Showing posts with label #QuestionsThatRock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #QuestionsThatRock. Show all posts

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Is it Ever ok for Christians to Smoke Pot?

Christians and Marijuana. Lots of things are legal, but should Christians partake? I explore Christians and marijuana from a biblical view. This podcast includes comments from Facebook, a couple of articles, and clips from interviews.

What Does the Bible Teach about the Cannabis Plant? ;
The Ezekiel 34:29, Revelation 22:1–2 and Psalm 104:14 argument;
Exploring the Exodus 30:22-29 ganeh-bosem argument;
Alexandria Carson with Gen 3:18 thorns and the curse;
Sorcery - Pharmakia - all drugs? or the ones that get you high?
Is alcohol really similar to pot biblically? ;
Proverbs 31:4-7 and Eph 5:18 guidelines to drinking;
10 Things You Should Know about Marijuana and the Christian ;
The Genesis 1:29 God said every plant is for food;
Are pot brownies biblical? ;
Caffeine versus marijuana - stoned versus alert;
Jean O'Neil Manns - sugar causes health issues;
Lance Rowe - Marijuana and cancer ;
Salvia is a legal drug that is a hallucinogen;
Anna Wilkerson-Corman - Church should operate in Faith;
King Asa sought physicians and not the Lord 2 Chronicles 16:12;
Spiritual warfare attacks and quoting the Word instead of pills;
Clip of interview with Garry Nesbit;
Pot helped Nancy extremely reduce pill intake;
Thomas Tannehill - Maybe eating pot is ok, but don't get wasted;
Alexandria and Shelli - Pot opens up the demonic;
Clip from Interview with Steve Bratten;
Pot opens up the demonic and maybe Schizophrenia;
Clip from John Piper on Christians and Marijuana;
Clip from Meagan Farrow and her struggle with pot;
Pot is a gateway drug and should not be used for recreation;

Garry Nesbit talks about Pot
Meagan Farrow talks about Pot
#QTR Pot Post on Facebook
Crosswalk ARticle 10 things -  ;
Equip CRI article Bible and Cannabis -

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Worship Leader Playing in Bars? is that really OK?

Is it OK for a worship leader to also play at a bar?

I asked this question on various social media sources and have a perspective on it as I used to play in heavy metal bands and also lead worship.

Show Notes:

Kat Pigliacampi - Her band no longer plays in bars;
Since I encountered Jesus I wouldn't consider playing secular events;
Jaziz Gutierrez - Absolutely Not Eph 5:11 and 1 Thess 5:22;
Melissa Chunn Mullins - nope -> 2 Corinthians 6:14;
Christiana Mata - Her church doesn't allow it! ;
Jonnathan Zin Truong - YES - we are to be light in darkness! ;
Marie Renshaw - YES - she was led by the spirit to a bar;
Sunday Ferrante - Yes - Go where the fish are;
Peter - fished all night and caught nothing til Jesus directed him;
TheCainain - Don't fish in a Christian fish bowl! ;
ThePuritanBoard - Director chimes in! ;
DallasObserver - Agnostic confession about playing in bars and churches for cash;
My conviction and deliverance while burning of my heavy metal CD's;
Purge ourselves to be meet for the Master's use - 2 Timothy 2:21-22 ;
Burning the accursed things in the New Testament Acts 19:18-20;

The #QuestionsThatRocks on FACEBOOK
The Question on Instagram
The Question on TWITTER
Last Call: From Serving Drinks to Serving Jesus BOOK
Puritan Board Forum discussion on worship and bars
Dallas Musicians confessions about church
Jonnathan Zin Truong Testimony 
Church and the AA Approach Podcast

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Short Term Mission Trips - Do they do more harm than good?

Actual missionaries chime in on the question - Do short term mission trips do more harm than good?

