Saturday, August 5, 2023

Theology with PI AI - - Unleashing the Power of Technology in Theological Conversations


Spirit-Led Evangelism: Insights from an AI Conversation

I recently had a fascinating dialogue with an AI assistant named Pi about the topic of spirit-led evangelism. We dove deep into what it means to authentically follow the leading of the Holy Spirit when sharing the gospel. 

Here are some key insights from our conversation:

  • Using AI for theological dialogue with caution - I discussed priming the AI and verifying anything unfamiliar it claims, since AI can sometimes be wrong or "hallucinate" answers. We must confirm new information learned from AI against Scripture and other sources.
  • Why apologetics alone doesn't always reach people's hearts - We discussed how intellectual arguments, while important, often fail to resonate emotionally with people. As Conrad shared from his own experience, it took a real spiritual encounter with Jesus to change his life.
  • The power of miracles and spiritual experiences - Miracles can prepare people's hearts for the gospel by demonstrating God's power. We are meant to follow the Spirit's leading in ministry, not just rely on techniques.
  • Developing intimacy with God through prayer walks - Having a deep relationship with God is foundational for hearing His voice. Prayer walking retraces the steps of biblical figures like Enoch who walked closely with God.
  • Learning to discern God's voice - Discernment grows as we become familiar with Scripture and exercise our spiritual senses. We must learn to recognize the Holy Spirit's voice.
  • Biblical examples like David and Jesus' practices - Both spent extended alone time with God in prayer and worship. We too must prioritize seeking God.
  • Stepping out in faith to share God's love - Even when afraid, we are called to evangelize out of obedience and God will meet us. Loving others reflects God's heart.
  • Making seeking God our first priority - We must put intimacy with God before all else. As we do, He will move in amazing ways.

This rich conversation unpacked so many profound concepts around deepening our connection to God and following His leading. My biggest takeaway is the reminder that evangelism flows out of relationship. It's not about methods or techniques. May we passionately pursue knowing Jesus more, abiding in Him, and sharing His love from that place.

Please take the time to listen to the full podcast episode! There were so many more insights that I wasn't able to capture here. Our AI friend Pi asked thoughtful questions that stimulated much reflection. I'm thankful for how technology can help us gain new perspective on timeless biblical truths.

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