Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts

Friday, February 7, 2025

A Supernatural Journey: My Interview with Pastor Timothy Quackenbos

Walking in Signs and Wonders Today

I’m thrilled to share an incredible conversation I had with a man whose life is a testament to the supernatural power of God—Pastor Timothy Quackenbos, affectionately known as Brother Tim. If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like to walk in the prophetic, experience signs and wonders, and live a life fully surrendered to Jesus, this is for you.  

Introduction: A Divine Encounter  

Let me start by sharing how I first met Brother Tim. It’s one of those God-incidences (not coincidences) that still blows my mind. My wife, Susan, and I were at a gas station in Petrey when we saw a flyer for a tent revival. We decided to go, and that’s where we first encountered Brother Tim. He received a prophetic word for us that night, and from there, our paths kept crossing. It was clear that God was orchestrating our connection.  

Fast forward to today, and I’m sitting down with Brother Tim to dive deep into his extraordinary journey of faith. His life is marked by miracles, healings, and a relentless pursuit of God’s presence. If you’re hungry for a deeper spiritual relationship with Jesus, this interview will inspire and challenge you.  

The Early Years: A Call at Age 10  

One of the most fascinating parts of Brother Tim’s story is how he was called by God at just 10 years old. Imagine that—a child hearing from God in such a profound way! He shared how the devil actually appeared to him in his bedroom, and the fear of that encounter drove him to Christ.  

I saw the devil’s face, and my brother saw his body. I crawled to my mom’s room and told her I wanted to get saved. She led me to Christ that night.”  

Isn’t it amazing how God can use even the enemy’s schemes to draw us closer to Him? This moment marked the beginning of Brother Tim’s lifelong journey of faith.  

Baptized in the Holy Spirit: A Prophetic Calling  

Not long after his salvation, Brother Tim was baptized in the Holy Spirit while hanging clothes on a clothesline in Sarasota, Florida. He began speaking in tongues and heard God’s voice clearly, calling him to a life of ministry.  

God told me what I would be doing, even what I’m doing now. He said I would see the dead raised to life and the book of Acts alive in my life.”  

This prophetic calling has been the driving force behind Brother Tim’s ministry. He’s seen dead people raised to life, miraculous healings, and countless lives transformed by the power of Jesus.  

Signs and Wonders: The Mark of a Believer  

One of the things I admire most about Brother Tim is his unwavering belief in the signs and wonders that should follow believers. He often references Mark 16:17-18 (KJV), where Jesus says:  

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”  

Brother Tim’s life is a living testimony to these verses. He’s seen demons cast out, healings, and even a man raised from the dead in Haiti.  

Raising the Dead: A Miracle in Haiti  

One of the most powerful stories Brother Tim shared was about a man in Haiti who had been practicing voodoo against him. This man collapsed into a coma and eventually died. When Brother Tim arrived at the house, the Holy Spirit told him it was time to raise the dead.  

I laid on the dead body, put my nose on his nose, and commanded him to rise in Jesus’ name. The next thing I knew, I was standing, and he was looking me in the eye.”  

Today, that man is a worship leader in their church. From pronouncing curses to leading worship—only God can do that!  

Discerning God’s Voice: Keys to Spiritual Growth  

Another topic we explored was how to discern God’s voice. Brother Tim emphasized the importance of knowing Scripture and being obedient to what God says.  

If it agrees with Scripture, it’s God. If Jesus did it, we can do it. If Jesus said don’t do it, we don’t do it.”  

He also shared how confirmation plays a key role in discerning God’s will. Just like Gideon asked for signs, we too can seek confirmation when we’re unsure.  

Why Don’t We See More Miracles in America?  

This is a question many of us have asked. Brother Tim believes it’s largely due to false teaching and a lack of faith.  

In Haiti and Serbia, people trust God because if He doesn’t heal them, they’ll die. In America, we’ve been taught to trust doctors and medicine instead of God.”  