#QuestionsThatRock about Short Term Mission Trips
Points from Articles I read include:
The same house painted 20 times by missionaries;
Money wasted when locals are unemployed;
Parents abusing children to milk money from missions;
Pastors have learned to milk money out of Americans;
You can't be a hero for a week;
Don't do a job locals can do;
Why not evangelize your own neighborhood?;
Facebook Comments include:
Kris Cates:
Gospel is not preached as much as humanitarian aid;
Why build them a house and not warn them about hell?;
Lauren Emswiler Watson:
Short term can be fruitful if the actually have a mission;
Lewis Jason:
Atrocities and danger is not a vacation!;
True missions must be led by the Spirit;
Glenn Roseberry:
He began his long term mission with a short term mission;
Mickie Sapen West:
Would YOU send 2000 to a mission without going first?;
Jean A. Young:
Disaster in the making - fetish bracelets!;
Jonathan Edward Gibbard:
Points out the cultural and language problem;
Stephen Barret from Holy Fire Japan chimes in audio;
We must be led by the Spirit of God with anything we do;

Links in the show:

When Helping Hurts Book 
Becoming Whole book
End of the Spear Movie
Watch it for Free for Trying Prime
FaceBook Question That Rocks
My Tweet to Darren

Why You Should Consider Canceling Your Short-Term Mission Trips
Why Most Mission Trips Are A Waste Of Time -
Things No One Tells You About Going on Short-Term Mission Trips 

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Christian Yoga Deception

Should Christians participate in yoga? #QuestionsThatRock

When I went into the new age I studied a Hindu by the name of Paramahansa Yogananda. I thought Christians didn't understand their own Bible because they rejected the spiritual Supernatural aspects of the Bible.

Paramahansa Yogananda explained the supernatural aspects of the bible in an awesome New Age Hindu way.  Which was appealing to me at the time. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

He was the beginning of an onslaught of Hindu evangelism coming into the United States.

Hindus are selling YOGA as science and masking the fact that it's a spiritual, Supernatural Pagan religion that opens people up to the Demonic Realm.

Yoga teachers in the west are the leading missionaries of Hinduism.
It's not only sweeping America it's sweeping through the church.

Should Christians participate in yoga?

Show Notes:
Israel made golden calves and called it God;
Don't worship the Lord the way the heathen do;
My demonic attacks are similar to Yoga participants;
Eastern Religions opens the door to the demonic;
Yoga is making a ton of money;
Kevin Riordan talks about yoga at a Christian School;
Stretching and Yoga are not the same things;
Testimony - Yoga leads to sickness and spiritual attack;
Testimony - Yoga led to choking and possession;
Occult practices leads to generational curses;
Kundalini serpent in Yoga;
Kevin Riordan - Yoga is a gateway to the demonic;
Hosea 4:6 God's people are ignorant and children suffer;
Steven Bancarz - Yoga Poses invoke demons;
Denying the supernatural pushes people to the New Age;
Paramahansa Yogananda blended Yoga with Christianity;
Yoga Instructors are Hindu Evangelists infiltrating America;
Hindu congress declares the "end of Christianity has come near";
Yoga teachers are the front missionaries of Hinduism;
Airing the Addisons talk about  Yoga;
Heidi St John talks to Jessica Smith about her yoga testimony;
Yoga has a doctrine antithetical to the bible;
The Yoga Poses alone activates the spiritual realm;
Yoga means "to yoke" with the pagan gods;
Garry Nesbit says yoga is from the pit of hell;
Stephen Barrett from Holy Fire Japan on Yoga;
Denise Richard suffered from Yoga;
Deanna Connelly speaks out about Yoga;
Jonny Gaston from Reach My City;

Friday, January 27, 2017

Meagan Farrow Testimony for Jesus

I asked a #QuestionsThatRock about Christians, alcohol, and marijuana.  Meagan was very passionate about the subject, and i knew there was a testimony for Jesus behind what she was saying.

Christians and drugs #QuestionsThatRock ;
Lost mom early age;
Abuse as a child;
Went to church as a child;
Numbing effect of drugs;
Questioning the existence of God;
Step mom got delivered;
Prayer and reading the word 1hr daily;
The backslide;
Graduating to harder drugs;
The breaking point;
The divine appointment;
The Rock of Revelation;
The divine Facebook status!;
Teaching Sunday school;
Married with a house!
Continually growing in Jesus;
Meagan Prays;
Jeremiah 29:13 Seeking God with our whole heart;

Meagan on FaceBook;