Friday, January 30, 2015

Shining a Light on Human Trafficking: An Interview with Janet Marie Napper

Trafficking: America's Darkest Secret

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and to bring attention to this critical issue, I recently had the privilege of interviewing Janet Marie Napper from the organization Overcoming Abuse God's Way. 

In our discussion, Janet shared some alarming statistics about the prevalence of sex trafficking, especially among vulnerable youth. According to Janet, the most at-risk age range for becoming a victim of sex trafficking is 11-13 years old, for both boys and girls. Shockingly, the U.S. Justice Department reports that even children as young as 5-6 years old are being forced into sex acts for financial gain within the United States.

Janet emphasized the importance of prevention through education. Her organization focuses on providing biblical abuse education to help those who have experienced sexual, physical, emotional, verbal or financial abuse. By helping victims understand how they got into their situation from a biblical perspective, and equipping them to overcome the effects like anger, unforgiveness, insecurity and fear, true healing can begin. 

Sex trafficking has now become the most profitable illegal business in the U.S., surpassing both drugs and guns. Janet stressed that it is just as easy to procure a child for sex as it is to obtain illegal drugs or weapons. This is an issue that cannot be ignored.

Overcoming Abuse God's Way offers free support groups for abuse victims in several counties in Tennessee. Through these groups, participants realize they are not alone and can start the process of overcoming the trauma and destruction that abuse causes in their lives and relationships. 

The interview concluded with a moving prayer from Janet for victims currently trapped in sex trafficking, that they would cry out and be heard, be led to freedom and restoration by God's love. Her prayer also petitioned for greater awareness and sensitivity to the reality of trafficking happening all around us.

To learn more about Janet's important work or to support Overcoming Abuse God's Waynull financially, visit their website at Together we can shine a light on the darkness of human trafficking and extend hope and healing to the victims.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Embracing Childlike Spirituality

Childlike Faith - A Testimony

 I want to share a testimony that speaks to the essence of childlike faith and its profound impact on our spiritual journey. This story comes from my personal experiences and reflections, and I hope it inspires and encourages you in your walk with Jesus.

From Early Church Days to Deep Reflections

One of the common threads among the testimonies on my blog,, is that many of us began our spiritual journeys quite early. For me, it started with a 'drug problem'—I was 'drugged' to church by my family. As a child, I found the sermons monotonous and often fell asleep. Yet, looking back, these early church experiences planted seeds of faith that would later grow in unexpected ways.

Despite my initial boredom, there were moments that left a lasting impression. My father, who was a traveling salesman, would take me to church whenever he was in town. His dedication to writing checks to support the ministry and his sincere prayers before bed were powerful examples of living faith. These actions taught me the value of committing our resources and time to God's work.

Childlike Faith in Action

Reflecting on my childhood, I recall praying with an unwavering belief that God would answer my prayers. And He did. I prayed for a horse and a puppy, and soon after, both prayers were answered. These experiences, though they ended tragically for the animals, taught me the importance of praying for God's will rather than our own desires.

My family, especially my grandfather, modeled a quiet but profound faith. He prayed silently, often unbeknownst to others, and had prophetic dreams that came to pass. This instilled in me a deep belief in God's presence and power.

Struggles with Doubt and Rediscovery

As I grew older, I faced significant challenges to my faith. Learning that my family had lied about things like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny crushed my trust and led me to question everything, including the existence of God. This period of doubt and skepticism pushed me to study various religions and philosophies, seeking truth.

Despite wandering through different beliefs, I could not shake the supernatural experiences and the voice of God I had known as a child. In a moment of desperation, I prayed earnestly for God to reveal Himself. He did, and my eyes were opened to the truth of His presence. This experience reignited my faith and led me to delve deeply into the Bible and Christian teachings.

Lessons for Today

Looking back, I realize the importance of the examples set by my family and the need for honesty and integrity in nurturing faith. We must be mindful of what we teach our children and how we guide them in their spiritual journeys. Church is not just a building; it is the body of believers who support and uplift each other in faith.


I hope this testimony resonates with you and encourages you to embrace a childlike faith, trusting in God's presence and guidance. Let us be diligent in sharing our faith with honesty and integrity, helping the next generation to find their path in Christ.

Thank you for being a part of Your support and engagement are invaluable. 

Until we meet again, dig deeper, go higher!

God bless you,


Friday, January 23, 2015

Vicki Leath's Powerful Testimony of Overcoming Grief and Serving Others

From Prison to New Beginnings

In this powerful testimony, Vicki Leath shares her journey of faith, overcoming the tragic loss of her son, and her passion for helping others transition from prison to a Christ-centered life. Vicki's story is a testament to the healing power of Jesus and the importance of allowing God to comfort us in times of grief.

Vicki's unwavering faith in God has carried her through the unimaginable pain of losing her 30-year-old son to a gunshot wound. Despite her initial struggles and doubts, she chose to trust in God's plan and allow Him to heal her broken heart. By praising God for where her son is now, in heaven, Vicki found the strength to move forward and continue serving others.