He challenged us to examine our own lives and ask: Are we truly believing God for the impossible?  

Personal Reflections: Walking in Faith  

As I listened to Brother Tim’s stories, I was reminded of my own journey. In 1995, I had a powerful encounter with God where He told me to “read the instructions”—meaning the Bible. Over the years, I’ve learned that the more we immerse ourselves in God’s Word, the clearer His voice becomes.  

Brother Tim’s life is a testament to what happens when we take God at His Word and step out in faith, even when it looks ridiculous. You have probably heard, “You’ve got to be willing to look stupid for Jesus.”  

If there’s one thing I hope you take away from this, it’s this: God is still in the miracle business. He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. Whether you’re facing a seemingly impossible situation or simply longing for a deeper relationship with Jesus, don’t settle for less than what God has promised.  

I encourage you to:  

1. Dive into Scripture and let it shape your faith.  

2. Seek mentors who walk in the signs of a believer.  

3. Step out in faith, even when it feels uncomfortable.  

If you’d like to learn more from Brother Tim, check out his book, Discernment: Keys to Unlocking the Benefits

Thank you for joining me on this journey. If this post resonated with you, please share it with your friends and family. Let’s spread the good news that Jesus is alive and still working miracles today!  

Until next time, keep seeking Him,  


P.S. Here is Brother Tim On Facebook

Contact Brother Tim Via Email

Saturday, June 1, 2024

From Brokenness to Impact: Richard's Story

 A Powerful Testimony of God's Transforming Love: Richard James Dixon Jr.'s Story

Recently on the "Coffee with Conrad" podcast, I had the privilege of interviewing Richard James Dixon Jr. from Real Talk Interactive about his powerful testimony of how Jesus Christ transformed his life. This inspiring story is a must-listen for any Christian who loves to hear about the supernatural power of God at work.  

Richard grew up in a godly family with six siblings. His parents raised them in holiness, but Richard admits he was a mischievous child who acted out and put his parents through a lot. Even at a young age though, he felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit whenever he misbehaved. 

One pivotal moment came when God allowed Richard to see how exhausted his mother was with his behavior. It broke his heart and he realized he needed to change. Around this time, Richard also experienced sexual abuse from someone outside the family. This left deep scars that affected him mentally for years to come.

As he matured, Richard threw himself into church activities like playing drums, teaching Sunday school and leading youth ministry. But inside he still struggled with the trauma of his abuse. After a girlfriend tragically died, Richard turned cold-hearted, feeling like he was toxic and nobody should be close to him. 

But God wasn't done with Richard's story. He brought Jennifer into Richard's life, a woman who persistently pursued a relationship with him. Though Richard resisted at first, God made it clear that Jennifer was the one for him. Their marriage became a powerful ministry and testimony of God's love.

During the pandemic, God laid it on Richard's heart to start Positiv Impact, a non-profit dedicated to providing positive atmospheres and support for at-risk youth in the community. Having experienced the breakdown of the family firsthand, Richard knows how vital it is for the church to minister outside its four walls. 

One of Richard's greatest joys is seeing the darkness lift from these young people's faces as they experience the love of God through his ministry. As he vulnerably shared about his own suicidal thoughts in the past, Richard testified that it was only by God's grace and the support of family and church that he made it through. 

No matter what poor decisions we make or what evil comes against us, Richard's story is proof that God can redeem anything for our good and His glory. If you feel lost, broken or too far gone, know that nothing is too hard for God. He is ready and willing to transform your life just like He did for Richard.

Real Talk Interactive on Facebook

Richard On Facebook Richard On Facebook 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Thomas Dabney Tannehill - Testimony for Jesus

The Power of Testimony: One Man's Journey from the Occult to Salvation in Jesus Christ

Testimonies of faith have the power to inspire, convict, and spur spiritual growth. In this accompanying blog post for the Coffee with Conrad podcast episode featuring Thomas Dabney Tannehill's powerful testimony, we'll explore key themes surrounding his journey from occult practices and drug addiction to experiencing new life in Christ.

