paul goes from flesh to spirit;
Discernment comes from use Heb 5:12-14;
The recipient projects in the spirit;
Law of attraction in scripture;
The Spirit of God;
God confirms - my example;
Principalities cause spiritual traffic;
It is useful even if it is from a bad source;
We need prophetic mentorship;
1 Cor 14 is a good example;
huddling after evangelism;


Prophetic Fishing: Evangelism in the Power of the Spirit

Read it free for trying Scribd
Listen free for trying Audible

Open Your Eyes Book

Presence Evangelism Podcast Series 

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Words of Knowledge in Evangelism

Words of Knowledge

There is a moment in evangelism where we are talking to the person and seeking the Lord for wisdom on how to proceed.  Sometimes a word of knowledge is the key.  


Words of Knowledge during Evangelism


Open our mouth and watch God work; 
Establish rapport in Evangelism;
Rapport removes rocks of offense; 
Banner blindness mentality in evangelism; 
Different sources for words of knowledge; 
Not everything in the spirit is from the Throne room of heaven; 
Our deceitful heart Jeremiah 14:13-14 and Ezekiel 13:2;
Demons and familiar spirits; 
The person projecting in the spirit; 
Nathaniel under fig tree or woman at the well; 
Heb 5:12-14 senses exercised by reason of use!; 
Heb 4:12 maturing in Word and Spirit for discernment; 
Developing a relationship with God in the green season; 
Discerning the source of supernatural knowledge; 
The farm smell example of recognition; 
Fort Hood shooting spirit of murder; 
Lady with elevated emotion over break up; 
Word of knowledge was a Divine Appointment; 
The Projection Game; 
2Ki 4:27 God hid word from Elisha; 
2Ki 6:11-12 God allows Elisha to hear across great distances; 
1 COR 14:39 earnestly covet to prophesy; 
Joh 16:13 Spirit of Truth shows us things to come; 
Word of Knowledge example in a restaurant; 
Romans 12:6 prophesying in accordance to faith; 
Gideon developed his relationship with God over time; 
Individual words are rare in scripture and have to do with God's plan; 


Saturday, May 9, 2020

Missing God - A good idea or a GOD idea?

How do we know that we are hearing from God? My experiences and some bible experiences coming your way in this podcast.

Show Notes:
Is it a good idea? or a God idea?;.
Psalm 127 Except the Lord build the house we are wasting our time;
God still speaks from heaven Heb 12;25;
Zeal without knowledge;
Follower comments from Facebook;
Lori - wanted her husband to change;
Christin - wanted to go to church class;
Randy and the sovereignty of God;
Missing it and getting sick? What?;
Paul left Trophimus sick 2 Tim 4:20;
Rev 2:22 Jesus casts church members in sickbed? ;
Drinking the cup of Christ unworthily and getting sick 1 Cor 11:24-30;
Act 9:15-16 Suffering is part of the Christian walk;
Many confirmations before I moved to Florida;
Tempting God to get out of it;
Gideon developing his relationship through confirmations;
Jesus Jam Texas event confirmations;
Lucifer's 5 I wills versus Jesus' Thy Will;
The dream about Pascagoula;
Where God guides, God provides;
Joshua not praying about the Gibeonites;
Abraham and Sarah having an Ishmael;
1 Sam 13, Samuel and King Saul;
If then conjecture used by the devil Matt 4;
James 4:13-15 buying and selling without seeking God? ;
2 or 3 witnesses - give me confirmations Judges 6:17;
Acts 16 - the spirit led Paul to Macedonia;
Acts 13 - corporately seeking God and then doing His will;
1 Kings 17:1-10 good passage on Elijah;
1 Samuel 14:6-14 Jonathan and the armor-bearer;

Facebook post

Related Podcasts:
Personal Prophecy and Hearing God -
Spiritual aspect of hearing God

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Are we exalting the flag over Jesus?

We were going for a walk down a street that means Good View and I saw a flag hanging over a cross. And the words "We are exalting the flag over Jesus" came out of my mouth. I had some more confirmations from friends quickly after that.

Show Notes:

Walking down a street that means Good Vision! ;
Exalting the flag above Jesus;
Two or Three confirmations;
China taking down crosses above the flag;
Francis Bellamy and the pledge of Allegiance;
Spanish Flu killed 675 Thousand Americans;
Azusa Street Revival began in a home;
Looking to everyone but God for answers;
"Under God" not added til 1954;
Original Bellamy Salute looked like Nazi and Fascist Salute;
The spirit behind it all;
Exodus 20:4-5 not serving idols;
Luke 4:5-8 Only serve God;
Prophetic Facebook comment by Diane M. Holstein;
The football dream comes up again;
2Ch 7:13-14 God's prescription for saving His people;


Fox news article;
Bellamy Salute

Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Temple of the Lord - Vain Confidence

I heard in the Spirit a phrase found in Jeremiah chapter 7. It clearly applies to today.

