Friday, January 23, 2015

Vicki Leath's Powerful Testimony of Overcoming Grief and Serving Others

From Prison to New Beginnings

In this powerful testimony, Vicki Leath shares her journey of faith, overcoming the tragic loss of her son, and her passion for helping others transition from prison to a Christ-centered life. Vicki's story is a testament to the healing power of Jesus and the importance of allowing God to comfort us in times of grief.

Vicki's unwavering faith in God has carried her through the unimaginable pain of losing her 30-year-old son to a gunshot wound. Despite her initial struggles and doubts, she chose to trust in God's plan and allow Him to heal her broken heart. By praising God for where her son is now, in heaven, Vicki found the strength to move forward and continue serving others.

One of the most important lessons Vicki learned during her grieving process was to not refuse God's comfort. She encourages those who have experienced loss to let the tears flow and allow God to cleanse their hearts, rather than suppressing their emotions. Through this process, God can mend broken hearts and provide the strength to carry on.

Vicki's passion for serving others led her to prison ministry, where she spent 18 years sharing the love of Christ with inmates. Now, God has called her to a new direction: helping former inmates transition back into society through Michael's House of New Beginnings. This ministry aims to provide a safe, supportive environment for individuals coming out of prison, offering them mentorship, provision, and the opportunity to start fresh with God.

Through her powerful prayer, Vicki encourages single mothers, those struggling with poverty, and anyone feeling hopeless to trust in God's love and provision. She reminds us that God hears our prayers and cares for every detail of our lives. By binding the spirits of grief, poverty, and hopelessness in Jesus' name, Vicki declares victory and healing over those who are hurting.

Vicki's testimony is a shining example of how God can turn our deepest pain into a powerful ministry that touches the lives of others. May her story inspire you to trust in God's plan, allow Him to heal your broken heart, and use your experiences to serve others in need.

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