Saturday, March 22, 2025

Christianity and the Rise of Hitler: A Spiritual Warning from History

Unholy Alliance: The Shocking Truth Behind Hitler's Rise in Christian Germany 


Have you ever considered how two powerful symbols—a cross and a swastika—could have ever coexisted? As I reflected on this disturbing historical reality, I felt compelled to share one of history's darkest deceptions with you: how Hitler manipulated an entire nation of believers into supporting his rise to power.

For over a decade, I've dreamed of addressing this topic. Yet every time I've tried to share even the smallest glimpse of this truth—whether a historical photo or factual account—I found myself silenced on social media, with posts banned and marked as offensive. I've literally been thrown into "Facebook jail" for daring to speak these uncomfortable truths.

But now, with a new dawn of free speech upon us, it's time to shed light on the shadows of the past. This isn't just a historical footnote; it's a piercing alarm bell warning us about the ever-present dangers of political opportunism and the paramount importance of developing a discerning faith firmly anchored in God's Word.

Please note: Below you will find the audio podcast version of this blog post in video format.

The Historical Context: A Christian Nation Falls

To understand the magnitude of this spiritual deception, we must first set the scene. Germany during the Weimar era was overwhelmingly Christian—nearly two-thirds of the population identified as Protestant and almost a third as Roman Catholic. The Jewish community, which would become the primary target of Nazi hatred, comprised less than 1% of the population. This demographic reality meant the attitudes and actions of Christian churches held immense power and influence.

The Weimar Republic faced a perfect storm of crises. The economy was in tatters, with hyperinflation wiping out people's savings and unemployment causing widespread suffering. The Treaty of Versailles, which forced Germany to accept blame for World War I, pay massive reparations, and surrender significant territories, festered in the national consciousness as a humiliation. This deep sense of crisis created fertile ground for extreme ideologies promising restoration and glory.

Crucially, significant segments of the Christian population harbored deep reservations about the Weimar Republic itself. Conservative Protestants, traditionally loyal to the Kaiser, viewed the new democratic order with suspicion. The separation of church and state felt like a loss of privilege and influence. Similarly, many Catholics were uneasy with the Republic's more liberal social policies on issues like education and marriage, which clashed with core Catholic beliefs.

This widespread unhappiness and longing for a return to old values and national pride created an opening for the seductive promises of National Socialism.

Hitler's Manipulation of Christians

How did Hitler, a man whose private views were intensely anti-Christian, manage to gain the trust and support of so many believers? The answer lies in a carefully crafted strategy of manipulation and the exploitation of people's deepest fears and frustrations.

Making Germany Great Again

Hitler's primary tactic was appealing to wounded national pride. After Germany's defeat in World War I and the harsh penalties imposed by the Treaty of Versailles, many Christians who were also patriots yearned for restoration. Hitler positioned himself as the strong leader who could resurrect Germany's greatness. Many Christians began to see him almost as a messianic figure who could rescue their nation from humiliation and decline.

The Anti-Communist Shield

The Nazi Party also gained substantial Christian support by presenting itself as the bulwark against communism. During the 1920s and '30s, the specter of communist revolution terrified many Europeans, particularly Christians who feared communism's atheistic and anti-religious stance. Hitler's strong anti-communist rhetoric resonated deeply with believers who saw communism as an existential threat to their faith and way of life. Tragically, their fear of communism led them to embrace something far more evil.

The Deception of "Positive Christianity"

Perhaps the most insidious tactic was the Nazi Party's calculated promotion of "Positive Christianity." This deliberately vague term was a cornerstone of their propaganda aimed at Christians. It was presented as a form of Christianity compatible with Nazi ideology, emphasizing national values and racial purity while downplaying or outright rejecting core Christian doctrines.

For many Christians, hearing the word "Christianity" associated with this powerful new movement provided a false sense of reassurance that their faith was not under threat. They failed to see that this "Positive Christianity" was a hollow shell—a manipulative tool designed to co-opt their faith for political ends. At its core, it stripped away fundamental Christian beliefs, rejecting the Old Testament, denying Jesus's Jewish heritage, and replacing biblical teachings with Nazi racial ideology.

The Rise of the "German Christians" Movement

One of the most alarming aspects of this history was the emergence of the "German Christians" movement within the Protestant Church. This was not a fringe group but a powerful force that actively sought to Nazify Christian faith. Their goal was to create a unified "Reich Church" completely aligned with Nazi principles and Adolf Hitler himself.

