Saturday, October 5, 2024

My Journey Through Doubt: Discovering the Reality of Divine Healing

From Skeptic to Believer: My Journey to Embracing Divine Healing

Have you ever found yourself questioning the authenticity of divine healing? As someone who once stood firmly on the side of skepticism, I can relate. I'm Conrad from, and I want to share the transformative journey that led me from doubt to faith in God's miraculous power.

Growing Up Skeptical

My skepticism began in my early years. Raised in a cessationist church, I often watched televangelists with a critical eye. Their displays of healing seemed insincere and manipulative, targeting vulnerable individuals searching for hope. This perception was further solidified by scandals involving fake healings and financial exploitation. I was deeply angered by these acts, which I perceived as taking advantage of the weak-minded.

This critical view wasn't just limited to televangelists. I questioned the entire foundation of Christianity, especially when I heard about figures like Jim Jones, who manipulated and deceived countless people. The stories of fake healings, where people were tricked into believing they had experienced miracles, left me jaded and suspicious of any claims of divine intervention.

The New Age Detour

Feeling disillusioned, I turned to the New Age movement. It promised answers to my questions about supernatural experiences that the church couldn't explain. The New Age community seemed more open to discussing phenomena that I had personally encountered, but their answers, though well-intentioned, were ultimately misguided.

My involvement with the New Age was a search for truth, but it was also a reaction to what I perceived as the church's failure to address the supernatural. The Bible says, "My people perish for lack of knowledge," and I realized that much of the church was ignorant of the spiritual gifts and supernatural elements present in scripture.

A Turning Point in 1995

By 1995, I was at a crossroads in my life. Outwardly successful, with a penthouse in Los Angeles and a thriving business, I was internally battling depression. Desperate for change, I challenged God to reveal Himself to me. In that moment, He did, speaking to me in a voice I had long suppressed. This encounter marked the beginning of my spiritual awakening.

Despite learning to recognize God's voice, I still struggled with the concept of divine healing. I had personal experiences of being healed, such as when God healed my back in Hawaii, yet my heart remained clouded by unbelief. The journey from hearing God's voice to trusting in His power to heal was gradual and filled with moments of doubt.

Influences Along the Way

Several key figures influenced my journey. At Fellowship Christian Church in Houston, Howard Jackson's prayers resulted in numerous healings, including instances of infertility and cancer. Witnessing these miracles firsthand opened my eyes to the reality of God's healing power.

Howard Jackson was not just a pastor; he was a vessel through which the Holy Spirit worked mightily. People would bring prayer requests, and through corporate prayer, miraculous healings occurred. I saw eyes straightened, infertility issues resolved, and cancers healed. These were not just stories—I personally witnessed the transformations.

I also encountered Dave Lage from Holy Spirit Led Ministries. His teachings emphasized our authority as believers to heal, challenging my preconceived notions. Dave's perspective, rooted in scripture, inspired me to explore healing ministry further. His conviction that God had already given us the power to heal was revolutionary to me. It forced me to reevaluate my understanding of scripture and the role of believers in continuing Jesus' ministry on earth.

My path crossed with Garry Nesbit, whose childlike faith and healing ministry profoundly impacted me. Seeing Garry pray for others with unwavering belief was a pivotal moment in my transformation. His approach was simple yet profound—trust God fully and act on that faith. Garry's ministry was a testament to the power of belief and the reality of God's healing touch.

Overcoming Doubt and Unbelief

One of my greatest struggles was overcoming doubt and unbelief when praying for others. I had to learn to cast down negative thoughts and trust in God's power, not my own abilities. This journey required a significant shift in mindset, moving from skepticism to faith in divine healing.

The Bible talks about renewing our minds, and for me, this was a process of metanoia—repentance through changing my mindset. I had to let go of the critical, analytical part of me that demanded logical explanations for everything. Instead, I had to embrace the mystery of faith and the supernatural.

The Importance of Saturation

To grow in faith, I discovered the importance of saturating myself with Scripture and testimonies of healing. Reading about healing evangelists like Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake, and Maria Woodworth-Etter helped reinforce my belief in the supernatural.

Listening to modern-day testimonies also played a crucial role in strengthening my faith. Hearing stories of miraculous healings and witnessing them firsthand provided undeniable evidence of God's power at work today. The testimonies of others served as a reminder that God is still active and powerful in our world.

Realizations and Continued Growth

Through this journey, I've learned that healing is real and available to us today. Despite this understanding, I recognize that not every prayer results in an immediate miracle. Some prayers of faith have led to healing, while others have not.

One memorable experience was praying for a woman with carpal tunnel syndrome. As we prayed, she began opening her hand, experiencing healing right before our eyes. Conversely, I've also prayed for individuals who didn't receive healing, reminding me of the mystery and sovereignty of God.


My journey from skepticism to belief in divine healing has been transformative. While I don't have all the answers, I am convinced that God still heals today. I encourage you to explore this topic with an open heart, saturate yourself in God's word, and be willing to step out in faith.

Call to Action

I welcome your thoughts, testimonies, or even disagreements. Let's engage in a respectful discussion about divine healing and grow together in faith. Share your experiences in the comments below or reach out to me directly.

Remember, as believers, we're called to: "And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you."(Luk 10:9)

Let's embrace this calling with childlike faith and see what God will do!

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