Thursday, March 10, 2016

Garry Nesbit talks about Sin and Sickness

Sin, Sickness, and the Power of Jesus

Hey everyone, Conrad here from ConradRocks.Net, and today I want to dive into something incredibly powerful and, honestly, often misunderstood: the link between sin, sickness, and the supernatural healing power of Jesus. You might be thinking, “Okay, Conrad, here we go…”, but stick with me. This isn’t about guilt or condemnation; it's about unlocking a deeper understanding of how our spiritual lives impact our physical well-being. Recently, I had a fascinating discussion with my friend Garry, and some of what we talked about was so impactful that I needed to share it with you all. This journey goes beyond the surface, exploring the prophetic and the supernatural aspects of our faith.

The Conversation: Sin, Sickness, and Supernatural Healing

We were at our local Huddle House, a pretty down-to-earth spot, but the conversation was anything but ordinary. We started talking about how Garry has been joining me on prayer walks. You might recall that on my podcast we have gone out and prayed for people, and on several occasions people were healed within moments. Specifically, there were healings at the VA Hospital where people were experiencing healing within seconds of prayer.

Garry’s insights into the connection between sin and sickness is something I think we all need to hear, so let's dive in.

Key Point: Connecting the Dots

Garry’s main point is that there’s a real connection between our personal sin and our physical sickness. He brought up how, when Adam and Eve sinned, sickness and sin entered the world. We all know this story from the Bible, but what Garry has shown me is that this isn’t just a distant historical event; it has a direct impact on our lives today.

It's important to understand that when we come to Jesus, we are not meant to live in sin. That's because Jesus died to deliver us from it. However, many believers struggle with chronic pain, which Garry has found is often linked to unresolved sin, especially unforgiveness.

This led me to ponder about the idea of “easy believism,” which is the false teaching that you can just accept Jesus and then continue on in sin as if it's no big deal. This is not what the Bible teaches. This is something that opened my eyes to the idea of what a “greasy Grace” actually looks like. We need to embrace the true spiritual journey and get real with the spiritual side of our lives.

How Unforgiveness Opens the Door to Torment

This conversation wasn’t just theory; Garry shared practical insights into how this works. He explained that unforgiveness is a major issue that often acts as a door for tormentors, or demons. Remember the parable in Matthew 18, about the servant who was forgiven a massive debt but then refused to forgive a small debt owed to him? The master, representing God, turned him over to the “tormentors” because of his unforgiveness.

These “tormentors,” Garry explained, can manifest as chronic pain or mental torment. I can relate, as I’ve seen so many people who are literally trapped in their own minds by their past actions. I think we all have someone we have struggled to forgive.

The key takeaway is that when we hold onto unforgiveness, we open ourselves up to spiritual attack, which can manifest in physical ailments. When Garry prays with people he often first addresses sin, and in my experience this step is a massive part of the equation.

Personal Reflections: Witnessing Supernatural Healing

It's not just about theory with Garry and me; we've seen this principle in action. Garry and I have together prayed for countless individuals and have seen healings occur within a very short time frame, in some cases only seconds. He shared a recent example of a woman who had suffered a stroke, with her left arm and leg paralyzed. She immediately confessed anger and unforgiveness towards her ex-boyfriend. As Garry led her through a prayer of forgiveness and repentance and then laid hands on her in faith with oil, she started to physically move and shout as a demon manifested. She was instantly healed and began running around in the parking lot. This is a powerful example of the supernatural at work! It’s hard not to be moved by this type of real-time healing.

These moments of miraculous healing reinforce the concept that sin and sickness are interconnected, and that addressing the spiritual component often leads to physical healing. The real-time healings are so incredible to witness in person. I am so thankful that God has lead me into this journey of the supernatural.

Biblical References: Anchoring Truth

This isn’t some new-age idea. Our understanding is rooted in biblical truth. Garry referenced John 20:23, where Jesus gives believers the authority to remit or retain sins. He pointed out that Jesus often forgave sins before healing people, emphasizing the priority of dealing with our spiritual state.

The Old Testament is often brought up as a rebuttal to these teachings, but the New Testament is a major resource in this area. It speaks to the need to live a holy life after salvation. Jesus' teachings make it clear that we can't just continue in sin after accepting Him; it's about living in righteousness, not in constant repentance with no actual change in our lives.

