Tuesday, February 3, 2015

An Enlightening Interview with Author Frank Viola

Rethinking Faith with Frank Viola

I recently had the incredible opportunity to interview one of my favorite Christian authors, Frank Viola, on my show Coffee with Conrad. Frank has written thought-provoking books like Pagan Christianity and Reimagining Church that have really challenged my thinking and opened my eyes to look at Scripture in a fresh way. 

In our discussion, Frank shared the heart behind his latest project, the "Rethinking" series. His goal is to examine many aspects of the Christian faith and ask: Is this really biblical? Does it work in our lives? He wants to provoke Christians to go on the same journey he has been on - to reexamine much of what we've been taught, retain what is scriptural, but have the courage to rethink things that may be more based in human tradition than God's word.

Some of the key topics the "Rethinking" series explores include:

- What is the true nature of salvation? 

- How do we experience genuine spiritual growth?

- What should be the real mission of the church?

- How can we live by the indwelling life of Christ on a practical level?

While Frank readily admits he doesn't have all the answers, his writings come from his own journey and discoveries that have helped him know the Lord more deeply. His heart is to see Christians living out an authentic faith that truly represents Christ to the world.

One major burden Frank expressed is the lack of love and graciousness among believers today, especially on social media. He emphasized that as Christians, we must treat others the way we want to be treated in every situation (Matthew 7:12). This is the essential core of divine life. 

I appreciate how Frank backs up his perspectives with Scripture and explains things in an understandable way. While I may not agree with every single point, I always find his books and podcast to be thought-provoking, insightful and challenging me to dig deeper in my faith. I encourage you to check out his writings and teachings for yourself at frankviola.org. 

Interviewing Frank Viola was a true honor and I'm excited to see how God continues to use him to shine light and speak truth to the body of Christ. His example inspires me to keep pursuing Jesus passionately, think biblically, and represent Christ authentically in all I say and do. I hope you'll join me on that journey!

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