Saturday, February 8, 2020

Abiding In The Vine

Some revelation on abiding in the vine of Jesus.

Show Notes:
John 15:1-8 the Vine passage;
God brings mentors;
Dialing into the spiritual reservoir;
Abiding presence versus manifest presence;
Jeremiah 5:24-25 sin and iniquities make us further away;
1 John 1:8-9 confession, repentance, and forgiveness can lead to nearness;
Pastor Howard and Karen mentors;
My green season with God;
Distractions can knock us out of abiding;
An example of 'presence' with my cat Boaz;
Distraction in the world or in ministry;
Getting too comfortable in our relationship;
David numbering Israel in his own will;
2 Samuel 6:6-7 Uzzah and the ark of the covenant;
The Word cleanses us John 1:5:3;
The Word sets us FREE John 8:31-32;
Are you in a dry season? take stock;
Psalm 16:8 keeping God always before us;
Romans 12:1,2 a living sacrifice;
Luke 9:23 carrying our cross daily;
Galatians 2:20 our life is God's ;

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Smith Wigglesworth Apostle of Faith
Alexander Scourby bible on YouTube

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