One of the ways God gets our attention is when the Spirit of Truth illuminates a passage as we read the Bible (John 16:13). We may have gone over the bible several times and still some doctrines in scripture can remain hidden because of our theological lenses or preconceived ideas. We develop these theological lenses or preconceived notions when we listen to preachers or get caught up with media much more than we read or listen to the bible. Our fountain of learning is not from the source, but is somewhat like third hand knowledge or stale manna. Doing this actually conditions us to ignore or become callous to the Spirit (2 Cor 4:2-6).
The current monologue system does not allow for question and answers like Jesus had with His disciples. Learning in the monologue system is not nearly as effective as with a mentor or group setting like Jesus and the early disciples. 1 Corinthians 14 and Acts 13 are good passages to ponder about group gatherings as well as all the sessions when Jesus taught and did ‘on the job’ discipling.
When we read a scripture and the Spirit of Truth illuminates it to us, other passages will pop up in the spirit confirming, attenuating, or contrasting the current passage. It is at that point that we wait on God and dig into the word looking for other passages to illuminate the doctrine even more. Once you catch on to this, you will find that passages pop up that you have previously glazed over or even flat out ignored them. You will begin to see it all throughout scripture!!! Even for years to come!
I have run across doctrines that have come up over the years that were not popular doctrines but were a hidden treasure (Matt 13:44). I then toss it over with mentors that have the signs of a believer (Mark 16:17,18) at operation in their lives and find that they are pretty much on the same page.
We want to ‘strive’ to be the ‘few that find it’ (Matthew 7:13-14) that Jesus talks about. So, if a doctrine is popular and the Spirit of Truth is highlighting something contrary or attenuates it, it is time to talk it over with a spiritual mentor. Not just any mentor, but one with the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-26) and signs of a believer that Jesus guarantees in scripture.
If we are a lone cowboy without spiritual mentors, we have a possibility of falling into error like many have. Many people have gotten a real revelation from God, then got puffed up, or off by themselves, and then went off track. Be cautious of this pitfall. It is very serious.
You can go to the facebook post HERE
In this video I dig deeper into a facebook post about the Spirit of Truth and Spiritual Mentors
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