Garry also talked about sanctification and repentance. This process of continually turning from sin and turning toward Jesus is an essential part of the Christian Walk. He shared that if we, as ministers, have sin issues in our hearts, our prayers can be hindered. This is a real consideration that all ministers must take into account. It's not about having "the right person pray," it's about being someone who God can work through.

The Importance of Repentance and the Power of Forgiveness

In our discussion, Garry highlighted the importance of not just knowing about Jesus, but actively living a life that honors Him. He shared how even small things, like complaining or gossip, can open doors to the enemy. It’s important to not have a seared conscience to the point where we don't even acknowledge something to be a sin. We need to recognize these things for what they are, and then move forward into righteousness.

He also spoke about how a person who is married should treat their spouse as Christ loved the church. That if we treat our spouse with anger or contempt, we are treating God that way. This was incredibly powerful and something that I will consider when I talk to my wife. He encouraged us to “make things right” before going to bed. This is a powerful act of spiritual cleansing, and also a great way to show our loved ones that we truly care. I have always believed that you should go to bed happy, and it made me realize that there are spiritual implications to this.

Sin and Spiritual Attacks

Garry explained that the “tormentors” are really demons. This is something that I have seen firsthand. It is absolutely no coincidence that mental and physical pain are the primary weapons of the devil. He spoke about the chronic pain and mental anguish these demons bring into our lives.

He connected back to the story in the bible about how unforgiveness can cause us to be turned over to these demons.

The Difference: Believers vs. Unbelievers

We also discussed a key difference in how to approach healing for believers versus unbelievers. For those who haven’t accepted Christ, they’re not held accountable in the same way because they're still prisoners of war in sin. Jesus died for them, and their good works can’t save them. They need to come as they are to receive salvation.

However, for believers, accountability comes in. We need to stop living in sin and live in righteousness. After we are saved, we are accountable for our sin. We are told to "go and sin no more". We are told not to let a worse thing come upon you. I really think this is an important point to consider, as we think about our journey in Christ.

Dealing With "Hidden" Sins

What I learned from this conversation was that many of us have “hidden” sins that we don’t even realize are sins, like complaining. Garry shared a story of how he would grumble about his order being wrong at McDonald's. What he later learned was that this type of behavior opened the door to the enemy. This really opened my eyes to the fact that what I perceive as “small things” are actually massive spiritual problems.

Garry's Testimony: Gossip and Pride

Garry then shared a very vulnerable experience, a car accident that led to an encounter with God. The Lord showed him that the accident was linked to his own sins of gossip and pride. Garry was gloating in his conversation with a waitress about someone that he knew was having a problem. After the accident, God revealed this was something he needed to address.

This story underscores the importance of living a life that pleases God and dealing with sins we may be blind to. He has since gotten his conscience healed and has learned what these areas of sin look like.

Chastening and God's Love

The conversation turned towards the fact that God chastens those he loves. The Lord will bring up these issues in our lives for us to correct. However, we should be careful not to go out looking for punishment. This can lead to spiritual pride.

Garry’s final words to me in the interview were this: There is no distance in prayer. God can reach through all space.

A Call to Deeper Faith

This conversation with Garry was a powerful reminder that our spiritual lives have a direct impact on our physical well-being. It’s not just about being a “good person”; it’s about truly surrendering our lives to Jesus, repenting of our sins, forgiving others, and walking in holiness. Garry’s ministry is a testament to the fact that when we follow the Bible, we see the true power of God moving in our lives.

I invite you to take this message to heart, examine your own life, and see where God might be calling you to deeper faith. What hidden sins may be holding you back? What unforgiveness needs to be released? It's not about beating yourself up, but about becoming more aligned with Christ. The supernatural healing power of Jesus is available to those who seek it in spirit and in truth.

Call to Action:

Share This Post: Help spread the word about the prophetic connection between sin, sickness, and healing.

Follow Garry: Connect with Garry Nesbit on Facebook to learn more about his ministry. I’ll be sure to share a link when I post the video!

Engage: Leave a comment below, letting me know your thoughts or experiences with healing and forgiveness.

Let's continue this journey together, digging deeper and going higher in our faith!

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