Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Is 'Name It and Claim It' Biblical? A Deeper Look at Faith

Believing God over Our Desires: A Deeper Look at Faith and Scripture

Hey everyone, fellow Bible lovers! Conrad here from Conrad Rocks. Today, I want to delve into a topic that's been stirring in my heart: faith and how it intersects with our desires. 

There's a whole movement out there about "believing to receive," and listen, there's truth to that. But brothers and sisters, we gotta be careful not to take it out of context! 

False Prophets and the Importance of Relationship (Jeremiah 14:14-16)

The Bible warns us about false prophets who speak lies in God's name (Jeremiah 14:14-16). These folks haven't been sent by Him, and their pronouncements are based on their own hearts, not God's will.  This is why cultivating a relationship with God is crucial. We can't just claim things and expect them to happen. True faith comes from knowing and trusting the Father (John 10:27). 

Following Jesus' Example: Dependence on the Father (John 5:19)

Jesus is our ultimate example. He only did what He saw the Father doing (John 5:19). This highlights the importance of seeking God's will and aligning ourselves with His purposes. 

Hearing God's Voice: Reading Scripture Prayerfully

Many use Mark 11:23-24 to justify "naming and claiming." But hold on! This verse, like any scripture, needs to be understood in context. Verse 22 emphasizes having faith in God, not some formula. When we pray, we need to truly believe God hears us (John 14:14).  Imagine asking your Dad for a car. You wouldn't believe you could have it if he hadn't said yes, right? 

The Danger of Bible Chopping (Job 22:28)

Some point to Job 22:28, but this verse is part of a larger story. Job's friend, Eliphaz, is wrong! We see this later in Job 42:7. The Bible's message is a whole; we can't just grab a single verse and ignore the rest (Psalm 119:160). 

True Faith vs. Selfish Desires (Romans 4:17)

Romans 4:17 speaks of Abraham's faith. He believed God, who gives life to the dead and calls things into existence. But here's the key: Abraham wasn't acting on his own desires. He was trusting God's promises.  We, as God's children, have His characteristics, but we operate under His authority and in His will (Romans 8:1). 

Beware of Misusing Scripture (James 4:2-3)

James warns us about the dangers of lust and selfish desires (James 4:2-3). We can't ask God for things that fuel our greed. Remember, Jesus said we shouldn't ask for things we'll use for our own lusts (James 4:3). 

Friendship with the World vs. Friendship with God (James 4:4)

James also reminds us that being friends with the world makes us enemies of God (James 4:4). When we prioritize worldly desires, we distance ourselves from Him. 

Building a Relationship with Christ: Transforming Our Desires

The good news is, as we grow closer to Christ, our desires begin to change. We start to see things from His perspective.  Psalm 37:4 tells us to delight ourselves in the Lord, and He'll give us the desires of our heart. But when our hearts are transformed by His love, our desires become aligned with His will. 

Beware of Prosperity Preachers (1 Timothy 6:9-10)

There are those who preach a message of wealth and prosperity using twisted scripture (1 Timothy 6:9-10).  True godliness isn't about riches (1 Timothy 6:6). Jesus Himself warned against the deceitfulness of riches (Mark 4:19). 

The Big Picture: Eternity Matters Most

Life on earth is fleeting. Our focus should be on eternal things (2 Corinthians 4:18). Let's not get caught up in chasing temporary desires. 

This topic is vast, and there's so much more to explore. Keep digging deeper into God's word, and may He guide you on your journey! 

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