Here is the original Facebook Live 

Dabbling in the Occult Opens Doors to Darkness

Like many young people, Thomas was exposed to occult practices like using Ouija boards and tarot cards from a young age. Little did he know the dangers of opening doorways to the demonic realm. The occult should be avoided by believers, as it gives the enemy a foothold (Eph. 4:27). Thomas also experienced poltergeist activity in his home growing up. 

Drug Use Leads Down Destructive Paths

Down the road, Thomas' involvement in Eastern religious practices, psychedelic drugs, and rock music sent his life into a tailspin. He had demonic encounters telling him to worship Satan while high on LSD. Drug use leads to addiction, poor choices, and dangerous consequences. Seeking enlightenment or spirituality through substance abuse can open people up to darker forces.

Crying Out for Help in Your Darkest Hour

After a terrifying drug trip where Thomas saw his body convulsing and hordes of demons, he cried out to God for mercy. Though far from God, Thomas retained a flicker of faith from his religious upbringing. God hears our prayers even at our worst moments. When all seems lost, He provides hope.

Christian Fellowship Helps Restore the Lost

Just when he thought he was alone, Thomas encountered his old friend Mickey sharing the gospel. This divine appointment led to Mickey mentoring Thomas in his newfound faith, discipling him in God's Word, and providing a community of belief. Surrounding ourselves with strong believers helps us grow. 

The Holy Spirit Illuminates Scripture

As Thomas read the Bible, its truths came alive by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Mere intellectual study is not enough. When we invite the Spirit to teach us, the Word transforms us. The Bible is the Spirit's sword (Eph. 6:17) to cut through lies and point us to godly living.

True Repentance Leads to Lasting Change

After failed attempts to clean up his own life, Thomas fully surrendered his heart and will to Christ. This repentance led to supernatural freedom as he turned from darkness and embraced the light. When we submit ourselves to God, He breaks sin's power. Our old self dies, and we become new creations in Him (2 Cor. 5:17).

The Journey May Be Slow But Progress Comes  

Though saved, Thomas still stumbled at times on his spiritual walk. Sanctification is a process. The righteousness of Christ is gifted to believers, but living it out takes time. Thomas discovered the joys of forgiveness and getting back on the right path when he faltered. God's grace sustains us.

Testimonies Build Faith and Give Hope

By generously sharing his story, Thomas inspires us to cling to Jesus above all else and reach out into the darkness with Christ's love. Our testimonies matter―they build faith, give hope, and point others to the One who can set them free.

- Salvation Experience Facebook Post:  
- Podcast Episode:  ****Getting into the Spirit - The Biblical Way****  

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Monty Simpson Interview - Exploring the Challenges and Rewards of Street Evangelism

Conrad interviews street evangelist Monty Simpson

Monty shares his testimony and experiences of preaching on the streets. Monty discusses his journey from a life of alcoholism to finding salvation and his calling to evangelism. He also shares insights into the challenges and rewards of street preaching, and how his spiritual relationship with Jesus fuels his passion for the Great Commission. Despite facing opposition and misunderstanding, Monty remains steadfast in his mission to bring Jesus to the lost and hurting world.

Show notes:

- Monty Simpson shares his journey to street evangelism;
- Simpson's upbringing and struggles with alcoholism;
- His radical transformation after accepting Christ;
- The challenges and opposition faced by street preachers;
- The importance of being led by God in street preaching;
- Encountering demonic opposition during public preaching;
- The power of prayer and persistence in evangelism;
- The need for more Christians to take the gospel to the streets (Matthew 28:19);
- Simpson's call for support in his evangelistic mission.

Links and Support:

Saturday, December 10, 2022

California Cross Walk - Acie Burleson Interview

Evangelist Acie Spreads Gospel Throughout California!