Their agenda represented a radical perversion of Christian doctrine. They sought to purge Christianity of what they deemed "Jewish influence," demanding the outright rejection of the Old Testament. They attempted to rewrite the story of Jesus, portraying him not as a Jew, but as an Aryan fighter against Jewish materialism—a blatant rewriting of scripture to fit a racist ideology.

Even more disturbing, the "German Christians" implemented the horrific "Aryan paragraph" within the church, effectively barring Christians of Jewish descent from church membership and ministerial positions. This policy directly violated the fundamental Christian understanding of baptism and the universality of God's love.

In a chilling demonstration of their power, this movement garnered the support of two-thirds of Protestant voters in the national church elections of July 1933. Their leader, Ludwig Müller, a fervent Nazi sympathizer, became the Reich Bishop, giving them control over the direction of the German Protestant Church.

Resistance and Failure

In response to this radical Nazification, a resistance movement emerged within Protestantism: the Confessing Church. Courageous figures like Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Niemöller stood against the tide, affirming the ultimate authority of scripture and the sovereignty of God, refusing to bow to the idol of the Nazi state. The Barmen Declaration of 1934 was their powerful theological statement rejecting Nazi influence on church doctrine.

While the Confessing Church courageously defended its independence from Nazi control, it had serious shortcomings. Its focus was primarily on resisting Nazi control over church matters rather than speaking out against the growing persecution of Jewish people. While they defended baptized Christians of Jewish heritage, they largely remained silent about the wider antisemitic violence and oppression.

Martin Niemöller later admitted he regretted not standing up for Jewish people simply because they were Jewish. Only a few individuals, like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, fully recognized that Nazi beliefs were completely contrary to Christian teachings. Bonhoeffer actively resisted the Nazi regime and ultimately gave his life for his stand.

The Catholic Response

The Catholic Church initially viewed Nazism with greater suspicion. However, the signing of the Reichskonkordat in 1933 marked a turning point. While the Vatican sought to protect the rights and autonomy of the Catholic Church in Germany, this agreement inadvertently weakened organized Catholic political opposition.

Despite the Concordat, the Nazi regime systematically violated its terms, persecuting Catholics, closing organizations, and silencing dissent. Some Catholic leaders did stand against specific Nazi policies—like Bishop Clemens August Graf von Galen of Münster, who spoke out against the Nazi euthanasia programs.

However, the Catholic Church's overall response to the persecution of Jews has faced serious criticism. Many believe the Church prioritized institutional self-preservation over defending basic human rights. This lack of decisive action remains one of the most troubling aspects of this period.

Hitler's True Views on Christianity

To understand the depth of this historical deception, we must confront Hitler's actual beliefs about Christianity. Research clearly shows that in private, Hitler harbored profound hatred and contempt for the Christian faith. He saw it as a weak and sentimental religion, a "Jewish invention" that undermined the strength and purity of the "Aryan race." He viewed Christian ethics of compassion and forgiveness as detrimental to what he considered the natural order of struggle and survival.

His long-term goal was nothing less than the elimination of Christianity in Germany. He envisioned a future where a state-controlled ideology glorifying the "Aryan race" and the Nazi state would replace traditional religious belief. His promotion of "Positive Christianity" was a cynical and calculated deception—a temporary tactic to gain support from the Christian majority.

The Legacy of Christian Antisemitism

We cannot ignore how centuries of Christian antisemitism created fertile ground for Nazi propaganda. For generations, negative stereotypes about Jewish people had been spread through Christian teachings. Martin Luther, the Protestant reformer, wrote harshly antisemitic texts that the Nazis later exploited to justify their actions. In his 1543 work "On the Jews and Their Lies," Luther called for destroying Jewish homes and synagogues.

Although traditional Christian anti-Judaism differed from the Nazis' racial antisemitism, it created a culture where anti-Jewish sentiments were normalized. The Nazis skillfully exploited these prejudices to portray Jews as enemies of both Christ and the German nation. This long history of Christian anti-Judaism made some believers less sensitive to the growing persecution of Jewish people.

The Power of Propaganda

The Nazis were masters of propaganda, skillfully using Christian language, symbols, and even historical figures to further their agenda. They selectively quoted the Bible, reinterpreted Christian teachings to align with their ideology, and even depicted Hitler in ways suggesting divine mandate. The traditional Christian motto "Gott Mit Uns" (God with us) emblazoned on German army uniforms was a blatant attempt to associate the regime and its horrific actions with divine approval.