Hearing from God with partial phrases;
Lying words and trusting too much in the temple;
God dwells not in temples made with hands Acts 17:24;
Traditions nullify the word of God Mark 7:13;
Worship in Spirit and Truth John 4:21-24;
Vain confidence is rejected ;
Doing pagan traditions and thinking it is ok;
Obeying the voice of God Heb 12:25;

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Praying it Through

God initiates conversation

Often times God will initiate a conversation with a believer. We then need to "pray it through" to the conclusion.

Praying it Through Show Notes:

James 5:16 effectual fervent prayer gets results;
Supernatural events kick-off dialogue with God;
Spirit of Truth dialogues with us to teach us;
Know the Word and Know the Author;
I began my relationship with God as s child;
Suppressing the voice of God like a ball in the water;
Meditating on the Word and Precepts;
The Word is the Way to the Father which is Spirit;
Mentors should have sings of a believer and fruit of the spirit;
Jesus manifests Himself to the believer John 14;
Psalm 100:4 Seeking to get into His spiritual presence;
Judges chapter 6 God's dialogue with Gideon;
Jeremiah chapter 1 God's dialogue with Jeremiah;
Acts 13 church meeting ministering and fasting;
Must have a relationship with God first;
Acts 10 God's dialogue with Peter;
Truth teaches us we were wrong about or ignorant of;
Amos 8 God's dialogue with Amos;
Daniel 10 Angel's dialogue with Daniel;
2 Kings 3:15 music to enter the spirit;
God inhabits our praises;
Spending time with God;
Wigglesworth and Mueller prayed and read the bible a lot! ;
Spirit and Word agree;
Daydreaming down the freeway example;
Hebrews 4:12 Word of God cuts the soul and Spirit;
Acts 13 - how to have church in the Spirit;
Force yourself to pray - get your body under subjection;
More on the podcast ;
Prayer List on the wall with confirmations;
Don't let your thoughts block God;
Trusting God - faith and believe;
Jeremiah 13 God's long dialogue with Jeremiah;

John Alexander Dowie book
William Branham book
Five-Fold Ministry Vision

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Stay Spiritually Connected with God

It is important to read the bible and maintain a spiritual relationship with God. Sharing my experience and wisdom from Smith Wigglesworth and George Mueller.

Show Notes:
Dad introduced me to prayer;
My 1995 Spiritual hunger for God;
God spoke using scripture;
Spirit never violates the Word;
Words of knowledge byproducts to a relationship with God;
Cares of the world make the word unfruitful Mark 4:18;
The spiritual flow seems to turn off;
Repent and do the first works - first love Rev 2;
Emphasizing bible listening while neglecting prayer life;
Wigglesworth and reading the bible;
George Muller on reading the bible;
The prayer life of George Muller;
Spirit of Truth teaching us ;

My Book Open Your Eyes
Alexander Scourby audio bible
Smith Wigglesworth Apostle of Faith book
George Mueller of Bristol book

Saturday, November 16, 2019

False Light - Don't fall for Lying Signs and Wonders!

False Light - Don't Fall for it!

Don't fall for false signs and wonders!

Beings of light show up at a conference, and I dicsuss a very revelaing dream I had about it.

Show Notes:

Christians should strive for spiritual discernment;
Light beings showing up at a new-age type conference;
Science is joining the New Age;
The bible talks about the power of the mind Mark 11:22-26;
Placebo works because of belief;
I had many supernatural experiences as a child;
From New Age to Christian;
Deut13:1-5 prophets leading people astray;
False signs and wonders in the bible;
Well-intentioned, but leading people away from Jesus;
Jesus emphasizes faith in God and forgiveness;
A lot of the supernatural is demonic;
My dream about these beings of light;
2 Cor 11:13-15 False apostles appearing as angels of light;
God is the Father of lights James 1:7;
Lucifer means light-bringer;
Psychics and Tarot card readers never point to Jesus;


Power of the Human Mind Biblically Speaking

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Nick Serre - Prophetic Evangelism Interview

Continuing in the series "Prophetic Evangelism" I interview Nick Serre from Canada.

Show Notes:

Sola Scriptura and following the Spirit;
Don't need to be a prophet to prophesy;
Discerning God's voice through relationship;
Waiting on the Lord;
Being led by the Spirit during evangelism;
Treasure hunting approach;
Spending time in the prayer closet;
How to pray for healing;
Ignoring the prompting to pray for someone;
How to approach people;
Reasons we miss it - discernment;
Different sources of information in the spirit realm;
The Spirit empowers us to do His Will;
Evangelizing at a Marylin Manson concert;
Reading the book versus doing what the book says;
Authority is given for us to Go! ;
Dare to take the step of faith;
Huddling after spiritual encounters;
Nick prays for the listeners;

Nick On FaceBook
Nick's PayPal
Facebook Live Original Interview
Shawn Bolz Prophetic Book Review
Stephen Barrett Interview
Glynda Lomax Interview