Evangelist Acie Burleson was on a mission to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout California, but he's did it in a unique way - by carrying a cross. Here is an exclusive interview with him where we can hear firsthand about this incredible journey. We’re excited to learn why he felt inspired to take on this endeavor and what his experiences and challenges were;

How Acie Burleson Spreads the Gospel In California!

Show Notes:
Met Acie Originally at Jesus Jam Texas;
Acie's original call to walk the cross;
Starting out with a challenge of faith;
Acie talks to homeless people;
Lady cries and said she was blessed;
Most people ignored him;
Acie talks to a man doing meth;
Supernatural provision;
Angry man challenges Acie ;
More supernatural provision!;
Desperate and God comes through;
We pray for California;
Acie prays us out;

Acie On Facebook 
Walking Memorial YouTube  
From South Carolina to the Grand Canyon 

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Pat Hodges - Prophetic Pitfalls


Pat Hodges from Omega Ministries TX  discusses some of the pitfalls in the prophetic.  

Here is the raw video interview

Show Notes:
How we met;
Pat shares a testimony - he almost died;
Disobedience causes God's hand to lift a little;
Multinational zoom ministry and home meetings;
Prophetic pitfalls;
Do not assume everything you hear is God;
The different spiritual voices;
Prophets don't know everything;
Only address what God wants you to address;
Discernment is paramount;
Delivering a word without embarrassment;
Recipient of the word's responsibility;
Pray into God's will and give Him permission;
Discovering your calling;
Own your calling;
Function not title;
Don't try to psychologically figure it out;
Pray that you may interpret;
Spirit doesn't violate The Word;
The Chinese food example;
Your gift can activate without God leading;
Turbulence doesn't mean it isn't God;
Getting rid of the fear of man;
Prophetic people have much rejection;
Fear of man compromises the word;
Embracing Truth - not just hear it;
Discerning the Body;
From the church age to the Kingdom Age;
Signs shall follow them that believe in His Name;
Releasing the Word for healing;
Prophetic word illuminates truth for freedom;
The cannonball prophetic word;
Take the focus off of ourselves;
Parking lot healing ministry in Tulsa;
Houston and Dallas are prophetic hot spots;
Don't judge people according to the flesh;
Write down dreams;
Zoom Meetings and Home meetings;
Pat prays us out;
God sends mentors ;
Bob Jones divine appointment;



Saturday, August 13, 2022

Joseph McFarland Testimony for Jesus!

 Interview with TEAMJESUS evangelist Joseph McFarland. He had a healing miracle he wants to share!


Here are bullet point show notes for the podcast transcript:
 - Joseph was one of the first people to get COVID-19 when it first started being talked about;
 - The virus attacked weaknesses in Joseph's body and he turned yellow, found out he had hepatitis B and C which were attacking his liver;
 - Joseph struggled emotionally, questioned his faith in God, wondered why he wasn't being healed when praying for others;
 - Joseph's symptoms got worse over time - extreme fatigue, bowel issues, swelling, loss of strength;
 - Joseph struggled to keep his job, relied on God to give him strength to get through each day of work; - Joseph's coworkers noticed he looked different and wasn't performing to his normal standard;
 - A pallet jack rolled over Joseph's foot at work, crushing it, but miraculously he was uninjured;
 - Joseph's wife told him he looked pale and should get his hepatitis levels rechecked;
 - When getting his blood drawn, Joseph apologized to Jesus for mistreating his blood that Jesus gave him;
 - The clinic called with shock that Joseph's liver was normal and no hepatitis detected;
 - Joseph got paperwork confirming he no longer had detectable hepatitis B or C;
 - Joseph believes he was healed right after Conrad moved away, when his strength returned;
 - Joseph learned to always be patient with God, never give up on God, all things are possible with God; 
 - Joseph encourages others going through illness to align their heart with their mouth in faith;
 - Joseph prayed for others' healings from cancer, hepatitis, broken hearts, finances;
 - Joseph misses ministering with Conrad but sees their separation like Paul and Barnabas.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Walking After the Spirit with the Carrascos - Testimony Interview

Testimony interview the Francisco and Carisa Carrasco. Hear what it is like to hold on to God tenaciously through adversity.  Their faith was tried, but they came out triumphant through their faith in Jesus. 

