The Prophetic: Truth and Error
Hey everyone, it’s Conrad here from! It's always great connecting with you all and I love the conversations we have. I had a blast doing another Facebook Live recently, and it got me thinking about some topics I really wanted to dive deeper into. So, let's talk about the spiritual, the supernatural, and the often-misunderstood world of the prophetic.
If you’re new here, you should know I'm the author of "Open Your Eyes: My Supernatural Journey," available on Amazon and Kindle, both as an ebook and in paperback. My book chronicles my intense supernatural experiences, both before and after meeting Jesus, illustrating what it truly means to be born again and to see the Kingdom of Heaven. It’s a journey from demonic encounters to divine revelation, and it’s all about understanding that there’s more than meets the eye in this spiritual realm.
Why Prophetic Truth Matters to Me
A lot of you follow me because I do dive into the prophetic - it’s a realm I'm passionate about. However, I’ve noticed there's a disconnect between popular teachings and the real truth, or at least my personal experience of it, as I’ve walked with God. Through a lot of prayer and seeking God directly, it’s become clear to me that the supernatural isn't something to be feared, but something to be understood through the lens of a genuine relationship with Jesus.
The problem is, many of us grow up at the feet of "teachers," much like Paul under Gamaliel. We absorb theology and doctrine, but we often miss the essential encounter with the living Jesus. We can know the text inside and out, but not know the one who is the text. Paul was a top theologian, persecuting Christians with all of his religious zeal, yet it wasn't until his supernatural encounter with Jesus, like described in Acts chapter 9, that his eyes were truly opened.
The Importance of Relationship, Not Just Religion
My relationship with Christ isn’t about reciting scripture; it's about intimacy with Him. I often ask people on Twitter: "Do you love Jesus?" You'd be surprised at the replies! Many people cite their credentials—years of Bible study, Ph.D.’s in theology, and pastorates—but those things don’t answer the simple question. It reminds me of Acts chapter 4, where it’s said that the disciples were discerned as "unlearned and ignorant" men. Jesus chose fishermen, not PhD’s, but it was apparent that they had been with Jesus.
It’s a sobering thought, echoed in Matthew 7:21-23, where many call Jesus “Lord, Lord,” claiming to prophesy, cast out demons, and perform mighty works in His name, only to hear, “I never knew you.” The Greek word used here for "knew" is gnosco, which implies an intimate relationship, much like the idiom for sex in Jewish culture. Many people are prophesying today, but they lack that crucial, intimate connection to Jesus.
Common Mistakes in the Prophetic
I’ve done my research on what’s said about the prophetic, and honestly, a lot of people like to talk about it, but lack the gift, or, worse, lack the relationship. You can't truly operate in the prophetic unless you’re intimately connected with Jesus. It's like being a Monday-morning armchair quarterback, you haven’t gone into the game, haven't done the practice, and have yet to truly seek God for yourselves.
The prophetic is like a hand grenade – powerful, but dangerous in the wrong hands. True prophetic messages should build up, exhort (to do a course correction), and edify the body of Christ. Instead, I see people getting hurt by those in the prophetic.
The Necessity of Mentorship
It’s a common saying that no prophets came from the school of prophets in the Bible, but think about the sons of the prophets around the time of Elijah. They did hear from God and knew of Elijah’s upcoming ascension. So, while the specific “school” might not be necessary, we desperately need mentors!
1 Corinthians 14:29-32 instructs us that when a prophet speaks, two or three others should judge what's said. This passage shows us that there's a mentorship aspect in this process. The more mature prophets guide those still developing their gift. Jesus sent out disciples in pairs, and I believe that was so that the more seasoned could disciple and guide the less experienced. We learn by doing, not by just knowing about it – as Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 when He said "take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light".
How We Prophesy: In Part and With Humility
The thing about the prophetic is that we prophesy in part. A mistake I made early on was trying to interpret cartoon visions the Lord would give me through my own carnal mind. I’d try to figure them out, and end up misinterpreting. I’ve learned to just present the vision, and let God do the interpreting. Like Joseph with Pharaoh’s dream and Daniel with Nebuchadnezzar's, we're often only getting a piece of the puzzle. This keeps us humble, something very important in the prophetic.
Understanding the Source of the Prophetic Word
Here’s a crucial point: you must be born again to truly see the kingdom of heaven, as Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:3-8. You must accept that you are a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven. There is also a spiritual maturity that happens after we are born again.