Lessons for Today's Church

The story of Christianity during Hitler's rise stands as a powerful wake-up call that echoes through time. It shows us how easily faith can be twisted when mixed with politics, how the sweet whispers of national pride can lead us astray, and why we must keep our spiritual eyes wide open.

Where does our deepest loyalty lie? Every day, we face choices between earthly power and heavenly truth. We cannot allow any leader, movement, or cause to come between us and our true calling to love and serve God.

When we look at those dark days, we see how religious words can be weaponized and faith transformed into a tool for power. But we also witness powerful examples of courageous individuals who stood firm, choosing God's truth over human lies. Their courage lights our path forward.

The haunting silence of so many Christians during those terrible times still weighs heavily on our hearts. But this isn't just about the past—it's about today, about you and me. Will we speak up? Will we stand firm? Will we choose love over fear, truth over comfort, justice over silence?

Practical Application for Our Spiritual Journey

Let me leave you with some practical takeaways from today's heavy but important discussion:

  1. Make time for your Bible. When we examined how the "German Christians" went astray, it was because they'd lost touch with core teachings. Keep that foundation strong.

  2. Develop spiritual discernment through prayer. Just as "Positive Christianity" proved to be a hollow counterfeit, good discernment helps you identify spiritual deception.

  3. Always fact-check teachings against Scripture. The Confessing Church got this right—they recognized God's Word as the final authority.

  4. Don't remain silent in the face of injustice. Remember Niemöller's regret? We cannot wait until it's too late to speak up.

  5. Be vigilant when patriotism mixes with faith. Hitler masterfully played on national pride, making seductive promises about restoring greatness.

  6. Maintain critical thinking, even regarding religious leaders. The Reich Church demonstrated that even church leaders can lose their way.

Let me leave you with this final thought: our ultimate loyalty belongs to God alone—not to any earthly leader or movement. Authentic faith is grounded in God's truth and calls us to love everyone without exception.

If today's message has stirred something in your heart, I invite you to share this message of hope and vigilance with others. Together, we can ensure these crucial lessons reach those who need to hear them. I encourage you to visit my blog at, where I focus primarily on deepening our spiritual journey but occasionally explore challenging historical topics like this one because understanding our past helps us protect our future and strengthen our faith.

I've included some excellent resources in the blog notes, including the film "Sophie Scholl: The Final Days," which portrays a Christian resistance movement during Nazi Germany, and the audiobook "Hitler's Last Days: The Death of a Nazi Regime."

Thanks for being part of this journey. Until next time, dig deeper and go higher.

— Conrad

Friday, February 7, 2025

A Supernatural Journey: My Interview with Pastor Timothy Quackenbos

Walking in Signs and Wonders Today

I’m thrilled to share an incredible conversation I had with a man whose life is a testament to the supernatural power of God—Pastor Timothy Quackenbos, affectionately known as Brother Tim. If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like to walk in the prophetic, experience signs and wonders, and live a life fully surrendered to Jesus, this is for you.  

Introduction: A Divine Encounter  

Let me start by sharing how I first met Brother Tim. It’s one of those God-incidences (not coincidences) that still blows my mind. My wife, Susan, and I were at a gas station in Petrey when we saw a flyer for a tent revival. We decided to go, and that’s where we first encountered Brother Tim. He received a prophetic word for us that night, and from there, our paths kept crossing. It was clear that God was orchestrating our connection.  

Fast forward to today, and I’m sitting down with Brother Tim to dive deep into his extraordinary journey of faith. His life is marked by miracles, healings, and a relentless pursuit of God’s presence. If you’re hungry for a deeper spiritual relationship with Jesus, this interview will inspire and challenge you.  

The Early Years: A Call at Age 10  

One of the most fascinating parts of Brother Tim’s story is how he was called by God at just 10 years old. Imagine that—a child hearing from God in such a profound way! He shared how the devil actually appeared to him in his bedroom, and the fear of that encounter drove him to Christ.  

I saw the devil’s face, and my brother saw his body. I crawled to my mom’s room and told her I wanted to get saved. She led me to Christ that night.”  

Isn’t it amazing how God can use even the enemy’s schemes to draw us closer to Him? This moment marked the beginning of Brother Tim’s lifelong journey of faith.  

Baptized in the Holy Spirit: A Prophetic Calling  

Not long after his salvation, Brother Tim was baptized in the Holy Spirit while hanging clothes on a clothesline in Sarasota, Florida. He began speaking in tongues and heard God’s voice clearly, calling him to a life of ministry.  