Here is the video Interview:

Show Notes:

Warfare before the Interview;
Francisco and Carissa battled Sickness;
Demons and the Spirit of Death;
The struggle with going to the doctor;
The dove confirmation of assurance;
A turn for the worse - very low oxygen;
The demonic growl ;
Xray shows complete lung failure;
Only 2 days left to live;
The supernatural healing encounter ;
God sends two confirmations ;
Deliverance came finally;
God provided for all the needs;
The Atheist doctor saw a miracle;
Hear blockage disappears;
God said CHOOSE NOW! ;
Divine appointment and word of knowledge;
More dove confirmations;
Prayer ........ ;

YouTube Interview 
Francisco on Facebook
Carisa on Facebook

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Real Talk Live Interactive - Interview Conrad and Joseph


We met while Evangelizing

We met Richard and Jennifer Dixon one day while we were out ministering the gospel.  Turns out they interviewed us on Real Talk Live Interactive.  They gave us permission to use the audio portion for my podcast audience.  


You may also like :  Behind the Scenes update - Ministering in Biloxi

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Kevin Riordan - Spiritual Dangers of Halloween

Kevin Riordan 

Kevin has a deliverance ministry and he has first hand experience when it comes to the spiritual dangers of celebrating Halloween.

Christians Celebrating Halloween Dangers:

People do Halloween even though they know better;
Kevin's parents taught him Halloween was evil;
Anxiety attacks and Halloween;
Manifesting a demon because or Halloween participation;
Kevin's zoom deliverance online ministry;
Demon's get access subtly through Halloween participation;
Christians refusing to listen to people with experience;
Ex Satanists warn to have zero participation in Halloween;
Ignoring the spiritual aspect of Christianity;
Handing trick or treaters gospel tracts;
Have no fellowship with darkness;
Halloween is a satanic event;
Dump the 'trunk or treat';
Pastors ignorant of the demonic;
Bringing cursed objects into your home;


Kevin on Facebook
The Christian Yoga Deception 
Set Free Weekends
They Shall Expel Demons by Derek Prince 
The Original Facebook Post

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Garry Nesbit Testimony for Jesus! Healed from Stage 4 Cancer!

From Stage 4 Cancer to Miraculous Healing: An Incredible Story of Faith

Evangelist Gary Nesbitt has an amazing testimony of God's healing power that will inspire your faith. Diagnosed with late-stage pancreatic cancer, Gary was given just months left to live by doctors. But he kept his trust in God even during the darkest moments of his illness. 


Gary shares his incredible journey from expecting death to receiving a miraculous healing from the Lord. 

Despite being weak and close to giving up all hope, Gary had an encounter with God's presence that changed everything.

One night in the hospital, Gary felt compelled to get up and dance before the Lord, praising God even in his dire circumstances. After this simple act of faith, Gary sensed a supernatural healing taking place in his body. The next day, tests confirmed that the large cancerous tumor was totally gone!

Gary's oncologist was stunned, admitting "I'll be darned, it's gone!" When just weeks before, the doctor had felt the sizeable tumor himself. This immediate and complete healing could only be explained as a miracle from God.

What can we learn from Gary's story? No matter how desperate your health circumstances may seem, keep holding on to your faith. God still performs miracles today! Gary's testimony is an inspiring reminder that with God, nothing is impossible. Even stage 4 cancer can be healed in an instant. 

So be encouraged today that your prayers have power. God is still in the business of bringing healing, hope and new life. Listen to the full podcast to hear more of Gary's journey and be strengthened in your faith!


Here is another Interview about Garry's miraculous healing! 


