Thursday, April 21, 2016

Vertical Focus: Recalibrating Our Spiritual Relationship with Jesus

Look Up: Recalibrating with Jesus

Hey there, friends! Conrad here from  ConradRocks.Net, and I’m so excited to share some thoughts with you today. If you’ve been following my journey, you know how passionate I am about helping people develop a deep, spiritual relationship with the biblical Jesus. Today, I want to dive into something that’s been on my heart lately—vertical focus.  

Life has a way of throwing curveballs, doesn’t it? Recently, our Team Jesus van was totaled in an accident. It’s been a challenging season, but I’ve been seeking God through it all. Is this the end of something, or the beginning of something new? I don’t have all the answers, but what I do know is that God is sovereign, and He’s teaching me so much during this pause.  

This experience has reminded me of the importance of keeping our focus vertical—on our relationship with Jesus—rather than getting tangled in the horizontal distractions of life. Let’s explore this together, and I’ll share some personal reflections, **Biblical teachings**, and practical takeaways to help you recalibrate your own spiritual journey.  

The Vertical Relationship: Why It Matters  

When I talk about a vertical relationship, I’m referring to our connection with God. It’s the foundation of everything we do. Jesus isn’t just a set of rules or a religious routine—He’s a person. He’s alive, and He wants to have a real, supernatural relationship with us.  

But here’s the thing: it’s so easy to get caught up in the horizontal—our daily tasks, ministries, relationships, and even our own plans. We can become like Martha, busy doing good things but forgetting the “one thing” that’s needed: sitting at the feet of Jesus (Luke 10:38-42).  

I’ve been guilty of this myself. Our ministry had fallen into a rhythm—going to Memphis, praying for people at the bus station, Beale Street, and the Mississippi River. It was good work, but I started to wonder if it had become more about the routine than the purpose. Then, the van accident happened, and it felt like God was saying, “Pause. Recalibrate. Look up.”  

Biblical Examples of Vertical Focus  

The Bible is full of examples of people who prioritized their vertical relationship with God. Let’s take a look at a few:  

1. Moses and the Burning Bush

Moses had a life-changing encounter with God at the burning bush (Exodus 3). It was there that God asked him, “What is that in your hand?” Moses was holding a shepherd’s rod, but God transformed it into a **rod of authority**—a tool for miracles and deliverance.  

What’s fascinating is that Moses didn’t just focus on the rod. He kept his eyes on God. Even when he spent 40 days on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments, he trusted God to provide for his needs and the needs of the Israelites.  

2. Peter and the Sifting  

In Luke 22:31-32, Jesus tells Peter that Satan has asked to sift him like wheat. But Jesus also assures Peter that He has prayed for him. This reminds us that nothing happens without God’s sovereign say-so. Even in our trials, God is working to strengthen our faith and draw us closer to Him.  

3. Jesus and the Mountains  

Jesus often went up to the mountains to pray (Matthew 14:23, Luke 6:12). These moments of solitude and communion with the Father were essential for His ministry. He knew that His vertical relationship was the source of His strength and guidance.  

Personal Reflections: Learning to Look Up  

As I’ve been praying through this season, I’ve been reminded of the importance of keeping my eyes on Jesus. It’s so easy to focus on what’s in our hands—our ministries, our plans, our resources. But when we do that, we risk turning those things into idols.  

The accident with the Team Jesus van felt like a wake-up call. Maybe God was saying, “Stop looking at the rod. Stop looking at what’s in your hands. Look up to Me.”  

I’ve also been thinking about the cross. The vertical beam is longer than the horizontal beam, symbolizing that our relationship with God must come first. Only then can we truly love others well.  

Practical Steps to Recalibrate  

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the horizontal demands of life, here are a few steps to help you recalibrate:  

1. Spend Time in Prayer and Worship  

   Set aside time each day to connect with God. Whether it’s 10 minutes or an hour, make it a priority.  

2. Meditate on Scripture  

   As Psalm 1:2 says, meditate on God’s Word day and night. Let it transform your mind and heart.  

3. Seek Solitude  

   Like Jesus, find a quiet place to pray and seek God’s presence.  

4. Evaluate Your Priorities  

   Are you focusing more on the horizontal than the vertical? Ask God to show you areas where you need to recalibrate.  

5. Trust God’s Provision

   Remember that God is your provider. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10), and He will take care of your needs.  

Go Higher  

Friends, I want to encourage you to take a step back and evaluate your spiritual focus. Are you looking up to Jesus, or are you caught up in the horizontal distractions of life?  

Let’s commit to going higher—to seeking God with all our hearts, minds, and strength. As we do, He will align our horizontal relationships and ministries according to His perfect will.  

If this message resonates with you, I’d love to hear from you.  Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family.  

Until next time, keep digging deeper and going higher. God bless you!  

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