God told me what I would be doing, even what I’m doing now. He said I would see the dead raised to life and the book of Acts alive in my life.”  

This prophetic calling has been the driving force behind Brother Tim’s ministry. He’s seen dead people raised to life, miraculous healings, and countless lives transformed by the power of Jesus.  

Signs and Wonders: The Mark of a Believer  

One of the things I admire most about Brother Tim is his unwavering belief in the signs and wonders that should follow believers. He often references Mark 16:17-18 (KJV), where Jesus says:  

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”  

Brother Tim’s life is a living testimony to these verses. He’s seen demons cast out, healings, and even a man raised from the dead in Haiti.  

Raising the Dead: A Miracle in Haiti  

One of the most powerful stories Brother Tim shared was about a man in Haiti who had been practicing voodoo against him. This man collapsed into a coma and eventually died. When Brother Tim arrived at the house, the Holy Spirit told him it was time to raise the dead.  

I laid on the dead body, put my nose on his nose, and commanded him to rise in Jesus’ name. The next thing I knew, I was standing, and he was looking me in the eye.”  

Today, that man is a worship leader in their church. From pronouncing curses to leading worship—only God can do that!  

Discerning God’s Voice: Keys to Spiritual Growth  

Another topic we explored was how to discern God’s voice. Brother Tim emphasized the importance of knowing Scripture and being obedient to what God says.  

If it agrees with Scripture, it’s God. If Jesus did it, we can do it. If Jesus said don’t do it, we don’t do it.”  

He also shared how confirmation plays a key role in discerning God’s will. Just like Gideon asked for signs, we too can seek confirmation when we’re unsure.  

Why Don’t We See More Miracles in America?  

This is a question many of us have asked. Brother Tim believes it’s largely due to false teaching and a lack of faith.  

In Haiti and Serbia, people trust God because if He doesn’t heal them, they’ll die. In America, we’ve been taught to trust doctors and medicine instead of God.”  

He challenged us to examine our own lives and ask: Are we truly believing God for the impossible?  

Personal Reflections: Walking in Faith  

As I listened to Brother Tim’s stories, I was reminded of my own journey. In 1995, I had a powerful encounter with God where He told me to “read the instructions”—meaning the Bible. Over the years, I’ve learned that the more we immerse ourselves in God’s Word, the clearer His voice becomes.  

Brother Tim’s life is a testament to what happens when we take God at His Word and step out in faith, even when it looks ridiculous. You have probably heard, “You’ve got to be willing to look stupid for Jesus.”  

If there’s one thing I hope you take away from this, it’s this: God is still in the miracle business. He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. Whether you’re facing a seemingly impossible situation or simply longing for a deeper relationship with Jesus, don’t settle for less than what God has promised.  

I encourage you to:  

1. Dive into Scripture and let it shape your faith.  

2. Seek mentors who walk in the signs of a believer.  

3. Step out in faith, even when it feels uncomfortable.  

If you’d like to learn more from Brother Tim, check out his book, Discernment: Keys to Unlocking the Benefits

Thank you for joining me on this journey. If this post resonated with you, please share it with your friends and family. Let’s spread the good news that Jesus is alive and still working miracles today!  

Until next time, keep seeking Him,  


P.S. Here is Brother Tim On Facebook

Contact Brother Tim Via Email

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Evangelism Funnel: A Step-by-Step Guide to Catching Souls, Making Disciples, and Igniting a Movement

Fishing, Discipling, Multiplying

The call to “go and make disciples” isn’t a suggestion; it's the heartbeat of the Christian faith (Matthew 28:19-20). But how do we effectively reach a world that’s increasingly disconnected from traditional church structures? How do we move beyond merely “getting people saved” to actually nurturing disciples who, in turn, become disciple-makers? The answer lies in understanding and implementing what we call The Evangelism Funnel.

This isn't just another program or quick fix. It's a strategic approach that aligns with Jesus' method of ministry – from His call to be "fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19) to His focus on teaching and empowering His followers. The Evangelism Funnel is a process that leads people from initial curiosity about faith to becoming fully devoted followers of Christ who can then replicate the process in others' lives.