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Jerry Alford Testimony for Jesus

God sets up divine appointments today! Testimony interview and Ministry Spotlight with evangelist Jerry Alford from TEAM - Truckers Evangeslizing America Ministry.

show notes:
How we met evangelist Jerry Alford was a divine appointment;
Cold windy day street preaching and then Disc Golf;
Jerry Alford shares how he got saved from a gospel tract;
Jerry Shares about the ministry;


Try Amazon Prime FREE FOR 30 DAYS!
Jerry is @TeamEvangelist on Twitter; is Jerry's email;

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Nick Serre - Prophetic Evangelism Interview

Continuing in the series "Prophetic Evangelism" I interview Nick Serre from Canada.

Show Notes:

Sola Scriptura and following the Spirit;
Don't need to be a prophet to prophesy;
Discerning God's voice through relationship;
Waiting on the Lord;
Being led by the Spirit during evangelism;
Treasure hunting approach;
Spending time in the prayer closet;
How to pray for healing;
Ignoring the prompting to pray for someone;
How to approach people;
Reasons we miss it - discernment;
Different sources of information in the spirit realm;
The Spirit empowers us to do His Will;
Evangelizing at a Marylin Manson concert;
Reading the book versus doing what the book says;
Authority is given for us to Go! ;
Dare to take the step of faith;
Huddling after spiritual encounters;
Nick prays for the listeners;

Nick On FaceBook
Nick's PayPal
Facebook Live Original Interview
Shawn Bolz Prophetic Book Review
Stephen Barrett Interview
Glynda Lomax Interview

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Prophetic Evangelism - Stephen Barrett Interview

Interview with Stephen Barrett form Holy fire Japan about Prophetic Evangelism.

Show Notes:
Stephen and I met around 2010 on #Tworship;
Frustrated with no results and God told him to fast;
Many supernatural miracle healings ;
Living by faith;
Prophetic Evangelism is really spirit led evangelism;
A word about Treasure Hunting;
Words of knowledge about pain;
Evangelism does not have to be 'prophetic' ;
Initiating the conversation;
Scanning in the spirit;
Committing our way to the Lord so He will bring it to pass;
Establishing rapport;
Street evangelism and opening your mouth;
The boldness that comes;
Words of knowledge versus common knowledge;
Missing it ;
Stilling the thought life so you can hear in the Spirit;
Sources of information in the Spirit;
Prophetic mentoring;
Talking too much instead of listening;
Assembling the body together;
Doing it versus making excuses;
Stephen Prays us out;

Stephen Barrett on Facebook
Holy Fire Japan blog
Facebook Live Video

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Glynda Lomax - Prophetic Evangelism Interview

Interview with Author Glynda Lomax about the nuts and bolts of prophetic evangelism. How does getting and delivering a prophetic word actually work? Find out in this Podcast interview.

Show Notes:
Glynda shares how a Prophetic word saved her;
How did her time in the occult impact the Christian Prophetic? ;
Is it really 'prophetic' or 'being led by the Spirit'?;
The 'busyness' that keeps us from hearing God;
Be still and know that I am God Psalm 46:10;
Take no thought what you will say beforehand Luke 12:11-12;
How do we know where the Lord wants us to go? ;
Glynda shares her first prophetic evangelism experience;
Glynda shares how she knew it was God leading her;
Senses exercised by reason of use Hebrews 5:14
Sharing a word of knowledge example in prison ministry;
Not remembering prophetic words given while being in the spirit;
God drew Glynda while she was backslidden;
Glynda shares a prophetic word for the podcast audience;
Praying it through - the 'deadly winter' word;
Discussing open visions versus words of knowledge;
How to initiate the conversation with a word of knowledge;
Words of knowledge have something only God and they know;
Making mistakes - don't add to or take away;
What happens when we don't share the prophetic word;
Prophetic mentoring in 1 Corinthians 14;
Sources of spiritual information;
God deceives prophets Ezek 14:9;
Step out in faith and deliver the word;
Glynda prays ;

The Wilderness Companion book
Glynda's VIDEO  Testimony from 2010
Glynd'as Author Page
Glynda Lomax on Youtube
Wings Of Prophecy blog

Friday, October 4, 2019

Buddhists, Mormons, and Jesus | Jonnathan Zin Truong Book Interview

Jonnathan grew up Buddhist and was radically saved by Jesus Christ. He talks about his new book release which deals with the abuse that he suffered and his current relationship with God.