One of the most important lessons Vicki learned during her grieving process was to not refuse God's comfort. She encourages those who have experienced loss to let the tears flow and allow God to cleanse their hearts, rather than suppressing their emotions. Through this process, God can mend broken hearts and provide the strength to carry on.

Vicki's passion for serving others led her to prison ministry, where she spent 18 years sharing the love of Christ with inmates. Now, God has called her to a new direction: helping former inmates transition back into society through Michael's House of New Beginnings. This ministry aims to provide a safe, supportive environment for individuals coming out of prison, offering them mentorship, provision, and the opportunity to start fresh with God.

Through her powerful prayer, Vicki encourages single mothers, those struggling with poverty, and anyone feeling hopeless to trust in God's love and provision. She reminds us that God hears our prayers and cares for every detail of our lives. By binding the spirits of grief, poverty, and hopelessness in Jesus' name, Vicki declares victory and healing over those who are hurting.

Vicki's testimony is a shining example of how God can turn our deepest pain into a powerful ministry that touches the lives of others. May her story inspire you to trust in God's plan, allow Him to heal your broken heart, and use your experiences to serve others in need.

Monday, January 19, 2015

From Engineer to Coffee Entrepreneur: The Inspiring Story of Dan the Coffee Man

Engineer Turned Coffee Entrepreneur

Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Dan, the founder of High Point Roasters, a Christian coffee roasting company based in New Albany, Mississippi. Dan shared his incredible story of how God led him from a career as an engineer to starting his own coffee roasting business.

Dan's journey began when the engineering company he had worked at for over a decade was sold. He found himself suddenly out of a job, unsure of what to do next. After months of job searching, Dan felt God was pushing him out of his comfort zone to start something new. 

A friend who owned coffee shops presented an opportunity - if Dan would roast coffee for him, the friend would buy it. Taking a leap of faith, Dan dove into researching the coffee industry. He attended a coffee expo, invested in roasting equipment, and went to roasting school, where he surprisingly won a blending competition against big names like Starbucks - with no prior experience!

From those humble beginnings, High Point Roasters has grown to supply coffee to shops from New Jersey to New Orleans, roasting 800-1000 pounds per week. More than just a business, Dan and his wife committed to honoring God and making an impact on people's lives through the company. They give a portion of all profits to support various ministries and adoption fundraising.

High Point Roasters imports high-quality beans from 14 countries to create specialty single-origin coffees and signature blends. Dan and his team find joy in their work each day and strive to be a positive example of a Christian business.

The story of High Point Roasters is a testament to how God can redirect our paths in unexpected ways when we trust in Him. As Dan's favorite verse Proverbs 16:3 says, "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." 

If you love coffee and want to support a business that gives back, check out With their commitment to quality, service, and ministry, every bag helps brew up something good.

Like the High Point Roasters Page on Facebook

Friday, January 16, 2015

From Darkness to Light: One Man's Incredible Journey Out of Homosexuality and Transgenderism

Born Again: Overcoming Transgenderism For Jesus

David's story is one of the most powerful testimonies of transformation through Jesus Christ that I've ever encountered. From a very young age, David struggled with same-sex attraction and by his teens was living as a transgender prostitute - taking female hormones, engaging in homosexual activity, crime, drugs and spreading HIV. He fully embraced the lie that he was "born this way."

But God had other plans for David's life. While in prison, a Christian corrections officer planted a seed by sharing the truth in love - that homosexuality is wrong but that God still loved David. This set David on a path of questioning and seeking the one man he had never given a chance - Jesus.  

Near death in 2009 from AIDS, David cried out to Jesus from his sickbed. He realized homosexuality was a sin he could overcome through Christ, not an identity. Disgusted by his old life, David moved to start fresh, growing in his faith and becoming part of a church.

However, David often felt silenced by well-meaning Christians afraid to discuss his past. He believes the church must address this issue head on in love and truth. Homosexuality is not normal and people are not "born this way" - it is a sin like any other that Jesus can set people free from, no matter how far they have fallen. 

Looking back, David sees fatherlessness as the root of his struggles and the fate of his many friends who died young. His advice to those wrestling with homosexuality is to resist temptation, trusting God will provide a way out. No one is too far gone for the transforming love and power of Jesus.

Today, David mentors others through his website His deepest desire is to see the lost find hope, healing and salvation in Christ just as he did. David's testimony is a powerful reminder that in Jesus, we can all step out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Friday, January 9, 2015

From Darkness to Light: Shane Woodruff's Powerful Testimony of Deliverance and Redemption

From Darkness to Light: Shane's Testimony

Today I have an incredible testimony to share with you from Shane Woodruff. Shane's story is one of being delivered from the depths of drug addiction and despair into new life in Christ Jesus. His journey powerfully illustrates how God can transform even the most broken life when we come to the end of ourselves. 