If you’re passionate about ministry, eager to expand your influence for the kingdom, or simply looking for a practical, actionable way to share your faith, then you’re in the right place. Let’s dive into the three key stages of the Evangelism Funnel, focusing on the how as much as the why:

Stage 1: Fishing - Casting Your Net Where the Fish Are

Fishing isn't a passive sport; it requires action, strategy, and knowing where to find the fish. Similarly, evangelism in the 21st century demands a proactive approach. We can’t expect people to come knocking on the church doors anymore; we have to go where they are, online and in person.

1. Spear Fishing: Proactive Searches Online

This is where the digital age becomes our ally. Instead of passively waiting, we intentionally search for those who are already asking spiritual questions. Think of it as "spear fishing" rather than casting a wide net.

The Tools: Utilize platforms like Reddit, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook groups, LinkedIn, and even Google. These platforms are goldmines for those seeking answers.

The Keywords: Search for specific phrases: “Does God exist?”, “How do I know Jesus is real?”, “What happens after death?”, "How to find hope," "How to pray," or "Is Christianity true?" Use quotation marks in Google to search for the exact phrase.

The Engagement: Don’t just drop a link or a Bible verse. Engage respectfully with questions, concerns, and skepticism. Be empathetic, share personal stories, and offer prayer. A simple phrase like, "I understand how you feel, and I’d love to share how Jesus helped me when I felt lost," can create an immediate connection. On Reddit forums like r/Christianity or r/Atheism, approach with respect and genuine interest.

Why This Works: People are online seeking. They’re already expressing their needs, doubts, and desires. By meeting them where they are, you’re not interrupting their lives; you’re providing relevant answers to their questions. This is targeted outreach.

2. Active Fishing in Public: Spirit-Led Encounters

While digital outreach is crucial, we cannot neglect the power of face-to-face connection. Jesus walked among the people, engaging them in their daily lives; we should do the same. This method is about being present, listening, and being ready when the Holy Spirit leads.

The Preparedness: Always carry your phone, ready to exchange social media handles rather than relying on business cards (they end up in the trash).

The Exchange: Instead of, “Here’s my business card,” say, “Let’s connect on [platform]. I’d love to share more and maybe follow up with you this week.” This is key for building a relationship.

The Listening Ear: Pray for the Lord to lead you to those he wants you to talk with. Listen to the Holy Spirit guiding you in the moment. He’ll often put a “mouse pointer” on someone!

The Boldness: Pray for boldness and the opportunity to speak. It might be as simple as offering to pray for someone in a coffee shop.

The Follow-Up: Because you've connected via social media, you can stay in contact with people and follow up.

Why This Works: Human beings crave connection. Face-to-face encounters build trust and demonstrate genuine care. It’s not just a transaction; it’s a relational start to discipleship. This is personal outreach.

3. Fishbait: Creating Content that Draws Seekers In

Content creation is the digital equivalent of "baiting a hook." It’s about crafting posts, videos, and blogs that address the deep longings of the human heart and draw people in.

The Testimony: Share your story. How did you come to faith? How has it changed you? People are powerfully drawn to authenticity.

The Truth: Create content on topics that genuinely matter: “Why I believe in Jesus,” “What happens after we die?”, “How to know if God exists.” Use Scripture and share practical insights.

The Platforms: Videos on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter can be incredibly powerful. Blog posts can provide deeper reflections and practical steps. Use what’s trending!

The Hashtags: Use relevant hashtags like #HopeInJesus, #FindingPurpose, #PrayerWorks, #ShareTheGospel, #FishersOfMen, or #KnowJesusKnowPeace. This helps seekers find you.

Why This Works: You become a resource for those with questions, and provide a pathway for them to begin their spiritual journey. Your “fishbait” is your voice and how you present the Gospel, which is both relatable and relevant. This is strategic outreach.

Stage 2: Discipling – Nurturing New Believers

Catching souls is just the beginning; the true work of the ministry is in making disciples. Discipling isn't about merely imparting information; it’s about building relationships and walking alongside people as they grow in their faith.

1. Building Relationships Through Social Media & Personal Connections

Immediate Action: Within 24 hours of connecting with someone new, send them a message: "Thanks for connecting! What's one way I can pray for you this week?"

Daily Interactions: Make it a point to engage with at least one mentor and one mentee daily. This should be more than a quick like. This can include a phone call, email, or message. Engage in meaningful conversations about what the spirit of God is revealing to you in Scripture.

Ask Questions: Don’t just talk at people; engage them by asking open-ended questions like, "What's something God has been showing you recently?" or "How can I pray for you today?". These build trust and establish a relationship.

Share Resources: Provide relevant resources such as a daily devotional, a Bible app, or a specific Scripture that resonates with their current situation.