Show Notes:

Houston is a prophetic hub;
Born and raised Buddhist;
Jonnathan talks about his current ministry;
Challenging one another and growing;
Writing stories about his abuse with his counselor;
God healed him from dyslexia;
The brutal honesty about his abusive childhood;
The struggle putting the abuse portion is his book;
Foretelling the future while being Buddhist;
Monks thought he was a reincarnation of a buddha;
Upcoming series on prophetic evangelism;
Following the spirit in business;
Hearing and following the spirit;
Not Buddhist not Mormon - Jesus Only;
Pray and prophesy on Sundays;
Jonathan prays us out;

Jonnathan on facebook
GodManfest Website 
Buy the book 

Saturday, August 3, 2019

2000 mile Cross Walk FINISHED! Acie Burleson Interview

Interview with Acie Burleson who finished his 2000 mile journey walking the cross from South Carolina to the Grand Canyon.

Show notes:

Typical Day and Cross description;
Supernatural Provision;
A dangerous close call;
People call the cops on Acie;
Supernatural favor of God;
He almost gave up;
Persecution and shut mouths;


Earlier crosswalk interview:
Acie Burleson Testimony for Jesus:

Acie Burleson Links:

Acie on FaceBook
Acie on YouTube

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Is Street Preaching Hate Speech?

Is Street Preaching Hate Speech?

Actual Street preachers chime in on the subject!

00:49 Someone shared the gospel with a saved person;
01:08 Hateful Street Preacher example;
02:29 Biblical Definition of "Preach" or "Preacher" ;
06:29 Acie Burleson chimes in;
06:56 Lance Rowe says not to stand by idly!;
07:28 Monty Simpson God's love must be preached;
08:24 Corey Costelli gives a train example;
08:51 John Roush chimes in;
09:16 Mandy Stork, follow the Lord's leading;
10:24 Muslims having service inside a Christian church!;
11:05 Texas Muslim capitol day - interrupted by Christine Weick;
12:29 Preacher arrested for reading the bible at DMV;
13:39 Examining the Captive audience doctrine;
14:55 My first experience Street preaching the cops shut me down;
15:59 Jonny Gaston from Reach My City Audio;
18:17 Matthew Foutch preaches the Love of Jesus;
20:16 Brandon Hooks If we love people, tell them the truth;
21:51 Stephen Barrett from Holy Fire Japan - Be led by the Spirit;
29:24 Acts 5:27 Obey God about Preaching and not man;
30:19 Philippians 1:15 At least Christ is being preached! ;


Do you appreciate the time stamps? Let me know please!

More links here:

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Cessationist Pastor Gets Healed Part 2 - Garry Nesbit Interview

This is part two of Cessationist pastor gets healed. Interview with Garry Nesbit.

Garry explains the encounter ;
The cessationist cousin saw it and got saved;
Garry explains why cessationism is so predominant;
Why healings are not happening in church much;
People ignore healings and miracles;
Spirit of doubt and unbelief choking the word;
Form of godliness while denying the power;
Miracles at the VA Hospital;
Garry talks about doctors and faith;
Jesus put out the unbelievers before raising the dead;
Persecution from the 'church';
Why Mark 16 'signs of a believer' aren't common;
The Spirit during one on one ministry;
Healing and the prophetic causes division;
Throwing caution to the wind and believing God;
Demas and everyone forsook Paul;
Love of money and tickling ears;
Garry prays us out;
Garry on Facebook:

Suggested Reading:
Azusa Street
William Seymour
Charles Finney
Smith Wigglesworth
John Alexander Dowie
John G. Lake
George Müller