Childhood Seeds of Faith

Shane's spiritual journey began at a young age, when his parents would take him to church. At just 5 years old, he had a profound encounter with God's presence that left an imprint on his young heart. Shane recounts, "I remember when I was a child, the word of God was going forth... At five years old I got up from the pew, went to the pulpit, and started weeping. A presence was there." 

Though not yet born again, a seed of faith was planted that would later bear fruit. As Shane puts it, "The word birthed faith in my heart even as a little young man."

Bound by Addiction

Despite this early spiritual experience, as Shane grew older he became ensnared in the same drug addiction that had torn his family apart. Cocaine, marijuana and sexual perversion had a strong hold on his life. The pain and turmoil of his upbringing followed him into adulthood.

Brought Low in Jail

The turning point came when Shane hit rock bottom in county jail after getting arrested on drug charges. He had lost everything dear to him - his wife, his children, his will to live. Sitting in that jail cell, he came to the complete end of himself. 

It was there that a minister shared the gospel of Jesus Christ rising from the dead. That night as Shane lay on his bunk pondering the message, faith sprang to life. He marveled, "What if this man really rose from the dead?" In that moment, the love of God was shed abroad in Shane's heart. He was born again in January 2007.

Walking Out Deliverance

In the seven years since giving his life to Christ, Shane's zeal for the Lord has been evident to all. He loves to study the Word and share the revelations he receives. Though the journey has not been without struggles and stumbles, Shane holds fast to the promise that God is working all things together for his good.

When I asked Shane if he thought jail was part of God's plan to deliver him, he replied, "I believe God had orchestrated that plan to bring me to that point and purpose in order to bring me forth into the kingdom of God. No pain, no gain."

Amen! I pray Shane's powerful testimony blesses and encourages you today. No matter how dark your situation, know that God's love can reach you and make you a new creation in Christ. If you are walking through the "birth pains" of coming to faith, take heart - your deliverance is near! Thanks for reading and may God's richest blessings be upon you.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Audrey Brown: From Cinderella to Evangelist - A Journey of Faith

Audrey Brown's Miraculous Faith Journey

I’m thrilled to bring you another inspiring testimony. This time, I had the pleasure of speaking with Audrey Brown, a prophetic evangelist with a powerful story of transformation and faith. Audrey, a Messianic Jew originally from New York, has shared her remarkable journey in her book "Yeshua, My Prince Charming.Yeshua, My Prince Charming." Her testimony is a modern-day Cinderella story, filled with trials, miracles, and a profound encounter with Jesus. 

A Divine Revelation

Audrey’s journey to faith began in an unexpected place – the shower. She recalls how the Holy Spirit spoke to her, urging her to write her story despite her initial hesitation. This divine encounter led to the title of her book, "Yeshua, My Prince Charming," reflecting Jesus’ role as her provider, protector, and everything she needed.

A Miraculous Encounter

Audrey’s life took a dramatic turn when she witnessed a miraculous healing. Despite her Jewish upbringing, which traditionally does not recognize Jesus as the Messiah, she felt an overwhelming curiosity about Him. After hearing a healing testimony, she found herself open to accepting Jesus into her heart, a decision that brought an indescribable peace into her life.

Transformative Faith

Before accepting Jesus, Audrey faced a tumultuous childhood filled with abuse and a sense of not belonging. After her conversion, she experienced an immediate transformation. The Holy Spirit worked within her, eliminating her habits of cursing and lying without any conscious effort on her part. This change marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life, one filled with faith and spiritual growth.

Challenges and Growth

Audrey's journey wasn't without its challenges. Her difficult marriage and subsequent divorce tested her faith. However, she viewed these trials as opportunities for growth and deeper reliance on Jesus. As a single mother, she experienced God’s provision and care in miraculous ways, reinforcing her belief in His unfailing support.

Evangelism and Miracles

Audrey’s passion for evangelism led her to work in a psychiatric hospital, where she often encountered patients with severe mental health issues. She shared a particularly moving story of a staunch atheist who, through prayer and reading the Bible, decided to follow Jesus. This transformation is just one example of the everyday miracles Audrey witnesses in her ministry.

Street Ministry and Persecution

Audrey’s evangelistic efforts extended to the streets, where she faced persecution but also saw many come to faith. She recounted an incident on a New York boardwalk where Jewish boys ripped up Bibles and threw them at her. Despite this, she felt an overwhelming sense of peace and protection, confident in God’s love and power.


Audrey’s testimony is a testament to the transformative power of faith in Jesus Christ. Her story of overcoming adversity, finding peace, and leading others to faith is truly inspiring. If you’d like to learn more, her book "Yeshua, My Prince Charming" is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. 

Listen to the Full Interview

Prayer for Readers

Before we conclude, Audrey offered a heartfelt prayer for our listeners. She prayed for healing, revelation, and peace for everyone who hears her testimony.

Thank you for reading, and until next time, keep digging deeper and going higher. God bless!