Why This Works: Consistent, intentional connection fosters a sense of community, and it’s in this environment that true discipleship takes root. This approach ensures people know that someone cares and wants to help them on their faith journey.

2. Mentorship in Action: Walking Alongside

Daily Connection: Consistent check-ins are critical! Engage 1-2 people daily to check in, answer questions, or study scripture together. Start with a topic like, "Let's read Philippians 4:6-7 and discuss anxiety".

In-Person Interaction: Invite them to join you for coffee, a small group, or a church service. While digital connection is great, nothing beats face-to-face fellowship.

Go Two by Two: Following Jesus’ example, partner with another believer to do evangelism together, whether online or offline. This fosters accountability and enhances effectiveness. This could mean doing Bible studies or engaging in community outreach together.

Why This Works: The discipleship process is accelerated when it’s done in a relational, hands-on way. People learn best by observing, imitating, and receiving personalized guidance from others.

3. Tailor Teaching: Meet Them Where They Are

No One-Size-Fits-All: Recognize that people start at different places on their spiritual journey. Be patient, and be sensitive to their current level of understanding. Some may need foundational truths about salvation, while others are ready for deeper discussions on prayer.

Personalization: Be ready to adjust your teaching based on their needs and questions. Focus on basics like prayer, studying scripture, repentance, and sharing their testimony.

Contextualization: Always keep in mind where they are and what background they are coming from. In Acts, you will see that when people became believers they first stopped bowing to idols. You may be talking to people who are struggling with addictions, relationships, or financial struggles. Make it relevant to what they are experiencing!

Why This Works: People respond best when their unique needs are being met. It communicates love and understanding. It builds trust and rapport.

Stage 3: Making Disciple Makers - The Ultimate Goal

The Evangelism Funnel doesn’t end with discipleship; it ends with multiplication. Our mission isn’t just to create followers; it’s to create leaders who can replicate this process in their own spheres of influence.

1. Train a Simple Cycle:

Teach the Steps: Empower your mentees to carry on by teaching them how to actively seek lost souls and how to effectively disciple others. They need to be able to do what you do!

Give Ownership: Give them the tools and authority to start reaching out to others. The goal is to create disciples who are able to disciple.

Model the Process: Show them how to teach, engage, and encourage. Lead by example!

Why This Works: It creates a self-sustaining movement that reaches far beyond your own individual efforts. It’s exponential, rather than additive. This is what we call disciple-making.

2. Encourage Active Participation:

Local & Online: Challenge your mentees to step out in faith both within their local communities and online. This can include leading Bible studies, serving in outreach programs, or even sharing their stories on social media.

Serving Hearts: Reinforce that faith isn't just about receiving blessings; it's about serving others. Emphasize that outreach and discipleship are natural expressions of a genuine relationship with Christ.

Why This Works: It moves the believer beyond being a consumer of faith to a producer. This is key for spiritual growth and engagement.

3. Challenge Others to Take Initiative:

Empowerment: Challenge new disciple makers to begin identifying and reaching out to those around them who need Christ. Emphasize that they can lead, that they can guide others, and that the Holy Spirit is their partner in all of this!

Focus on the “Go”: Continually emphasize that faith isn't about 'getting served' but 'serving'. This approach cultivates maturity and spiritual leadership.

Why This Works: People begin to take ownership of their faith and become active participants in God’s plan, rather than passive observers.

It Starts Now

The Evangelism Funnel is more than a strategy – it’s a lifestyle. It starts with intentionality, requires patience, and produces exponential fruit. It is both a personal call and a community effort!

So, what is your next step?

Commit to One Action: Choose one specific action you will take this week. Will you search for seekers online? Create a new social media post? Reach out to a potential mentee?

Trust the Holy Spirit: Rely on His leading and believe that He will guide your efforts.

Pray for Boldness: Pray for courage and confidence to step out in faith.

Engage: Remember that relationships are key! Engage with people, listen to their stories, and point them to Jesus!

The Evangelism Funnel isn't about perfection, but about faithful obedience. Start where you are, trust God with the results, and remember that every step you take is a step forward in fulfilling the Great Commission. Let’s move beyond having a ministry to being a ministry.

A prayer for You:

Father, we ask for your anointing and wisdom as we step into this call. Fill us with your love for people and grant us the courage to be effective witnesses for Christ. Guide us as we become fishers of men, and empower us to be disciple-makers that change the world. Amen.