Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Breakthrough Worship: Unleashing God's Presence

When Praise Precedes the Victory

In a recent prophetic vision during worship, God spoke to me emphatically about the importance of restoring true, breakthrough worship. This message is being confirmed by many Christian leaders as well. 

In the vision, I saw a person breaking out of a chrysalis or pupa, struggling against the cocoon, in order to freely worship God. This symbolizes breaking out of restraints to worship in spirit and truth, as Jesus teaches in John 4:23-24. The Father is seeking those who will worship Him this way.

The Bible gives powerful examples of "breakthrough worship" that we can learn from:

- In Acts 16, Paul and Silas worshipped God while in chains in prison. Suddenly, an earthquake shook the prison, the doors flew open, and their chains fell off. Their worship brought a miraculous jailbreak!

- In 2 Chronicles 20, when a vast army threatened Judah, King Jehoshaphat put the worshippers on the front lines of battle. As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the enemy armies, and they were defeated without Judah even fighting. 

These stories teach us the power of wholehearted, truth-filled worship. When we worship God in the midst of darkness and struggle, breakthrough comes. Worship ushers in God's presence and power in seemingly impossible situations.

So in this hour, God is calling His people to go beyond half-hearted religious exercise, and press in to experience His presence through fervent worship. Even when you feel "stuck in a cocoon" or up against an army of problems, make the choice to exalt God. Lift your voice in praise, turn your attention to His splendor and might, recall His past faithfulness. As you do, expect the Spirit to break you out of restraints into new freedom and victory!

Breakthrough worship brings the kingdom of God crashing into your circumstances. So let's respond to this prophetic call. Whatever midnight hour or battle you face, make it your time to worship. Get desperate for God's glory and determine to praise Him until the chains break and the enemy flees. That's how we lay hold of the breakthroughs Jesus purchased for us.

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