Wednesday, April 27, 2011

God is in the Miracle Business!

Even now, I look at the storm in the natural and let my flesh freak out.  I really shouldn't because God has delivered me time and time again from certain calamity.

God uses miracles to show that He is God and He does in fact save His people!  If it wasn’t a miracle, then you weren’t really in a bad storm, and you might attribute your recovery to chance.  

A lot of Christians are going through a rough patch in their lives right now.  Words of encouragement seem hollow. It is because, they are not going through the fire with you, but are looking at your vicious war from a safe vantage point up on their hill that God has provided for them.   It is almost as if they have binoculars and are eating popcorn watching the whole situation unfold from afar while your guts are spilling onto the ground.

It is nice when a fellow Christian is willing to come down from the comfort of their hill, and hold your hand and pray with you, and share your pain.  And then give a personal one on one testimony of how God has delivered them.  Quoting scriptures like “stand and see the salvation of the Lord” (Ex 14:13) and it actually brings meaning to you.  It is nice when they stay with you until encouragement does come to your spirit instead of having an empty pep rally.

When a brother or sister is going through a trial, go and pay them a visit, hold their hand, pray with them, worship with them, and share experiences of how God has delivered you from certain disaster.

Jas 1:27  Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Be sure to remind them that:

God is in the miracle business.


  1. I have a best friend who is always there and it's like a healing balm. I don't think I could have made it through a lot of stuff had she not been there.

  2. Thanks Eric!

    Penelope! Isn't it awesome when Jesus works through people?

    He is a best friend disguised as a best friend!

  3. I like this a lot. Happy Birthday May 3rd Conrad! Love, Nana

  4. well said, Conrad. written from the foxhole, I presume.