Many people don't understand the true source of the prophetic word. Here are some sources of error:
The Wicked Heart: Genesis 6:5 says the thoughts of the heart are evil continually. Jeremiah 17:9 says the heart is deceitful and wicked, who can know it? We need a pure heart to see God as found in Matthew 5:8. As 2 Timothy 2:21 states, we need to purge ourselves, so that we might be fit for the master's use. Many prophesy from their wicked heart, because they simply don't know better.
Vain Imagination: Jeremiah 23:26 talks about prophets who prophesy lies of their own heart. Jeremiah 14:14 says that some prophesy in God's name, but He never sent them. Ezekiel 13:6-7 speaks about vain visions and lying divinations.
Familiar Spirits: These are demonic entities tied to cursed lineages. They masquerade as dead people or act like ghosts. You must be born again to see the domain of Jesus, our King. We’ve got to be born again to truly understand this realm. Elijah prayed for his servant to see the spiritual realm and that's when they saw the horses and chariots.
Words of Knowledge, Words of Wisdom, and Interpretation
Often, words of knowledge and words of wisdom fall under the prophetic umbrella and I believe most of us are called to operate in these gifts. Jesus said in John 10 that "my sheep hear my voice." We're all commanded to walk in that relationship with Jesus. The Spirit of Truth will guide us into all truth.
It’s like when Gary Nesbitt operates in his gift of healing. He might be in a healing service, and suddenly get a word of knowledge about someone’s high blood pressure. It wasn’t just random. The gift of healing unlocked the word of knowledge.
Here's another example: Sometimes I'll be at a restaurant and get a vision like a White House with blue trim and a white picket fence. At first, I would be tempted to declare, "Thus saith the Lord!" But that's not it. I've learned that could be a desire of the person, something they've been asking God for. It doesn't necessarily mean God's giving them the house. It means there’s some significance, a "word of knowledge.” Jesus had a word of knowledge when he told the woman at the well that she had five husbands. He used that word of knowledge to ignite her faith.
Prophets Aren't Always Perfect
People assume that a prophet is infallible but that’s just not true. Consider Jonah. He said Nineveh would be overthrown in 40 days, but they repented and were spared. He wasn't wrong in that they could be overthrown, but they didn't because of repentance. Another example is Jeremiah 28:1-17. Hananiah prophesied in the name of the Lord, but Jeremiah did not immediately correct him, then Jeremiah received God's message and corrected him, after which Hananiah died. Even David, in 1 Chronicles 17, wanted to build a house for God, which was a good desire, and Nathan the prophet told him to do so. However, God had different plans. Nathan the prophet had to be corrected by the Lord later. These examples of great prophets getting it wrong, shows us that there is room for error when we're listening to the prophetic.
Here’s a mind-blowing scripture - Ezekiel 14:9. It states if a prophet is deceived when he speaks, God may have deceived that prophet. God does this to test and judge. I also want to note in 1 Kings 22:22 and 23 it's revealed that God will even allow lying spirits in the mouth of a prophet. That’s why we need to know our Bibles! Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” We need to be diligent in our study, because we can be deceived if we don't know the truth.
Exhortation, Edification, and the Power of Confirmation
In 1 Corinthians 14:3, it says that one who prophesies speaks to men for edification, exhortation, and comfort. Exhortation, in the Greek, means paraklesis, which has a strong meaning of entreaty, admonition, or encouragement. It’s not necessarily just "touchy-feely", it can be correction. It can be a push that is needed to help someone fulfill their destiny. Edification, in the Greek, also means to build up in Christian wisdom, not necessarily to make you "feel good".
One of the biggest points I want you to take away is when someone gives you a word of knowledge or wisdom, it should confirm something you already know in your spirit. The Spirit of Truth excites you and rings true when you hear something that resonates. The Lord will often use the prophetic to confirm something He's been speaking to you about, like in the story of Gideon. It's not just confirmation that God is watching you and your life, but it's also confirmation of a destiny, something that catapults you into what God has called you to.
This is a lot to unpack, and I know this post is longer than most I do, but I hope I've given you some food for thought. The prophetic is powerful, but it must be rooted in a real, intimate relationship with Jesus. Don't just listen to popular teachings, but seek God for yourself. Mentorship is absolutely vital in this arena.
Remember, read your Bibles. If you are in search of truth, the Bible will be a huge aid to you. If you’re being tossed around by every wind of doctrine and you are not in the Bible, know that that is not the will of the Father.
I encourage you to go back and watch the video, or revisit this post again. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, prayer requests or just want to connect further on the spiritual, the supernatural, or the prophetic.
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